
44. Water and bugs

Guided by the knowledge from her past experiences, Apollyon Seraphina already had an inkling of what awaited her in the next stage of the Triwizard Tournament. Despite this advantage, she opted to confirm her suspicions directly from the source—the enigmatic golden egg awarded to her after facing the dragon in the first task. It was important for her to validate her understanding and prepare thoroughly for what was to come.

With the first task behind her and the golden egg in her possession, Apollyon Seraphina pondered the next step in the Triwizard Tournament. Guided by the knowledge that the egg contained more than it let on, she recalled the hint provided during the champions' briefing—that the egg's secrets would be revealed in a most unconventional manner.

Seeking solitude away from the prying eyes of her peers, Apollyon made her way to the prefects' bathroom after hours, a location known for its privacy and the large, ornate bathtub that could accommodate the egg's requirements. Whispering the password she had learned from a fellow Slytherin, she entered the room, its opulent interior bathed in the soft glow of underwater lighting, the air filled with the scent of various magical bath essences.

Gently, she placed the egg beneath the water's surface, watching as it was enveloped by the warm liquid. The anticipation was palpable in the steamy air as she leaned in closer, her ear hovering just above the waterline, waiting for the egg to divulge its secrets.

The moment the egg was submerged, it opened, releasing a hauntingly beautiful melody that filled the room. The song, though ethereal, carried a clear message, a riddle that spoke of the second task and the challenge the champions would face:

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this;

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour—the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

As the song faded, leaving a lingering echo in the tiled chamber, Apollyon reflected on its meaning. The mention of voices that could not sing above the ground hinted at a creature or creatures associated with water, and the notion of taking something precious suggested a deeply personal stake in the second task.

In the quiet aftermath of the egg's revealing melody, Apollyon stood alone in the prefects' bathroom, the echoes of the haunting tune lingering in the steam-filled air. The riddle, with its veiled hints and cryptic message, offered her a glimpse into the challenges that lay ahead in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. It spoke of a trial beneath the waters, a test of courage, wit, and the will to reclaim what was lost. With the knowledge from her past experiences guiding her, Apollyon knew the importance of thorough preparation and understanding the depths of the task set before her.

Determined to confront the second trial with the same strategic insight that had served her well in the first, Apollyon began her preparations. The riddle's reference to voices that could not sing above the ground suggested that the challenge would involve the merpeople residing in the depths of the Black Lake, a realization that steered her research and planning in a specific direction.

Over the following days, Apollyon dedicated herself to studying everything she could find about merpeople and their culture, the magical creatures that inhabited the lake, and the properties of water that could affect spellcasting. The Hogwarts library became her sanctuary, its ancient texts and rare manuscripts providing valuable insights into underwater magic and the adaptations required to perform spells in such an environment.

Understanding that mere academic knowledge would not suffice, Apollyon sought practical skills that would aid her in the watery depths of the lake. She practiced spells for underwater breathing, a necessity for enduring the task's duration, and experimented with charms that would allow her to communicate effectively with the merpeople. Each spell was meticulously chosen and adapted, ensuring that she would not be at a disadvantage in the alien environment of the lake's murky waters.

Physical preparation was equally important. Aware of the physical demands of swimming and navigating underwater, Apollyon incorporated rigorous physical training into her daily routine. Early mornings and late evenings were spent in the Hogwarts swimming pool, where she honed her swimming skills, built her endurance, and familiarized herself with the sensation of moving and casting spells beneath the water's surface.

As the day of the second task drew near, Apollyon's preparations intensified. She reviewed her plans, practiced her spells, and visualized the steps she would take to overcome the challenges that awaited her. The weight of the task's personal stakes, hinted at in the egg's song, remained at the forefront of her mind, a reminder of what she was fighting for.

The night before the second task, Apollyon stood by the edge of the Black Lake, the moonlight casting a silvery glow over its still surface. The calm before the storm, she thought, a moment of quiet reflection before the trial that would test her in ways she could only imagine. She felt a blend of anticipation and resolve, a readiness to face the depths and emerge victorious.

As dawn broke over Hogwarts, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink, Apollyon joined her fellow champions by the lakeshore. The air was crisp, the sense of expectation palpable among the gathered students and spectators. With a deep breath, Apollyon steeled herself for the plunge into the cold waters, her mind clear, her heart determined. The second task was upon them, and she was ready to dive into the unknown, armed with her knowledge, her magic, and her unwavering spirit.

Continuing from her seamless descent into the depths of the Black Lake, Apollyon Seraphina navigated the underwater maze with a sense of urgency, her eyes peeled for any sign of Luna Lovegood. The merpeople's settlement, an intricate network of woven seaweed and coral, loomed ahead, its inhabitants eyeing the intruder with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Despite the potential for hostility, Apollyon's demeanor remained respectful, her intentions clear through the non-verbal communication she had practiced. Her arrival at the center of the settlement revealed Luna, bound by magical ropes to a statue, a guard of merpeople watching closely. Apollyon's heart quickened at the sight, but her mind stayed focused on the task at hand.

Channeling her knowledge of runes and their application in practical magic, Apollyon summoned the energy for a Diffido spell, her aim precise and intentions pure. The spell, enhanced by her understanding of Sorcetongue and the careful study of underwater spellcasting, cut through the water with a sharpness that belied its tranquil surroundings. The magical ropes binding Luna were severed cleanly, the incision so precise that it left no mark on their surroundings.

With Luna freed but still unconscious, Apollyon quickly cast a non-verbal Leviosa charm on Luna's robes, a technique she had refined to work even in the dense medium of water. Luna's body began to ascend toward Apollyon, guided by the gentle pull of the spell, her form silhouetted against the diffused light filtering through the water.

Not wasting a moment, Apollyon reactivated the Wind rune, a rush of power coursing through her as she prepared to make their ascent. The protective Aegis rune still shimmered around them, a testament to Apollyon's foresight and magical prowess. With Luna in tow, she kicked off from the lakebed, her speed exponentially increased by the Wind rune's magic.

The surface of the Black Lake approached rapidly, the light growing brighter as they neared. Apollyon's heart pounded in her chest, not from fear, but from the exhilaration of overcoming the challenge set before her. As they broke the surface, gasps and cheers erupted from the assembled crowd on the shore, their applause a cacophony of surprise and admiration.

Apollyon's quick thinking, deep knowledge of magic, and innovative use of runes had not only secured Luna's safety but had also demonstrated a level of skill and ingenuity that set her apart from her fellow champions. As she carried Luna back to the safety of the shore, her mind was already on the challenges that lay ahead, but for now, she allowed herself a moment of pride in her accomplishments.

Once on the shore, Apollyon gently laid Luna down, ensuring she was comfortable and safe before turning to face the gathered crowd. Among the faces, she spotted professors, fellow students, and the other champions, their expressions a mixture of awe, respect, and in some cases, reassessment of the Slytherin girl who had just defied expectations.

Professor Dumbledore approached, his eyes twinkling with pride and approval. "Ms. Seraphina," he began, his voice carrying over the whispers of the crowd, "your performance in today's task was nothing short of remarkable. Not only did you showcase your profound understanding of magic, but you also demonstrated great bravery and a commendable dedication to your fellow student."

Apollyon nodded, accepting the headmaster's praise with a humble grace. "Thank you, Professor. I did what I felt was necessary," she replied, her gaze drifting back to Luna, who was beginning to stir. Her priority had always been Luna's safety, and while the competition was significant, it paled in comparison to the well-being of her friend.

As Luna's eyes fluttered open, a small smile spread across her face upon seeing Apollyon. "You came for me," she whispered, her voice hoarse but filled with gratitude.

"Always," Apollyon responded softly, offering Luna a reassuring smile. The moment was brief but meaningful, a testament to the deep friendship that had been further solidified by the day's events.

The judges convened to discuss the champions' performances, and soon, scores were announced. Apollyon's innovative use of magic, her strategic approach, and the successful rescue of her friend earned her high marks, placing her in a strong position within the tournament standings. While the competition was far from over, Apollyon's success in the second task had undoubtedly set her apart as a formidable and resourceful competitor.

As the day drew to a close, and the excitement of the task faded into the background, Apollyon took a moment to reflect on her journey thus far. The Triwizard Tournament had pushed her to new heights, challenging her to leverage every aspect of her magical education and intuition. It was a crucible that tested her limits, but also a platform that allowed her to showcase the depth of her capabilities.

Looking ahead, Apollyon knew that the road to the tournament's conclusion would be fraught with further challenges. Yet, the experiences of the first two tasks had bolstered her confidence, not just in her magical ability but in her capacity to face adversity with courage and ingenuity.

In the months that followed the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Apollyon Seraphina found herself with a precious gift: time. The interval before the third and final challenge offered her an opportunity not just to rest and reflect on her achievements thus far but also to delve deeper into her studies, particularly in the area of Sorcetongue runes, which had proven to be a significant asset in her magical repertoire.

Her focus turned toward the Fervor rune, a symbol that had caught her interest due to its potential to amplify magical energy. The rune, known for its connection to passion and intensity, resonated with Apollyon's own approach to magic—a blend of deep understanding and a fierce dedication to pushing the boundaries of what was possible.

Secluded in the quiet corners of the Hogwarts library, or sometimes in the Room of Requirement, which transformed itself into the perfect study space at her command, Apollyon poured over ancient texts and treatises on rune magic. She sought out every scrap of information she could find on the Fervor rune, piecing together knowledge from different sources to form a comprehensive understanding of its applications and limitations.

Experimentation was key to her approach. Apollyon understood that theoretical knowledge, while invaluable, was only one part of mastering magic. Practical application and the willingness to learn from both success and failure were what truly allowed a witch or wizard to grow. With meticulous care, she began to incorporate the Fervor rune into various spells and enchantments, observing the effects and tweaking her methods based on the outcomes.

Her dedication did not go unnoticed. Professors, particularly those with an interest in ancient magic and arithmancy, took note of her passion and offered guidance and additional resources to aid her in her quest for knowledge. Fellow students, too, became curious about her work, and Apollyon found herself occasionally holding impromptu lessons on the basics of rune magic, fostering a small but dedicated group of enthusiasts eager to learn from her expertise.

The Fervor rune, with its ability to enhance the power of spells, presented both opportunities and challenges. Apollyon was acutely aware of the dangers inherent in pushing magic beyond its usual limits. Control and precision became her mantras, as she sought to harness the rune's energy without succumbing to its potential for destruction.

As the weeks turned into months, Apollyon's mastery of the Fervor rune grew. She learned to balance its intensity with her own will, creating spells of remarkable power that retained their intended purpose without veering into recklessness. Her achievements were a testament to her skill and a clear indication of her readiness for whatever the third task might entail.

The preparation for the final challenge of the Triwizard Tournament was about more than just honing her magical abilities; it was a journey of self-discovery for Apollyon. Through her studies, she had not only expanded her magical knowledge but had also deepened her understanding of her own strengths and limitations.

As the date of the third task drew nearer, Apollyon Seraphina felt a calm determination settle over her. The tournament had tested her in ways she could never have imagined, but it had also shown her the depth of her resilience and the breadth of her potential. Armed with her newfound knowledge and the skills she had painstakingly developed, Apollyon was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in her ability to meet them head-on with courage, ingenuity, and the unwavering spirit that had brought her this far.

As the Triwizard Tournament progressed, Apollyon Seraphina's unique approach to magic and her unexpected ascendancy in the competition drew attention not just from her peers and professors but also from the wizarding press. Among those who took notice was Rita Skeeter, the Daily Prophet reporter whose penchant for sensationalism and controversy had made her both feared and reviled in equal measure. When Rita requested an interview with Apollyon, it was with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation that she agreed, aware of Rita's reputation but also recognizing the opportunity to set the record straight about her magical practices.

The meeting was set in a quiet corner of the Hogwarts grounds, away from prying eyes and ears. Apollyon arrived punctually, finding Rita already seated at a small table, her acid-green quill at the ready. The reporter's demeanor was polite, but her gaze was calculating, searching for angles and vulnerabilities she could exploit.

"Miss Seraphina," Rita began, her tone sugary but laced with a subtle condescension. "Your performance in the tournament has been... unexpected, especially for someone of your... background. An orphan, with no known wizarding lineage. How do you respond to those who might question your place here?"

Apollyon met Rita's gaze squarely, unfazed by the insinuation. "My background has no bearing on my magical ability or my right to participate in the tournament," she replied calmly. "I was chosen by the Goblet of Fire, just like the other champions."

Rita's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing that this line of questioning would not yield the controversy she sought. She quickly shifted gears, focusing on Apollyon's use of magic. "Your approach to spells and enchantments is quite... unique. Some might even say unconventional. There's been talk among certain circles that you dabble in dark magic. How do you respond to such accusations?"

Apollyon's expression remained composed, but there was a firmness in her voice as she answered. "My magic is not dark, Ms. Skeeter. It's the result of hard work, study, and a deep respect for the traditions and boundaries of magical practice. What you've seen in the tournament is the application of ancient runes, a field of magic that is both powerful and complex. It's not widely used, not because it's dark, but because it requires dedication and a profound understanding to master."

Rita's quill scribbled furiously as Apollyon spoke, but the reporter seemed dissatisfied with the answer. She pressed on, seeking a sensational angle. "But why you, Miss Seraphina? If these techniques are so benign, why aren't more wizards and witches using them? Isn't it true that you've discovered something... forbidden?"

Apollyon sighed, recognizing the futility of trying to sway Rita from her narrative. "Nothing forbidden, Ms. Skeeter. Just forgotten or overlooked. Magic evolves, and what was once common practice can become obscure over time. My studies have led me to rediscover these techniques, and I use them with the utmost care and respect for their origins and implications."

The interview continued for a while longer, with Rita probing for vulnerabilities and Apollyon answering with honesty and confidence. In the end, Rita left with her notes, the gleam of sensationalism still in her eyes, but with perhaps a grudging respect for the young witch who had faced her questions with unwavering integrity.

Apollyon watched her go, knowing that Rita's article would likely twist her words and intentions.

The morning after the interview, the Great Hall of Hogwarts was abuzz with the usual chatter of students enjoying their breakfast, but there was an added layer of excitement—or for some, apprehension—as copies of the Daily Prophet made their rounds. The front page featured a photograph of Apollyon Seraphina, her image captured in a moment of concentration, wand in hand, with the headline "Mystery Champion: Innovation or Impropriety?"

Students and faculty alike unfolded their copies of the paper to find Rita Skeeter's latest piece, a blend of half-truths and insinuations that painted Apollyon in a controversial light. The article began with a nod to her unexpected success in the Triwizard Tournament, acknowledging her skill but quickly veering into speculation about the nature of her magic.

"Apollyon Seraphina, Hogwarts' very own mystery champion, has dazzled the wizarding world with her unprecedented success in the Triwizard Tournament," the article read. "But questions arise about the origins of her unique magical techniques. Is this young witch tapping into forgotten lore, or is there something darker at play?"

Rita quoted Apollyon's responses with a strategic selectiveness that skewed the narrative. She emphasized Apollyon's lack of a known wizarding lineage and her status as an orphan, suggesting that her achievements might be born not from talent or hard work but from desperate measures to prove herself.

"The young Slytherin claims her magic is the result of 'hard work, study, and a deep respect for the traditions and boundaries of magical practice,'" Skeeter wrote. "Yet, one cannot help but wonder why, if these ancient runes and techniques are as benign as she claims, they are not more widely taught. What secrets does Seraphina harbor that allow her to access such power?"

The article insinuated a connection between Apollyon's use of runes and dark magic, despite the lack of any evidence to support such a claim. Skeeter quoted unnamed sources—likely fabricated—who expressed their concerns about the potential dangers of Apollyon's methods and the implications for the safety and integrity of the tournament.

As the students of Hogwarts digested Rita's words over their morning meal, the reactions were mixed. Some were skeptical of the claims, knowing Skeeter's reputation for sensationalism. Others, however, whispered amongst themselves, casting sidelong glances at Apollyon, now questioning the legitimacy of her accomplishments.

Apollyon, for her part, faced the day with a composed demeanor. She knew the truth of her magic, the hours of study and practice that had brought her to where she was. Rita Skeeter's words, while frustrating, could not diminish her achievements or her knowledge. She resolved to let her performance in the upcoming final task speak for itself, trusting that her actions would dispel any doubts about her integrity and her place in the wizarding world.