
Brilliant legend

Who says a man has no day? Endure a few years of Wu Yuhan overbearing rise, crisscross the city, will all have looked down on him under foot! Snobby mother-in-law? Shut up! Big brother? Get on your knees! A powerful martial artist? Get out of my way! Lady wife? Come on, kiss me! Domineer is his style of dealing with things, disobedient is his code of conduct. And see a generation of bully husband, how to stage a counterattack after the tough life!

wu_yong · Urban
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71 Chs

Chapter 37: Buying a Car

"What's up?" Yao Jing asked as she approached Wu Zhiming.

"This car wants to come in, the salesperson asked me to move mine," Wu Zhiming explained.

"You parked properly in the parking space, why should you move your car?" Yao Jing asked, frowning.

"I don't know, they said my car is the oldest here," Wu shrugged.

"Hello, beautiful. Let me introduce myself, I'm the owner of this 911," the young master Wang approached Yao Jing with a grin and extended his hand.

Yao Jing didn't even glance at this so-called Master Wang. She turned to Zhuo Zhiyong who had walked out with her and said, "Is this how your Porsche 4S store serves customers?"

"Well... Master Wang is our VIP!" Zhuo Zhiyong said awkwardly.

"Customers? They're also customers, aren't they? I thought they were just locals using your parking spaces. It turns out those who drive Elantras can afford Porsches now, amazing!" Master Wang exclaimed.

"Since this is how your Porsche store operates, there's no point in staying here anymore," Yao Jing declared, turning to Wu Zhiming, "Let's go."

"Mr. Wu, if you're leaving, please take your car with you. These parking spaces are reserved for our customers, and are quite limited," Zhuo Zhiyong requested.

"I'll leave my car here. Whoever dares to touch it will face the consequences," Wu Zhiming said coldly.

"Tch, face the consequences? I'll touch it, what can you do?" Master Wang walked to the front of Wu Zhiming's car and slapped the hood.

"You can continue to slap it, even smash it if you want," Wu Zhiming responded.

"Do you think I'm stupid? If I smash your car, you'll just call the cops and I'll get arrested! Fine, let it stay there. I have plenty of cars, we'll see who can outlast who. I'm making it clear, whoever moves their car first is a loser!" Master Wang arrogantly declared.

"Fine," Wu Zhiming nodded, then turned to leave.

"Trying to act cool with me, huh." Master Wang scoffed, then pulled out his phone to make a call.

"Help me look up a car with the license plate Hai C56375. I want to know the owner's background," Master Wang said as he walked back into the 4S store.

Many customers in the 4S store shook their heads. They believed Master Wang was definitely from a rich family, how could a person driving an Elantra possibly compete with him?

At the same time, Wu Zhiming was also making a call.

"Help me look up a Porsche 911, license plate Hai C52888," Wu Zhiming said.

"Alright, boss!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zhiming laughed and said, "This is getting out of hand, just wanted to buy a car and now we're dealing with this brat."

"He's just a kid, why bother arguing with him?" Yao Jing said.

"A kid? Didn't you see the way he was looking at you, that's not how a kid should look at someone," Wu Zhiming shook his head.

"There are many people who look at me that way," Yao Jing said.

"From now on, I won't allow anyone to look at you like that," Wu Zhiming declared.

"I see... you buying me bags, jewelry, cars, is this your way of staking a claim?" Yao Jing asked.

"This territory of yours, even if I don't develop it, I won't allow others to covet it," Wu Zhiming laughed.

"You're very domineering," Yao Jing commented.

"Dominance is my motto. I want to be dominant in everything I haven't been dominant in over the past twenty years," Wu Zhiming explained.

Yao Jing just smiled, not saying much.

It's normal for someone who has been suppressed for so long to rise up and feel this way. Perhaps, when Wu Zhiming encounters new setbacks and blows, he will calm down again.

"I'll take a cab home," Yao Jing said.

"There's another 4S store ahead, let's check it out. We need to buy a car after all," Wu Zhiming suggested.

"What 4S store?" Yao Jing asked.


The Bentley 4S store is less than a hundred meters away from the Porsche 4S store.

The two 4S stores are adjacent.

When Wu Zhiming and Yao Jing walked in, there were no customers in the store other than a few salespeople sitting behind the counter.

Bentley is a more high-end brand than Porsche. Typically, people who buy this car usually make an appointment in advance, and it's rare for someone like Wu Zhiming to come in to check out the cars.

The salespeople glanced at Wu Zhiming and Yao Jing, but didn't react, except for one young lady who got up and walked over to them.

"Good day, sir, ma'am. Welcome to our Bentley 4S store. I'm your sales consultant, Xu Yunyun. May I have your last name, please?" the sales lady asked with a smile.

"No need for formalities, my last name is Wu!" Wu Zhiming replied.

"Hello, Mr. Wu. Are you interested in any of our Bentley models? I can explain them to you," Xu Yunyun offered.

"Just looking around, you don't need to attend to us, go on with your work," Wu Zhiming said.

"I don't have anything else to do, why don't you two look around while I get you some water?" Xu Yunyun suggested.

"Alright!" Wu Zhiming nodded, and Xu Yunyun smiled and turned to leave.

"Have a look, which one do you like?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"I've never considered Bentley... it's too expensive," Yao Jing said.

"Don't worry about the price, just tell me which one you like!" Wu Zhiming said.

"You choose then," Yao Jing shook her head. She had some knowledge of Porsche, but none of Bentley. It's a top-tier luxury car, her income level meant she couldn't afford to consider this level of car.

Wu Zhiming understood Yao Jing's meaning. He looked around and quickly found a car he liked, then led Yao Jing over to it.

On the other side, Xu Yunyun was pouring water.

"Newbie, when you work at our Bentley store, you must have good eyes, so you can do less work!" A nearby salesperson said to Xu Yunyun.

"What do you mean? Senior." Xu Yunyun asked in confusion.

"Ours is a super high-end car series, those who buy cars usually make an appointment. Those who come to our store without an appointment are mostly car enthusiasts or people who just want to take pictures to show off. Those two people who came in just now, they're dressed very ordinarily and they walked in, so it's almost certain they're not going to buy a car. So, there's no need to pay attention to them, to save time. This is the experience of us older generations, you should learn from it," the senior salesperson said proudly.

"Not everyone is like that, what if they want to buy a car? It's just a matter of talking a bit more, it's no big deal," Xu Yunyun laughed.

"Still too young... We used to think that way too, but reality told us it's impossible. People shouldn't daydream," the senior shook his head.

Xu Yunyun didn't say anything, she just poured two cups of water and walked over to Wu Zhiming.

"Young people need to hit a few walls before they can grow!"

"At her age, they all dream of meeting a low-key rich person to buy a car, but in reality, rich people are very high-profile, who would be low-profile enough to walk to buy a car? Her observation skills are not good," the other salespeople commented.

Xu Yunyun brought the two cups of water over to Wu Zhiming and Yao Jing and said, "Here's some water for you."

"Do you have this car in stock?" Wu Zhiming asked as he took the water.

"In stock? Well... we rarely have cars in stock, you usually have to order and wait, it takes about half a year," Xu Yunyun explained.

"Half a year is too long, what if I pay more?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"If you pay more... an additional 500,000, you can get the car within a week," Xu Yunyun said.

"I'll add a million, give me the car in two days, two cars. Do you have them?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"Huh?" Xu Yunyun was stunned, thinking she had misheard.

"Is a million not enough? Then make it a million and a half, this model, I want blue, my wife wants pink, high configuration, pick up in two days," Wu Zhiming said.

"This... Mr. Wu, this model is our newest Continental GT, with a high configuration it comes to around 4.5 million," Xu Yunyun said.

"Right, I want two!" Wu Zhiming declared.

"You... You're not going to bargain? Although I'm new, I... I can still get a bit of a discount," Xu Yunyun said.

"No need, the discount is probably going to be deducted from your commission, which isn't necessary. Full price, by the way, you get more commission if I pay in installments, right?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"That's... That's correct," Xu Yunyun nodded.

"Then both cars will be paid in installments, but I want to pick them up in two days, no matter how much extra it costs," Wu Zhiming declared.

"Mr. Wu, I... I'm a bit confused, I'll go find our manager! Please wait a moment!" Xu Yunyun said, then hurriedly turned to walk towards the front desk.

"So, how did it go? Did they not intend to buy a car at all?" the senior who spoke before asked with a smirk.

"That's not the case..." Xu Yunyun shook her head, turned to another man and said, "Manager, Mr. Wu wants two of the latest Continental GTs."

"Huh?!" The man called manager was shocked, "You're not joking, are you?"

"No, Mr. Wu wants the high configuration, he wants to pick up the cars in two days, and said he doesn't care about the extra cost," Xu Yunyun explained.

"Holy shit, a real big spender!" The manager perked up and quickly ran towards Wu Zhiming.

Xu Yunyun hurriedly followed behind.

About twenty minutes later, Wu Zhiming signed his name on the contract.

"Mr. Wu, the cars are in our warehouse right behind us. Are you taking them now?" the manager asked.

"Let's take them, I'll arrange for the license plates later," Wu Zhiming said.

"Alright, Mr. Wu, you're really lucky. We just happen to have two cars in stock, both high configuration, and the colors also match your preference. I guess this is destiny!" the manager laughed.

Wu Zhiming just smiled, then he and Yao Jing followed the manager to the warehouse, and each of them drove away.