
Brilliant legend

Who says a man has no day? Endure a few years of Wu Yuhan overbearing rise, crisscross the city, will all have looked down on him under foot! Snobby mother-in-law? Shut up! Big brother? Get on your knees! A powerful martial artist? Get out of my way! Lady wife? Come on, kiss me! Domineer is his style of dealing with things, disobedient is his code of conduct. And see a generation of bully husband, how to stage a counterattack after the tough life!

wu_yong · Urban
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66 Chs

Chapter 20 Zhou Yanqiu's Problem

wave of people had come prepared to enjoy a good laugh at Wu Zhiming's expense, but unexpectedly, they were given a lesson by Wang Hai instead. This group of people was then promptly expelled from the Wu Group headquarters building.

Standing in front of the building, Wu Yuwei was bewildered. Wasn't the Wu Group supposed to be done for? How did it suddenly become a company worth billions in market value? Not only was it not done for, but the market value had also increased?

"Let's go, we need to inform Madame immediately!" one shareholder exclaimed excitedly.

"Let's go!" Without hesitation, everyone immediately got into their cars and left.

More than half an hour later, the group returned to face Shen Hongyue.

When they saw Shen Hongyue's grim face, they knew she must have learned about the current situation of the Wu Group as well.

"Wu Zhiming!!" Shen Hongyue gritted her teeth, "I never expected that the land acquired by the company before the new year would be planned for a key high school! I didn't receive any advance notice. Your backer is powerful, too powerful, to be able to know such top-secret information!!"

"Madame, what should we do now?" Wu Yuwei asked.

"What can we do? The land the Wu Group acquired for ten billion before is now surrounding the entire Flower Pond Stadium. Every house built on each piece of land will be a school district housing! Those lands were originally dirt cheap, and now they've increased at least seven to eight times, if not more! Wu Zhiming can easily use these lands to apply for over fifty billion in loans, which is enough to pay off the fine!" Shen Hongyue said angrily.

"But if he uses the loans to pay off the fine, won't he be left with no money to build the houses? If he repays the fine with loans, what money will he have left?" Wu Yuwei asked.

"The future of that piece of land is bright. He can easily find other real estate developers to develop it together. Anyone would jump at this opportunity... Wu Zhiming, oh Wu Zhiming, who exactly is behind you, to be able to know in advance that the city would plan a key high school there!" Shen Hongyue frowned.

The people around looked at each other. Even the most foolish person could now see that Wu Zhiming had perfectly avoided this hurdle and even propelled the Wu Group to a higher level.

Among those shareholders, their faces were the most unsightly. They had previously been proud of themselves for selling their shares early, but now it seemed like it was all part of Wu Zhiming's scheme. Every one of them had suffered an eighty percent loss!

"Who advocated for the purchase of those pieces of land back then?" Shen Hongyue suddenly asked.

"I remember it was the secretary!" one shareholder said.

"Dong Jian?!" Shen Hongyue's pupils slightly contracted as she looked around.

Only then did she realize that Dong Jian, who had been there before, was now nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Dong Jian?" Shen Hongyue asked loudly.

The people around also looked around, but no one saw Dong Jian.

"Find Dong Jian for me immediately!" Shen Hongyue demanded.

Someone immediately turned around to search for Dong Jian, but after searching for a long time, Dong Jian was still nowhere to be found.

Shen Hongyue picked up her phone and called Dong Jian.

The phone rang for a while before being picked up.

"Dong Jian, where are you?!" Shen Hongyue asked.

"Dong Jian is with me!" came the voice Shen Hongyue detested from the other end of the phone.

"Wu Zhiming, it's you!" Shen Hongyue exclaimed.

"Do you want to talk to Dong Jian? Shall I let him speak to you?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"I should have known, I should have known long ago that someone leaked his secrets when Zhixing was arrested. I just never imagined it would be Dong Jian, the person he trusted most! Wu Zhiming, you're so cunning, you even turned Dong Jian against me. I've underestimated you all along!" Shen Hongyue clenched her fists tightly, she was furious, but she had to suppress it because she knew that the reason Wu Zhiming answered the call was to deliberately provoke her.

"Yes, unfortunately, there's no such thing as early knowledge in this world. You should actually be happy, after all, you cashed in ten billion, didn't you?" Wu Zhiming laughed.

Shen Hongyue got even angrier when Wu Zhiming mentioned the ten billion. She trembled all over, on the verge of exploding.

"Wu Zhiming, do you really think you've won?" Shen Hongyue asked.

"I don't know if I've won or not, but at least in this deal, I've profited, and profited handsomely. I, a bastard child of the Wu family, have taken over the entire Wu family's assets, while you all, those who went in, are now homeless. It's quite pitiful!" Wu Zhiming laughed.

"You'll regret provoking me, Wu Zhiming!" Shen Hongyue gritted her teeth, "From now on, I will treat you as my mortal enemy, the two of us, won't stop until one is dead!"

"I never considered you my mortal enemy." Wu Zhiming said.

"Now it's too late for you to beg for mercy!" Shen Hongyue said.

"No, what I mean is... you, and those people from the Wu family, are all trash. You're not qualified to be my enemies." Wu Zhiming laughed.


Shen Hongyue angrily threw her phone to the ground, cutting off the conversation.

"Lady?" Wu Yuwei called cautiously.

"Get out, all of you, get out!! What use are you people to me besides causing trouble? Disappear from my sight right now!!" Shen Hongyue pointed angrily at the door and roared.

"Hongyue, we're all family..." Wu Maocai tried to persuade Shen Hongyue, but he was abruptly interrupted by her.

"What family? What right do you have to call yourselves my family? Get out!" Shen Hongyue shouted.

Wu Maocai and the others looked extremely ugly, although they were on the fringe of the Wu family, they were still Wu family members after all.

However, seeing Shen Hongyue so angry, they all turned and left one after another.

Outside the door, some of the core members of the Wu family left separately, leaving only Wu Yuwei and the other fringe members of the Wu family.

"Grandpa, what should we do now? Shen Hongyue can't handle Wu Zhiming!" Wu Yuwei said.

"Judging from Shen Hongyue's attitude, she probably doesn't want to deal with us anymore. With so many of us, it won't be long before we end up on the streets... sigh, sometimes you have to bow your head when you have to, let's... go find Wu Zhiming. If all else fails, I'll kneel at the door of the Wu Group, with so many people paying attention to the Wu Group now, I have no shame, and Wu Zhiming should still have some face! I don't ask for much, just a place to stay, he shouldn't refuse." Wu Maocai said.

"Knowing that Wu Zhiming would one day turn the tables, I wouldn't have treated him that way back then!" Wu Yuwei regretted.

"There's no such thing as early knowledge in this world. Let's go," Wu Maocai shook his head and walked away.

At this moment, deep within the Tianjiao Group.

Yao Shanchuan sat in his office chair, with a glamorous female employee sitting in his lap.

Yao Shanchuan's hands wandered, and the female employee giggled incessantly, creating a lively atmosphere.

Just then... bang! The office door was pushed open without warning.

"What's the matter? Can't you knock before entering?!" Yao Shanchuan exclaimed irritably.

"Quick, go to the office for a meeting!" Yao Jianzhi, Yao Shanchuan's father, said with a stern face.

"A meeting? Didn't we just finish one? What's wrong, Dad?" Yao Shanchuan pushed the female employee away and asked with confusion.

"There's a major issue!" Yao Jianzhi said, then turned and left.

Not daring to delay, Yao Shanchuan got up and walked out of the office, heading into the meeting room.

Inside the meeting room, many members of the Yao family were present.

Yao Tianlong sat at the head of the table, his expression grave.

"What's going on?" Yao Shanchuan asked.

People around shook their heads, not knowing what had happened.

"Everyone, please take your seats," Yao Tianlong said.

Everyone quickly took their seats.

"I just received news that the city has planned to build a prestigious high school near the Huachi Stadium in the southern part of the city," Yao Tianlong said.


"On the Huachi Stadium? The surrounding area is worthless wasteland! This will immediately increase its value by several times, won't it? Grandpa, they will definitely build school district housing there, and we'll need a lot of building materials. We need to act fast! Whose land is it?" Yao Shanchuan said.

"That land... belongs to the Wu Group," Yao Tianlong said with a serious expression.

"The Wu Group?!" Yao Shanchuan was stunned, as were the people around him.

"In the past year, the Wu Group bought all the land around the Huachi Stadium. I vaguely remember this matter, but later the Wu Group never developed the area, so I forgot... I didn't expect that they would now build a school there. The land will immediately become valuable. The Wu Group has just sent out investment notices to their partners, and they will build several residential communities on those pieces of land. Many partners are now in talks with the Wu Group, and once cooperation is established, the profits will be in the billions!" Yao Tianlong said.

Profits in the billions were indeed terrifying!

"Almost all of the Wu Group's former partners have received the notices... except us. Nothing at all," Yao Tianlong said with an unpleasant expression.

The faces of the others in the meeting room also became extremely ugly.

Because previously, when they forced Yao Jing to divorce Wu Zhiming, Wu Zhiming had terminated all cooperation with the Tianjiao Group, and as a result, Yao Jing had been kicked out of the company.

"Grandpa, that's no big deal. As long as we take down Li Shao, we won't need the Wu Group's orders." Yao Shanchuan said.

"Taking down Li Shao requires Yao Jing. If the Wu Group went bankrupt today, it wouldn't be difficult to bring Yao Jing back. But now, not only has the Wu Group not gone bankrupt, they have also successfully turned the tables. Do you think Yao Jing will still come back? I just received news that Wu Zhiming has appointed Yao Jing as the assistant to the CEO of the Wu Group! She will be in charge of all Wu Group affairs!" Yao Tianlong said with a serious expression.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yanqiu was overjoyed. The Wu Group was much larger than the Tianjiao Company. The executive CEO of the Tianjiao Company, in essence, had little real power, which couldn't be compared to being the assistant to the CEO in charge of all group affairs at the Wu Group!

However, Zhou Yanqiu's joy was fleeting. She suddenly realized that Yao Jing was currently tied to Wu Zhiming. Then, how could she still be Li Bin's mother-in-law?

This was another difficult problem!