
5. A New Position Opens Up

I ushered everyone onto the tram. "Now hold each other's hands and stand by the wall," were my instructions to the youngest three Bridgerton siblings. Today was my outing with Francesca, Hyacinth, and Gregory. We were going to visit the Tower of London, the university, and ending it off with some ice cream downtown. Anthony had some of our father's late paperwork to handle, and Eloise and Benedict were spending the day together off somewhere. Who knew what Colin was up to; he and I didn't really talk much since Daddy died. Can't be close to all your siblings, I guess.

Happily though, my three youngest brother and sisters were having a marvellous time. "We never get to ride in the subway," Hyacinth exclaimed while scanning all around. I smiled down at her. "We're not so posh that we can't take the train. I do this all the time in Europe; it's no big deal." "Eloise said taking the train is for normal people, and being normal is overrated," Gregory told me. My grin began to fade. "Well Eloise's head comes to a point," course they didn't understand what this meant but I thought it was funny.

"Now arriving at Temple Station," the speaker spat. "Ok, everyone. This is our stop," grabbing Gregory and Hyacinth's hands, I managed to get them all off the tram just as easily as I got them on. After making sure they were all here, I next led them up the staircase and out into the street. King's London College wasn't a far walk from here and the road wasn't too busy this afternoon. I held the youngest two's hands the whole time while Francesca buried her face in her phone's screen.

"Ooooooh, listen to what Lady Whistledown tweeted about yesterday's social!" "Francie, I told you to unfollow him! It's not healthy for you to read mindless gossip all the time." "But it's interesting! Here, she talks about practically everyone who attended. Ooooooh with so much detail too!" "Well, at least we know the stalker was at the social. Lovely," my eyes rolled. "Do you know who it is?" Gregory asked me, peering up curiously. "I have no idea," I gave his hand a loving squeeze. At least I can be thankful these two didn't have social media accounts- yet.

Francesca waved her hand eagerly at me. "Oh! Listen to this, Daph! There's something here about you!" "What could he possibly have to say about me?" "She wrote: "Miss Daphne Bridgerton was a vision for the eyes to behold. I shan't be surprised if she was the most beautiful lady in attendance." Uh oh, my face grew pale. Sounds like this stalker might have a thing for me. Great! That's just what I need. Some gossipy man watching my every mood. Wonder when it would be a good idea to get the police involved?

"Wait, there's more! She said: "Unfortunately Miss Bridgerton seemed to be of the opinion that yesterday's gala was a bore. She made little effort to converse with any of the ladies or gentlemen present, several of whom are above her station. It is clear that her disposition has been ruined with books and learning aboard," my younger sister read off. My cheeks burned a little in anger. "Ruined with books? Well! Someone certainly doesn't see the value in educating women. No wonder he writes like it's 1813; he forgot he's living is the twenty-first century!" "I like the way Lady Whistledown writes. It's unique," Francesca thought it wise to add on. "What does she mean "ruined with books"?" Hyacinth inquired confused. I shook my head. "Nothing. He's just some creep who wastes too much time stalking random strangers for fun. He sounds like an incel if you ask me." "What's an incel?" Francesca's eyebrow raised. "Someone you want to stay away from. Now come on, we're almost there," in an attempt to drop the subject, I hurried them all across the street when the light turned green.

Once on my old campus, I took my siblings to the Gordon Museum of Pathology. They weren't too young to learn about that sort of thing. Once at the front entrance I got down on one knee to so meet them all eye-to-eye. "Ok, now go inside, have a look around, and stay together. I'll text Francesca on my way back." "Where are you going?" Gregory questioned. "I'm going to my old department building. You three stay here; I won't be long." "Awe, a museum! But I don't wanna spend all afternoon in another museum," Francesca groaned. "You won't. Don't worry, I won't be gone long. And when I get back, we'll go for ice cream, ok?" "Ok," they didn't sound to enthralled. Still, I grinned and gave the younger two a kiss on the forehead before they dashed off inside. I suppose I should have told them not to make noise or run around in there. Oops. Oh well, I had other matters to attend to.

The history department was usually quiet around this time of day. I knew my way around this place like the back of my hand. I opened the front door, went to the elevator, and rode up to the third floor. There at the front desk the same receptionist who'd worked there while I'd gone to school instantly beamed over at me as I stepped off the elevator.

"Daphne!" "Hello, Mrs. Bell. How are you?" "I'm very well, thank you! Oh, this is a surprise! I thought you weren't coming back to London until the end of August." "Change of plans. My brother insisted I come home for Easter." "Well, I'm so happy you did! It's so good to see you, love. How's Brussels treating you?" "Oh, it's wonderful. I love living in Europe. I went to Paris two weekends ago, but that stays between us," I hadn't told anyone over here about my little excursion. She chuckled, giving her lovely head a shake. "That's terrific. And how's the university? You and your supervisor getting along?" "Yes! It's going great! I've already got two chapters done. Well, they're not done "done", but the material's there. I just need to edit them some more." "Good for you! Two chapters down, two to go," she smiled. "Heh, if I can finish that by August," I tilted my head slightly to the side. "You will, you'll make sure you do." "Thanks, Mrs. Bell. Is Dr. Pillar…..?" She giggled again, nodded her head. "You're just in luck! She went to her office to fetch something. Go say hello! She'll be so happy to see you." "Thank you. It was really nice to see you again." "You too, dear. Have a good stay in England!" "I will! Have a good day!" With a wave, I took off towards Dr. Pillar's office. The clock was ticking and I didn't want to leave my siblings alone for too long.

I rounded the corner and spotted Dr. Pillar just locking up her office door. She had a stack of papers in her other arm and a tout bag over her shoulder. A smile drew across my lips as I ran up to her. "Dr. Pillar!" "Daphne?" She was surprised to see me once again in the department. But a pleasant sort of surprise. Her expression soon mirrored mine.

"Daphne! Dear!" My old supervisor extended out her free arm to give me a hug. I embraced her with both my arms. "Oh, it's so good to see you again!" "You too! My goodness, it isn't August already, is it?" She pulled back so to face me. "No, I just came back for Easter. I could use the break though, I just got two chapters written." "Oh, well it sounds like you're doing wonderful in Brussels," she praised. "I hope so," my hand rubbed the back of my neck a bit shyly. "How's everything going? You like Masters?" "I love it! I can't wait to start PhD." "Mmmmmm, and have you been looking at schools? Maybe visiting a few?" We began to walk in unison down the hall together. "I've visited a couple in Paris, Vienna, and all over the Netherlands. Course I haven't told anybody about this yet." "Oh? Why's that? Your family wants you to return to the UK for PhD?" "Eh, something like that. I think Anthony has his heart set on me moving back when I'm done Masters," I gazed forward in mild embarrassment. She nodded in understanding. "But you have other plans?" "I'd like to stay in Europe if I could. It's just finding a position….." And you know, paying for it.

Dr. Pillar thought a second, then looked back my way. "You know, there is a doctoral position which just opened up in the University of Amsterdam." "Amsterdam?!" My eyes lit up. Did I mention Amsterdam is my most favourite city in the world? It's a liberal person's paradise, which means it's perfect for someone like me. Plus the university is right downtown. It's in an ideal location!

Of course Dr. Pillar could hear the sheer excitement in my voice, making her grin grow. "Yes. It has a feminist element, so I thought you might be interested." "What's the research subject?" Not that it really mattered. This is Amsterdam we're talking about. "Women in lyrical literature in the Early Medieval Period. Does that sound like something you'd like to research?" "Are you kidding? This is like winning the lottery!" This made her laugh. "Well in that case, would you like me to send you the link to the application? It's a closed application, so you have to be recommended for the position in order to apply." "Yes! Yes, please! I'd love that! I really, really, really want to apply!" "Keep in mind, it's not funded." "That's ok! I'll make it work! I just really want to apply. Please send me the link." She laughed again. "Consider it done. I'll write you a reference letter too when the time comes." "When does it start?" "This October. You'll have to move from Brussels to Amsterdam by September at the latest. Would that be ok for you?" "Yes, that's doable. It's only like a three-hour bus ride. I'd be fine. Plus I want to submit my dissertation early… just in case I get an interview." "If you get an interview, you've basically got the position. Don't accept it unless you're sure you want to move to Holland and live there for the next four years." "Trust me, Dr. Pillar; this is what I want. It's what I've been dreaming of since I started university." She patted my arm in assurance. "Then everything will be fine. Just get the application in by the end of June." "Can do! Thanks again! I really appreciate this!"

We said our goodbyes and I rushed back to the museum. I won't lie, there was an obvious spring in my step; I looked like a child who'd just been given the keys to the candy store. I can't believe it! Amsterdam! How lucky can a woman be? And on such a brilliant topic too. Ah, I'd be in research heaven. I was too wrapped up in warm, happy feelings to let that whole condition on my PhD trust fund bring me down. For the moment there was just bubbly joy. Joy and the fact that I might secure a PhD position by this summer! Could life get any better?!

Just as I thought that, my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. Thinking it might be Francesca demanding to know where I was, I was a little surprised to see Anthony's picture on the screen. "Hello?" "Hi, baby sis." "Hi, big bro. What's up?" "Not too much. Just calling to check in really. You four having fun?" "Oh yeah, we're having lots of fun. They liked the tower… well, I liked the tower. Now we're at the university." "The university?" "Yeah. I just wanted to come say hi to my old supervisor." "Heh, bet they're loving that." "I left them at the museum; they're not bored… probably."

Anthony chuckled from his end. "Now what's on the docket?" "Going to get ice cream." "Well don't eat too much. I've invited the Duke of Hastings over for dinner tonight." My smile completed disappeared. "What?! Why would you do that?" "Because he's my friend and we haven't seen each other in a long time?" "Can't you see each other at the club?" "We'll do that some other time. I want to spend as much with you as I can while you're here, and besides, it'll be nice to have a family dinner together." "We do that every night!" "Nevertheless he's coming and you're going to be nice and respectful." "Fiiiiiiine," I rolled my eyes exaggeratedly. Another chuckle left his lips. "Oh come on, baby sis. He's not that bad." "I never said he was bad. I said I wanted nothing to do with him." "Well, don't worry. He's coming to see me. You just have to be civil at dinner." "I'll try." "That's my sister!"

"Mkay, well I gotta go get our siblings before they kill me for taking too long." "Alright then. You feeling alright? Not dehydrated or anything?" "No, Anthony. I'm fine; trust me." "I do trust you. I just…. well, you know. Have a good afternoon; enjoy your ice cream." "I will. See you at dinner." "See you at dinner. And remember, be nice." "I will! I will!

Believe me, I got a lot more on my mind right now than bothering with Simon."