
149. Chapter 149

The question and answer period lasted about fifteen minutes, Addison wanted to be thorough and not overlook anything when it came to baby Shepherd. Also it being her first patient at Seattle Grace, she had some nerves to her new surroundings in practicing.

While Meredith listed off her standard morning sickness symptoms, her cravings, and filled Addison in on all the other pregnancy related issues Addison wanted to know of including boasting that Derek caters to her every craving even the weird ones. Derek couldn't help but zone out and remember the first time he thought of spoiling his children with Meredith, it was their Christmas shopping trip he and Meredith had ever been on together. They weren't married, they weren't even engaged yet.

Derek and Meredith had walked down the busy holiday shopping streets of New York City. Derek had 3 nieces to shop for, so he told Meredith the best place to go get them gifts was going to be FAO. Meredith had never been the world famous toy store, Derek knew her eyes were going to light up when she ventured inside. While she was a seasoned New Yorker, and a seasoned New Yorker shopper, she being the fashion girl with no children or family with children around she hadn't ever needed to venture into the store. This was going to be her first Christmas shopping for kids' experience.

She was 18, beautiful and amazing in every way. Bundled up in her white winter cashmere coat and matching scarf and gloves. It was six months after they first started dating, but he knew she was the one. The one he was going to spend the rest of his life with. He knew that for Christmas, the first Christmas she said she'd really celebrate with someone who loved her and with a family he was going to propose. The ring sat hidden somewhere in his parents' house for safe keeping. He gave his mother the ring to hold onto for him for Christmas morning. His parents couldn't have been happier; they already loved Meredith like she was one of their own daughters. He couldn't risk hiding it in one of his room drawers of his and Mark's little bachelor pad. The standard hiding places like the underwear drawer would never work with his Mere, not when she loved his clothes more than her own. He couldn't think of a perfect way to celebrate her first real official Christmas than by asking her to be part of his family forever and for real. She'd never have to celebrate a lonely Christmas again.

"We're here," Derek showed her with a smile nodding to the huge teddy bear that sat outside the revolving doors. Watching Meredith's excitement grow and wanting to go inside.

"Let's go." She squealed pulling on his gloved hand that held hers and dragging him past the large statue that tourists were waiting in line ups and crowed around to take pictures with into the revolving door.

She came to a stop when the door stopped spinning, her eyes going wide at seeing the huge stuffed animals. She just stared in awe at her surroundings, all the crowds didn't bother her. The people going fast and not in any Christmas spirit. Derek watched her and loved to see that look on her face and he wanted it to be there all the time. He wanted all her Christmas's to be as happy for her as this one.

"Wow." She let out in amazement. Derek squeezed her hand and leaned over to give her a kiss on her temple before whispering. "Where do you want to start?"

"Everywhere." She laughed, "these girls are going to be so spoiled after I get done with them in this place."

"I have a feeling they won't be the only one who is spoiled on this shopping trip" Derek joked, knowing that Meredith was going to fall in love with so many items in this place herself and he wouldn't be able to resist from getting her everything she wanted.

"We're so doomed when we have kids." She laughed as she pulled on his hand towards the escalators, now knowing where she was going but just heading that way anyways. She was so excited she hadn't noticed the silly grin and glistening of Derek's eyes at her words. She wanted his kids, she was going to be the mother of his children and he couldn't be happier in this Christmas moment either.

"So this is going to be cold, you know that since you had your precautionary initial ultrasound when you first found out. Which thanks for lying to me by the way, Derek." Addison taunted, jolting Derek out of his memory.

"What?" he stuttered confused at what she was talking about.

"You, lying? Remember calling asking for an OB consult for a mysterious patient needing another opinion?"

"Oh yeah, we didn't want the family to know before we know, it was all a hush hush operation." Derek laughed remembering Meredith's disguising and antics when they first thought she was pregnant.

"Sorry Addi," Meredith piped in "we didn't want mom or the family to know before we could tell them."

"It's ok Mere, I'm just teasing him. So let's see which color clothes baby Shepherd will be getting from New York in droves shall we?" she laughed as Derek rolled his eyes knowing that she was right. Ever since they had told the family the packages started rolling in, all neutral color clothes with notes saying the same thing over and over "Mere, saw this at …. And it was too cute to pass up!" Derek was pretty sure the few months old baby already had more clothes than him. Once they had a gender it was going to get so much worse, he knew it. Apparently his sisters didn't think Seattle had proper attire for a baby.

Meredith sucked in a gush of air and tensed on Derek's hand as Addison put the cool gel and ultrasound wand on Meredith's stomach, Addison's eyes glued to the wand and placement on her stomach. Meredith and Derek's eyes glued to the TV screen in front of them.

The swooshing and thumping of rapid and very strong heartbeat filled the room as Meredith and Derek's eyes both welled up with tears in them. Looking at their little still not very big developed baby curled up in a fetal position. Meredith opened her mouth to talk but couldn't, she closed it and just looked at Derek who leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. Knowing exactly what she was feeling and letting her know he was feeling the same thing. Addison kept silent, letting them enjoy this moment and knowing that Derek and Meredith being the amazing Doctors they were knew that they could tell they had a very healthy growing baby with no complications. She was also pretty sure they both could read the ultrasound.

Once the "dad" initial amazement and shock wore off, Derek actually stared at the ultrasound as a doctor. Making sure everything was ok and on track and that's when he noticed it. He smiled and turned to Addison, who just nodded in agreement knowing what he was reading.

"Mere," he whispered as her eyes stayed glued to the screen.


"That's our boy." He proudly told her.