
Chapter 12

Dera was awed as she observed herself through her dressing mirror, stunned by her striking resemblance with aphrodite the epitome of beauty. At the moment even aphrodite herself did not stand a chance against her — she was just so beautiful.

"Wow!" Edith dropped dead on her track, as she gawked at Dera. She had been smitten by her beauty. "You look gorgeous" she admitted as soon as she bridged the chasm between her vocal chords and medulla oblongata. Dera blushed over the compliment, her cheeks turning crimson as her hair.

"Thank you" she muttered shyly like a little girl. Not much words were exchanged between the two again, as they rounded up with their little chores then headed for the charity event, with the always sleek, black limo.

Edith and Dera arrived at the Opal Manor quite on time. As usual the place was filled with fleets of cars. They headed towards the entrance and were allowed in after all protocols were observed. A familiar figure spotted them as soon as they entered and began to work his way towards them. It was the secretary, Mr. Joe. The three exchanged greetings politely, then the secretary directed them to the governor. Buchi froze involuntary as they approached him. He was captivated by Dera's stunning beauty. And for a very brief moment, he struggled to collect his thoughts together.

"You're quite on time." He managed to say after freeing himself from the shackles put on him by Dera's beauty.

"I'm glad I am." Dera replied politely, struggling within herself too, to not be smitten thrice, by his charming looks. No more words were exchanged as Buchi directed them to a table.

"By the way... you look amazing." Buchi finally muttered a compliment.

"Thank you." Dera said as they settled on the table and began to feast on the expensive wines on it. It did not take much time before the event officially started.

The guests began to applaud as the host of the event, Jennifer worked her way towards the podium to start the event with a wonderful speech. She was clad in a body revealing black gown. The gown was sparkly, perhaps diamond plated. Her very expensive jewelries were difficult not to notice too. They glittered each time they came in contact with light. Surmising, Jennifer was breathtakingly beautiful like a goddess; and at the moment, she was the only being that could go toe-to-toe with Dera and stand a better chance at winning. Picking one over the other, was just a matter of personal preference in this situation.

Jennifer floored the guests with the amazing speech she delivered and after that, guests who had donated money were given the opportunity to speak to the rest of the crowd. This went on for nearly an hour before it was finally Dera's turn to speak. The crowd instinctively begin to applaud her as she worked her way towards the podium. Jennifer had a shocked expression on her face as she saw Dera approaching her. For a brief moment there was terrible hatred in her eyes, but she expelled them before anyone noticed. They cheek kissed for courtesy sake before Jennifer backed away for Dera to takeover.

"Good evening, my fellow superheroes..." Dera began her speech after adjusting her mic. She paused briefly to study the gathering, then continued. "Yes I'm certain what I called us." She said boldly, owning the attention of the whole gathering. "I call us superheroes because it takes kind, extraordinary ladies and gents like us to do what we do here — to stick out our necks in the fight against the poverty ravaging our world. Some of us have even gone extra miles in this fight, and have made a lot of sacrifices, all out of goodwill. While I'm but an insignificant part in this League of superheroes, even I have made sacrifices too. Sacrifices like dedicating an entire multi-million dollar project to this course. If I may elucidate, a project that involves the construction of multiple estate buildings to be sold at cheap prices, so that an average man can get a good life at a cheap price. Even more, the project features the building of an American Standard University, for the benefit of the Nigerian/African child. Thanks to our partnership with UNICEF, we get to offer scholarships too. Now, I apologize if I bore y'all with my plans of making the world a better place in my own little ways; and I also appreciate the host for permitting me to exhibit my passion in this event. Finally, even if it's not much, I'm donating the sum of $50 million to this charity organization." Dera announced, concluding her speech and the gathering began to applaud her ceaselessly, as she worked her way down the podium. She kissed Jennifer again, and the host mounted the podium to appreciate her gesture.

"Thank you so much for such a generous gesture to my charity organization. Tonight you've immortalized yourself as a superhero in the hearts of many. The world will never forget you" Jennifer sang her praises to show her gratitude. With that, she ushered the next guest on her list, to speak.

"You were electrifying up there." Buchi praised Dera as she worked her way towards him. "You had the crowd in your hands. They were at your mercy."

"Thanks" Dera muttered shyly.

"You're welcome. If you'd excuse me then." Buchi said winking at Dera and left.

"Did he just wink at you." Edith suddenly asked behind Dera.

"Holy shit!" Dera exclaimed, startled by Edith's stunt. "Jesus Christ! Please stop doing this. It's creepy. You just scared the shit out of me." She ranted as soon as her racing heart returned to normalcy.

"Oh sorry" Edith muttered an apology but Dera was distracted now. Her attention was focused on a strange familiar figure behind her.

"Excuse me." She said absent mindedly, and began to walk towards the strange figure. The stranger suddenly turned to her direction before she could reach him and instantly their was shock on both their faces.

"Dera? Is that you?" The stranger asked as he began to approach Dera and she nodded excitedly. "My God! You've really grown into a fine woman!" He complimented her as they hugged each other impulsively, then he pushed her away gently, keeping her at arms length to study her properly.

"Wow! It's been over 20 years and you still haven't aged a bit!"

"Oh please. You're flattering me."

"No I'm being honest. And oh Buchi's right over there if he's him you're looking for."

"Ah thanks. You're a life saver." The stranger said, gripping Dera's shoulder lightly.

"Grandpa!" A teenage boy calls softly behind the stranger, interrupting their little get together.

"Grandpa?" Dera asked, bemused by the new development. "But I thought Buchi was the only kid you have." She muttered, mirroring her confusion.

"Of course he is." Buchi's dad replied casually and it was then that Dera began to recognize the striking resemblance of the teenage boy and the Chairman.