
71. Burns

As darkness began to envelop the clearing, Apollyon remained undeterred, her focus unbroken by the encroaching cold or the solitude of the night. The landscape around her transformed under the moon's pale light, the snow reflecting a soft luminescence that lent an ethereal quality to her surroundings. It was in this otherworldly setting that Apollyon's study deepened, the contrast between the icy chill and the warmth of her conjured flames becoming a physical metaphor for her exploration of the Fire rune.

Wrapped in layers to ward off the cold, Apollyon continued to trace the rune in the air, each movement of her wand deliberate, seeking to connect more deeply with the essence of fire. The flames she summoned now were different; they flickered with an intensity that mirrored her determination, their warmth a beacon in the winter night. With each spell cast, she whispered words of Sorcetongue, the ancient language intertwining with the magic of the Fire rune, weaving a complex tapestry of power and knowledge.

Her connection to magic, strengthened by her affinity for wandless casting and her deep understanding of Sorcetongue, allowed Apollyon to experiment with the Fire rune in ways that went beyond traditional spellcasting. She explored the boundaries of the rune's influence, manipulating the size, shape, and heat of the flames with a precision that spoke of her growing mastery.

The night passed in a blend of meditation and magical practice, the quiet of the clearing punctuated only by the crackle of flames and the soft murmur of Apollyon's voice. Despite the absence of sleep, she felt energized, the flow of magical energy through her acting as a source of sustenance. The concept of rest, so essential to others, seemed distant to her now, replaced by a deep, consuming need to understand, to master the elements that made up the world around her.

By the time the first light of dawn began to touch the horizon, casting a pale glow over the snow and trees, Apollyon had made significant progress. Though the full mastery of the Fire rune still eluded her, she felt closer to its secrets, its potential slowly unfolding before her. The night's work had not only deepened her understanding of fire but had also reinforced her belief in her path, in the pursuit of knowledge that drove her forward.

With the coming of the new day, Apollyon packed away her tome of Sorcetongue and doused the last of her conjured flames. The clearing, silent once more, bore witness to her dedication, the snow untouched save for the small circle where she had sat, a testament to her presence. As she made her way back to the castle, the warmth of the rising sun on her face, Apollyon carried with her the night's lessons, the fire within her burning brighter than ever, a beacon guiding her on her quest for mastery and understanding.

As Apollyon entered the Great Hall for breakfast, the warmth and clamor of the room enveloped her, a stark contrast to the quiet solitude of her night spent in the clearing. Her fellow Ravenclaw dormmates, gathered at their house table, looked up at her approach, their expressions a mixture of relief and concern.

"Apollyon, where have you been?" Lena asked, her voice tinged with worry. "We noticed you didn't come back last night. We were starting to get worried."

The other dormmates nodded in agreement, their breakfast momentarily forgotten. The concern in their eyes was genuine, a reflection of the bond they had formed over the past few months. Apollyon, touched by their concern, smiled reassuringly as she took her seat among them.

"I was studying," she began, her voice calm and steady. "I found a clearing near the forest that's perfect for practicing magic, especially the kind that requires concentration and solitude. I lost track of time."

As she spoke, Apollyon shared brief glimpses of her night's endeavor, describing the beauty of the snow-covered clearing under the moonlight and the progress she had made in her studies of the Fire rune. She spoke of the elemental magic she was exploring, careful not to reveal too much about her quest for the Veil of Eternity but enough to assuage their concerns.

Lena and the others listened with a mix of awe and apprehension. "Just be careful, Apollyon," Lena said once the story was told. "We know you're capable, but the idea of you out there alone, in the middle of the night—it's worrying."

Apollyon nodded, understanding their point of view. "I appreciate your concern, truly," she responded. "But I felt safe, and I was. I'll make sure to let you know next time if I plan to be out late, so you don't worry."

The conversation gradually shifted to lighter topics, the initial tension dissolving into the familiar, comfortable dynamics of friends sharing a meal. Yet, Apollyon's mind occasionally wandered back to the clearing and the mysteries that awaited her. The quest for the Veil of Eternity, and the elemental challenges that stood in her path, loomed large in her thoughts, a constant, thrilling call to adventure that she was determined to answer.

Breakfast concluded with plans for the day being shared around the table, each student embarking on their own endeavors as the winter break continued. Apollyon, fortified by the meal and the company of her friends, felt ready to face the challenges ahead.

Empowered by her experiences in the clearing and fueled by the warmth of her friends' concern, Apollyon dedicated the following days to an intensive study of fire spells. The Great Hall's morning light faded to the back of her mind as she buried herself in the library's secluded corners, surrounded by mountains of books and scrolls that whispered secrets of ancient magic.

Her quest for understanding led her to the study of "Ignis Fabricatio," a spell renowned for its ability to conjure fire from the ether. Apollyon absorbed the text, tracing the spell's origins back to alchemists who sought to mimic the primal forces of nature. The incantation required a precise modulation of voice, a challenge she met with the diligence of a seasoned scholar. In the quiet of the library, she practiced under her breath, feeling the spell's potential energy dancing on the edge of her consciousness.

Another spell that captured her attention was "Flamma Vinculum," a more advanced technique that allowed the caster to manipulate fire, bending it to their will. This spell demanded not just vocal precision but a deep emotional connection to the element of fire, treating it not as a servant but as a partner in the magical process. Apollyon's studies revealed tales of wizards who had formed such a bond with fire that they could shape it into intricate patterns, wield it as a shield, or even quench it with a mere thought.

As she delved deeper, Apollyon discovered "Pyroscapulam," a defensive spell that created a barrier of intense heat around the caster. The descriptions of its use in duels and battles fascinated her, the strategic applications of such a spell broadening her understanding of fire's versatility. She envisioned the barrier, not just as a means of protection but as a deterrent, a way to control the battlefield and challenge an opponent's strategy.

Each spell added a layer to her comprehension of fire as an element—its temperamental nature, its capacity for destruction, and its potential for creation. Apollyon experimented cautiously within the safety of controlled environments, her initial attempts at conjuring and manipulating fire marked by both success and learning moments. The flicker of flames at her fingertips became a testament to her progress, each controlled blaze a step closer to mastery.

Yet, for all her advancements, Apollyon knew that true mastery of the Fire element would require more than just knowledge of spells. It would demand an understanding of fire's essence, a willingness to embrace its unpredictability, and a respect for its power. These were lessons no book could fully teach, but which she was determined to learn through experience and practice.

As the time for the students to return to Hogwarts drew near, the castle began to stir from its wintry slumber, the anticipation of the bustling life soon to fill its halls palpable in the air. Apollyon, however, remained ensconced in her world of study and exploration, particularly fascinated by the behavior of fire under various conditions. The solitude of the winter break had afforded her the opportunity to delve deeper into her practice, and she was not about to let the approaching end of the break deter her from her quest.

In the privacy of a secure courtyard, shielded from the winter's chill and prying eyes, Apollyon set about conducting experiments with fire, observing its reaction to different stimuli. She noticed how the flames danced more vigorously when fueled by certain materials, while others caused the fire to burn with different colors, each hue a mesmerizing display of chemical reactions and magical influences intermingling.

It was during one such experiment that Apollyon decided to explore the pyro divination abilities she vaguely remembered possessing in a past life. These abilities, the art of divining future events or gaining insights through the medium of fire, had always intrigued her, yet she had never fully explored their potential. Now, with the flames before her acting as both subject and tool, she felt a pull towards uncovering this aspect of her magical repertoire.

Sitting cross-legged before a carefully contained fire, Apollyon focused her gaze into the heart of the flames, allowing her mind to drift into the meditative state conducive to divination. She whispered ancient incantations, her voice blending with the crackle of the fire, inviting visions of the future to reveal themselves within the dance of the flames.

At first, the fire offered nothing but the comfort of its warmth and the hypnotic beauty of its movement. But as Apollyon persisted, her mind open and receptive, she began to discern patterns in the flames, shapes and shadows that hinted at deeper meanings. She saw images of the returning students, their faces alight with the joy of reunion and the spark of curiosity that defined the spirit of Hogwarts. Among these visions, she glimpsed fleeting scenes of challenges yet to come, their details obscured by the flames' ever-shifting dance.

As Apollyon delved deeper into her pyro divination, the connection she felt to the fire deepened, transforming from a mere interaction of caster and element into something far more profound. The fire ceased to be just a tool for divination or a subject for her experiments; it became an extension of her will, a companion whispering secrets of magic and the natural world. This newfound bond was not just about control but about understanding and respect—a dance of mutual acknowledgment between the witch and the flame.

With each session in the courtyard, Apollyon's ability to commune with the fire grew stronger. She learned to listen to the subtle language of the flames, their crackles and hisses revealing insights into the fabric of magic itself. The fire spoke of creation and destruction, of the thin line between life and oblivion, teaching Apollyon the weight of responsibility that came with wielding such power.

This deepening connection allowed Apollyon to experiment with fire in ways she had not imagined possible. She found she could coax the flames into shapes and patterns that mirrored her thoughts, creating a mesmerizing display of fiery art that danced in the air before her. These displays were not just for show; they were a reflection of Apollyon's growing understanding of fire's nature, its potential for beauty and danger in equal measure.

Her mastery over fire also began to influence her magical practice beyond divination. Spells that once required careful concentration and effort now flowed from her with ease, imbued with the essence of fire. She discovered she could infuse her protective spells with a warmth that comforted and shielded, or lend a spark of fire's energy to her enchantments, giving them a vitality that was palpable.

As the end of the winter break approached and Hogwarts prepared to welcome back its students, Apollyon's solitary exploration of fire magic concluded with a sense of achievement and a newfound respect for the elemental forces. The lessons learned in the cold, silent courtyard would stay with her, a reminder of the depth and complexity of the magical world she was only just beginning to understand.

With her peers returning to the castle, Apollyon felt ready to face the term ahead, her connection to fire a beacon of confidence and curiosity.


As the term at Hogwarts resumed and the corridors once again echoed with the lively chatter of students, Apollyon felt a renewed sense of purpose. Her recent breakthroughs with fire magic and the deepening connection to the elemental forces emboldened her, pushing her to explore the limits of her abilities.

In a secluded corner of the castle grounds, away from curious eyes, Apollyon set up her practice area with a determined focus. The rune of fire, with its intricate design and deep magical significance, seemed to pulse with energy as she traced it in the air before her. Drawing upon her newfound understanding and connection with fire, she whispered the incantation, feeling the familiar warmth of the flame respond to her call.

However, in her eagerness to wield the rune's power, Apollyon's control wavered. The flames, instead of forming the controlled blaze she intended, erupted with a sudden intensity that caught her off guard. Before she could react, a burst of fire leapt towards her, the heat searing against her skin and leaving a painful burn on her arm.

The shock of the accident snapped Apollyon back to reality, the pain sharp and immediate. Realizing the severity of her injury, she quickly doused the flames, the rune of fire dissipating into the air. The thrill of mastery gave way to concern as she assessed the damage, her arm throbbing painfully.

With no other option, Apollyon made her way to the hospital wing, her steps quick with urgency.

As Apollyon hurried towards the hospital wing, the corridors of Hogwarts seemed to stretch endlessly before her. The pain in her arm was a constant, throbbing reminder of her lapse in control, each step amplifying the discomfort. By the time she reached the familiar double doors of the hospital wing, her resolve was tinged with a hint of trepidation about the scolding she might receive from Madam Pomfrey, the school's no-nonsense matron known for her healing skills as much as for her strict disposition towards recklessness.

Pushing the doors open, Apollyon stepped into the quiet, pristine environment of the hospital wing. The rows of beds were mostly empty, save for a couple of students resting under the watchful eye of Madam Pomfrey. The matron, a stern yet kind-hearted figure, looked up from her desk at the far end of the room, her gaze quickly narrowing as she took in Apollyon's pained expression and the gingerly held arm.

"What have we done this time, Miss Black?" Madam Pomfrey asked, her tone carrying both exasperation and concern as she approached Apollyon. The bustling energy of the school seemed to fall away in the hush of the hospital wing, focusing all attention on Apollyon and her injury.

"I was practicing with the Fire rune, and I lost control for a moment," Apollyon admitted, wincing as she offered her arm for inspection. The honesty in her voice and the earnest look in her eyes conveyed her regret over the mishap.

Madam Pomfrey tutted as she carefully examined the burn, her skilled hands moving gently over the injured area. "Fire magic is not something to be trifled with," she admonished, though her touch remained gentle, a testament to her dedication to healing. "You're fortunate it wasn't worse. Let's get this taken care of."

With a wave of her wand and a few softly spoken words, Madam Pomfrey summoned a cool, soothing salve that she applied to the burn. The relief was immediate, a wave of coolness spreading over the injured skin, easing the pain and beginning the healing process.

"This should do for now, but you'll need to be more cautious in the future," Madam Pomfrey advised as she wrapped Apollyon's arm in a bandage infused with healing charms. "Magic, especially elemental magic, demands respect and understanding. It's not just about control, but harmony."

Apollyon nodded, absorbing the matron's words. "I understand, Madam Pomfrey. Thank you for taking care of me."

Madam Pomfrey offered a rare, soft smile. "Just make sure to learn from this, Miss Black. Now, rest here for a bit. I want to make sure the salve does its work before you go about your day."

As Apollyon sat on one of the hospital beds, the warmth of the salve working its magic on her burn, she reflected on the incident. The matron's words echoed in her mind, a reminder of the delicate balance she needed to maintain in her pursuit of mastery. The accident had been a humbling experience, but it had also deepened her resolve to approach her magical studies with a renewed respect for the forces at her command.

With the bustling sounds of Hogwarts just beyond the doors of the hospital wing, Apollyon took a moment to appreciate the quiet, the pain in her arm fading to a distant memory under Madam Pomfrey's care.

In the serene quiet of the hospital wing, Apollyon took the opportunity to reflect on her journey so far. The mishap with the Fire rune had been a stark reminder of the risks involved in pushing the boundaries of her magical knowledge and abilities. Yet, it also underscored the importance of perseverance, respect for the magical forces she engaged with, and the necessity of maintaining a balance between ambition and caution.

As she sat there, allowing the healing salve to do its work, Apollyon's thoughts wandered to the challenges that lay ahead. The pursuit of the Veil of Eternity, the mastery of elemental magic, and her ongoing exploration of Sorcetongue and ancient runes—all these were paths that required not just skill and knowledge, but a deep understanding of the very fabric of magic itself. The accident had not dampened her spirit; if anything, it had fueled her desire to delve deeper, to learn from her mistakes, and to approach her studies with a renewed sense of purpose and humility.

The door to the hospital wing opened, admitting a sliver of the hustle and bustle from the corridors beyond. Apollyon turned her head, watching as Madam Pomfrey bustled over to attend to another student, her efficient movements and kind words a comforting constant in the ever-changing world of Hogwarts.

As the minutes ticked by, Apollyon felt the pain in her arm recede, replaced by a growing restlessness to return to her studies, to her quest. Yet, she also recognized the wisdom in Madam Pomfrey's advice to rest, to allow herself the time to heal not just physically, but to reflect on her experiences and the lessons learned.

When Madam Pomfrey returned to check on her, she found Apollyon's arm significantly healed, the magic of the salve evident in the rapid mending of the burn. "You should be good to go, Miss Black. But remember, caution and respect for the magic you wield will serve you better than any spell," the matron reminded her, her voice stern yet tinged with an underlying warmth.

Apollyon nodded, expressing her gratitude once more before rising from the bed. "I'll remember that, Madam Pomfrey. Thank you," she said, her voice carrying the weight of her resolve.

Stepping out of the hospital wing, Apollyon felt the lively energy of Hogwarts envelop her once again. The lessons of the past few days had been invaluable, a mix of triumph and setback that had taught her much about herself and the journey she was on.