
31. An unkind welcome

As the summer at The Burrow came to a close, Apollyon Seraphina felt the familiar mix of excitement and apprehension that accompanied the start of a new term at Hogwarts. The news of Sirius Black's escape had cast a long shadow over the final days of their holiday, and as she made her way to the Hogwarts Express, her thoughts were a whirlwind of concern for Harry's safety and a determination to further her mastery of magic.

Seeking solitude amidst the bustling chaos of students boarding the train, Apollyon wandered down the corridor, her eyes scanning for an empty compartment where she could immerse herself in her studies without disturbance. Her gaze fell upon a door slightly ajar, revealing a single occupant—a man, seemingly asleep, slumped in a corner seat, his features obscured by a patchwork coat that spoke of many travels.

Sensing an opportunity for the quiet she desired, Apollyon slipped into the compartment, taking care not to disturb the sleeping figure. With a flick of her wand, she cast a silencing charm around herself, a bubble of quiet that would allow her to study without waking him. Settling into her seat, she opened her ancient tome to the section on runes, her focus narrowing to the symbols and descriptions that had become her constant companions.

The train began its journey, the landscape outside blurring into a tapestry of greens and golds as it sped towards Hogwarts. Inside the silent bubble Apollyon had created, time seemed to stand still, the only movement being the gentle turn of pages as she delved deeper into the mysteries of Sorcetongue.

Her study was focused on the Aegis Rune, its complexities and potential applications swirling in her mind. She traced the rune in the air with her wand, practicing the precise movements required to invoke its protective magic. The silencing charm ensured her incantations remained unheard, a whisper of power that danced on the edge of perception.

As the hours passed, Apollyon's concentration never wavered, her dedication to mastering the ancient magic a testament to her resolve. The man in the corner remained motionless, a silent guardian of her solitude.

Unbeknownst to Apollyon, the sleeping figure was none other than Remus Lupin, a new addition to the Hogwarts faculty and a man with his own deep connections to the wizarding world's current turmoil. His presence in the compartment, seemingly by chance, was one of those serendipitous moments that the universe seemed to arrange with a sense of purpose yet to be revealed.

As the Hogwarts Express continued its journey, the light inside the compartment dimmed, an unnatural chill permeating the air. Apollyon looked up from her tome, sensing a disturbance in the magical currents around her. The laughter and chatter from other compartments fell silent, replaced by a sense of foreboding that crept along the corridor.

Then, without warning, the compartment door slid open, revealing a figure that seemed to drain the very warmth from the air. A Dementor, its tattered robes floating as if underwater, stood at the threshold, its presence a suffocating void that threatened to overwhelm Apollyon's senses.

Instinctively, she reached for the Aegis Rune, her mind focusing on the symbol of protection she had practiced so diligently. As the Dementor advanced, she traced the rune in the air, her movements swift and precise. A shimmering barrier sprang up between her and the creature, a shield of magical energy that held firm against the Dementor's oppressive force.

The Dementor paused, its unseen gaze fixed on the barrier, then reached out with a desiccated hand, testing the strength of Apollyon's spell. The Aegis Rune flared brighter, reinforcing the shield, and for a moment, Apollyon felt a surge of triumph. She had held her ground against one of the most feared creatures in the wizarding world.

It was then that Lupin stirred, the disturbance rousing him from his slumber. With a speed that belied his earlier lethargy, he stood, his wand already in hand. "Expecto Patronum!" he commanded, his voice clear and strong. A silvery light burst forth, coalescing into the form of a large, ethereal wolf that charged at the Dementor.

The creature recoiled, retreating from the combined forces of Apollyon's rune-protected barrier and Lupin's Patronus. With a final, lingering glance that seemed to promise their return, the Dementor glided away, leaving the compartment and its occupants in peace.

Lupin turned to Apollyon, his expression a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "That was impressive," he said, nodding towards the spot where the Aegis Rune had shimmered in defense. "Not many students could hold their own against a Dementor like that."

Apollyon, still recovering from the encounter, managed a small smile. "Thank you, Professor," she said, recognizing him now as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. "I've been studying ancient runes. The Aegis Rune seemed... appropriate."

Lupin's interest was piqued, but he sensed that now was not the time for in-depth magical discussions. The Dementors' presence on the train was a matter of grave concern, and he needed to ensure the safety of all the students. "We'll have to talk more about your studies later," he said, his tone promising. "For now, I should check on the others."

As Lupin made his way down the corridor, Apollyon watched him go, a newfound respect for the professor taking root. The encounter with the Dementor had been a stark reminder of the dangers they faced, but it had also been a moment of validation for her. The runes she had dedicated herself to studying were not just relics of the past; they were powerful tools that could stand against the darkness.

Sitting back down, Apollyon returned to her tome, her thoughts a whirlwind of runes, Dementors, and the year ahead.

After ensuring the safety and calm of the other students on the train, Remus Lupin made his way back to the compartment he shared with Apollyon. The encounter with the Dementor had left a lingering chill in the air, but the atmosphere within the small space felt markedly different, charged with a sense of curiosity and mutual respect.

As he slid the door open, Lupin found Apollyon exactly where he had left her, absorbed in her ancient tome, yet clearly awaiting his return. She looked up as he entered, her expression one of composed interest.

"Professor Lupin, right?" Apollyon began, marking her place in the book with a finger. "I'm Apollyon Seraphina, a third-year Slytherin. Thank you for... dealing with our unwanted visitor earlier."

Lupin offered a small, wry smile as he retook his seat. "Just Remus is fine, and you're welcome, Apollyon. It's part of the job description, I suppose. And please, call me Remus." He paused, his gaze drifting momentarily to the book in her lap before meeting her eyes again. "Your use of the Aegis Rune was quite impressive. It's not often I see a student wield ancient runes with such proficiency. How did you come to study them?"

Apollyon closed the book, placing it beside her. "I've always been fascinated by the history and power of magic beyond what we're taught in regular classes. When I stumbled upon Sorcetongue and the ancient runes, it felt like uncovering a hidden part of our world. The Aegis Rune seemed particularly relevant, given... recent events."

Remus nodded, understanding the unspoken reference to the dangers that seemed to gravitate towards Hogwarts. "Sorcetongue, you say? That's quite a niche area of study, especially for someone so young. Your protective instincts are commendable. The Aegis Rune is powerful, but difficult to master. Your application of it against the Dementor was extraordinary."

Apollyon blushed slightly at the praise, her usual confidence tempered by the acknowledgement from someone as knowledgeable as Lupin. "Thank you, Remus. I still have much to learn. The runes are complex, and combining them or understanding their deeper connections is challenging."

Lupin's interest was clearly piqued. "Indeed, the interplay between different runes can unlock even greater potential. Your approach to magic... it's quite innovative. Have you considered exploring other protective spells or charms, beyond runes?"

"I have," Apollyon admitted, "but there's something about the runes that resonates with me. Their history, their power... It feels like tapping into the very essence of magic itself."

Their conversation continued, delving into the nuances of magical theory, the potential of combining different branches of magic, and the importance of understanding the foundations upon which their world was built. Lupin shared insights from his own experiences, as a student of Hogwarts while Apollyon listened intently, her mind alight with new ideas and possibilities.

As the train journey neared its end, both teacher and student felt a sense of mutual respect and anticipation for the term ahead. For Apollyon, the conversation had opened new avenues of thought and study, while for Lupin, it was a reminder of the endless depths of magic waiting to be explored. Their exchange had not only bridged the gap between professor and pupil but had also sown the seeds of a mentorship that promised to enrich both their lives in the unpredictable year that lay ahead.

As the Hogwarts Express slowed to a gentle stop at Hogsmeade Station, the excitement within the train reached a crescendo. Students gathered their belongings, eager to disembark and begin another year at Hogwarts. For Apollyon, the journey from London had been one of unexpected connections and revelations, leaving her with much to ponder as she stepped onto the platform.

The chilly air of the Scottish evening enveloped her as she exited the train, the familiar sights and sounds of Hogsmeade Station bringing a comforting sense of return. The station was abuzz with activity, students of all ages calling out to friends, exchanging stories of their summers, and speculating about the year ahead.

As Apollyon made her way through the crowd, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. Her conversation with Remus Lupin had not only validated her interest in ancient runes but had also opened her eyes to the broader possibilities of magic. The challenges that awaited them at Hogwarts, particularly with the shadow of Sirius Black's escape looming over them, seemed less daunting with the knowledge that she was not alone in her quest for understanding.

The procession towards the waiting carriages was a familiar one, yet Apollyon found herself more observant of her surroundings than in previous years. The thick forests that bordered the path to the castle held secrets of their own, a reminder of the untamed magic that existed beyond the classroom.

The journey towards the Hogwarts castle in the enchanted carriages was a familiar transition from the muggle world back into the realm of magic. For Apollyon, however, this year's ride felt different, marked by a keen awareness of the complexities and dangers that lay ahead, not just from external threats like Sirius Black, but from the intricate web of alliances and enmities within Hogwarts itself.

Her unique interests and studies had always set her apart from her peers, particularly within Slytherin, where ambition and cunning were valued over the pursuit of ancient magics. Yet, in the company of Fred and George Weasley, Apollyon found a sense of camaraderie and acceptance that was often missing among her own housemates. Their shared compartment on the train had been a sanctuary of sorts, a place where her fascination with Sorcetongue and runes was met with curiosity rather than disdain.

As they approached the line of horseless carriages, the twins' presence by her side was a visible declaration of their friendship, a rare cross-house bond that defied the traditional rivalries of Hogwarts. Their easy laughter and light-hearted banter provided a counterpoint to the more solemn reflections that had occupied Apollyon's thoughts on the train.

"Looks like we're riding in style this year," Fred quipped, gesturing towards the nearest carriage with a flourish that elicited a chuckle from George.

"Indeed," George added, "nothing but the best for our resident rune master. Who knows, maybe this year we'll finally crack that spell for everlasting bubbles."

Apollyon smiled, grateful for their humor and the effortless way they lifted her spirits. "I think the school might have more pressing concerns than bubbles this year," she replied, her tone light but her gaze drifting towards the darkened forest that flanked their path. "But who says we can't tackle both?"

The twins' laughter echoed through the cool evening air as they climbed into the carriage, their antics a welcome distraction from the more serious undertones of their return to Hogwarts. As the carriage began its smooth journey towards the castle, Apollyon found herself looking forward to the year ahead with a mix of anticipation and resolve.

As the carriage neared the end of its journey, the towering form of Hogwarts Castle came into full view, its familiar silhouette a beacon in the gathering dusk. However, the awe-inspiring sight was marred by an unsettling presence. Hovering above the castle, barely visible against the darkening sky, was a large contingent of Dementors, their sinister forms casting a pall over the school grounds. Sent by the Ministry of Magic to search for Sirius Black, their presence was a stark reminder of the threat that loomed over Hogwarts this year.

Apollyon's heart sank at the sight. The Dementors, with their chilling aura and the deep, pervasive sense of despair they instilled, were a far cry from the protection the Ministry claimed they provided. She felt a shiver run down her spine, not from the cold, but from the knowledge of what these creatures could do to a person's soul.

As the carriage pulled up to the entrance of the castle, Apollyon exchanged a glance with Fred and George, seeing her own apprehension mirrored in their eyes. "Looks like Hogwarts has its own set of dark clouds this year," Fred muttered, his usual jovial tone tinged with unease.

"Yeah," George agreed, his gaze fixed on the Dementors above. "Let's just hope they stick to searching for Black and leave us all alone."

Stepping out of the carriage, Apollyon felt the oppressive weight of the Dementors' presence even more acutely. The excitement of returning to Hogwarts was now tempered by a sense of foreboding, the joy of reunion overshadowed by the Ministry's heavy-handed response to Black's escape.

As they entered the castle, the warmth and light of the entrance hall offered a temporary respite from the darkness outside. The familiar buzz of students filling the space, their voices a mixture of excitement and anxiety, brought a semblance of normalcy back to Apollyon. Yet, the knowledge of the Dementors' vigil outside the castle walls lingered at the back of her mind, a constant reminder of the uncertain year that lay ahead.