
36. Two Very Possessive Men Part 1

(Author's Note: So far I've kept the Featheringtons out of the story, and this was done intentionally so. Penelope does exist in this universe and is Eloise's friend, but she is not Lady Whistledown in this version. Neither is her mother, though I did adjust her role. Lady Portia Featherington is now one of the aunts in the British royal family by some distant marriage. Her position in court is higher than the Bridgertons and she hasn't taken much notice of them until now (being fairly old-fashioned herself and thinking Daphne going abroad for Masters is absurd). She also has relatives in Prince Friederich's family; she's the one who organized and invited everyone to the Father's Day brunch. Though she doesn't think much of Daphne as a person, she does know that she'll be inheriting the lion's share of the Bridgerton financial estate. While she's not a social-climber like Edmund, she does like money. I should also note that Friederich himself is super rich and has no interest in Daphne for her money. Enjoy!)

I was blushing head to toe as we entered the palace together. At this point I was still unaware of Friederich's royal title or who his family might be. He acted so casual and open with me- something you didn't see a lot of in high British society. I knew he must be someone important, seeing as he had an invitation to Buckingham Palace, but I couldn't for the life of me think of who he might be. This is one time not having social media is a negative.

We arrived at the dining hall entrance, only for my feet to come to a sudden, unexpected halt. Friederich blinked back to me, going forward a few steps until he noticed I was no longer beside him. I hugged myself nervously. "Hey, you ok?" "I don't…. want to go inside." He glanced into the room then back at me confused. "Why not?" "I don't want…. I'm just… shy," I lied. Well, half-lied. The thought of seeing Simon again made me feel all weak and awkward; it never used to be that way. And it hurt to even think about. Completely unaware of this, the German guy chuckled to himself. He came over to stand back at my side.

"Come on, girl; you got nothing to worry about. Look, we're going in together. Nothing bad's gonna happen." "Hmmmmmmm, no; that's ok. You go in; I'll just… stay out here…. forever," I didn't mean to say "forever" out loud; I wanted to say it in my head but it just kind of slipped out. This cute, clever smirk returned to his lips- the kind of smirk Simon used to give me when we first met. "You're the cutest thing in the world, you know that?" "What?!" Blushing even redder my head shot up in his direction. But his grin simply widened.

"You better stop blushing so much cause we're about to enter." "But I don't wanna…." "Yeah, I know you say that, baby girl, but there's no way I'm going to leave you out here all by yourself. Can't have a bit of sugar like you getting lost in this big palace now, can we?" Friederich cut me off. My eyes grew a little. No one's ever talked to me like that before and I think it was right then that it clicked for me- he's a bad boy! But not like the Nigel or stalker kind; more like the type you'd see in movies. I'd never met someone like him before in real life and honestly had no idea how to react. I mean, Simon was kinda a bad boy too, but more in the elite, classy way. Friederich, on the other hand, looked at me like I was a snack. Wait! I'm a snack?!

Seeing my contorted face, the German guy laughed again. "Don't worry, babe; I'll be right there beside you." Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of; my eyes lowered unimpressed. Just the way this man talked to me…. If Simon was like Mr. Darcy, he was like…. uh, what's a popular hot bad boy in a movie or tv? Erm…. Oh! Like Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Dairies. And I don't know if that's automatically a bad thing. I haven't watched a lot of tv lately! Don't at me!

Of course I hesitated. "I don't know…." "Ok, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go through those doors now, and then look beside me. If you're not there, I'm gonna come straight back out here and find you. Don't make me come fetch you now, girl; I'm starving enough as it is." All I could do was gawk in disbelief. My hand rose up to my pounding heart. Why… Why is he talking to me like this? Why is he so insistent we enter together? Or is it rather… he just wants to make sure I go inside? Why? Why would he do that? I just can't tell with him…. Or maybe, a part of me already knows and doesn't want my brain to acknowledge it. Either way, the way he spoke to me just now…. I suddenly felt like couldn't say "no". With cheeks still of crimson red, I awkwardly nodded my head. Beaming, he proceeded to lead me into the packed dining room, and I do mean "packed".

It was like going out onto a stage in a full theatre. Though my family and the duke were nowhere to be seen initially, there were lots of other individuals, and all their eyes were on us the moment we stepped through the threshold. It was then I realized I might have underestimated who my escort was. He obviously knew who I was, but I still had no clue about him beyond his name and that he's from Germany. I froze, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me whole. Oh god, this was a nightmare! A complete and total nightmare. I couldn't look any of them in the eye, too mortified to even budge. Turns out we didn't have to move either. The hostess of the buffet- the god damn hostess- rushed over to us, or should I say Friederich, excitedly.

"Friederich! My dear cousin!" Lady Featherington threw her arms around his neck. Friederich hugged her back warmly. "Aunt Portia." "I was waiting for you to get here! So glad you could make it, my dear. Oh look at you! Look, you've grown so tall! Your parents must be so pleased. How's your father, by the by?" "Better, thank you," he gave a slight bow in respect. She patted the side of his arm. "That's good. I'm just so happy you made it! You naughty boy; why didn't you call me when your plane landed? I've been waiting for hours, you know." "Sorry, auntie. It won't happen again," the German guy grinned. "It'd better not! Oh, but no matter, you're here now! Just in time too! Come, I've got several people I'd like you to….." Lady Featherington's voice trailed off when she finally noticed me standing there uncomfortably. Her gaze shifted between Friederich and me, like she was trying to figure out what was going on.

"You two have met already?" "Yes, she helped me find my way here," Friederich said with an air of casualness. Her head nodded in this slow, contemplative manner. Her eyes kept drifting to me ponderingly. "I see. Well I believe a proper introduction is in order! Friederich, this is Miss Daphne Bridgerton- daughter of the late Viscount Edmund Bridgerton, and heiress to all but his estate." He chuckled, spinning his head toward me. "Yes, I know who she is." "Oh… Well, all the same!" Her hands flung up into the air. Then the lady looked at me. "Miss Bridgerton, this is my nephew, Friedrich Wagner- Prince of Bavaria." "Prince?!" I hadn't meant to say that aloud, but there it is. Lady Featherington looked a bit startled by this little outburst while Friederich covered a smile with his hand. "You never told me you were a prince," I hissed at him in a whisper. "You never asked," was his curt, playful reply.

"Oh, this is marvellous! My nephew doesn't have a lot of acquaintances here in England and you and your family are quality community," Lady Featherington told me. I nodded a bit awkwardly. "U-Uh, t-thank you ma'am." "Daphne lives on your side of the pond now, cousin; she's just visiting London for a break. She's attending university in Brussels, you know." "Is that so?" His eyebrow raised a little, though I'm sure he already was aware of that too. Honestly, I don't know why his aunt was suddenly so eager that we should know each other. I mean, don't get me wrong! Friederich seemed like a nice enough guy and he was insanely hot. But what should us knowing each other have to do with anything? The pieces started to fall together when my brother eventually turned up. He spotted me through the crowd and waved his hand up in the air. "Ah! Daphne!" He called out for me, making us all look in his direction. By the time he reached me, he realized something was going on and was now staring at the prince and Lady Featherington perplexed.

"Lady Featherington?" "Ah! Wonderful, you're here!" She motioned Anthony to come stand beside her. "This is Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, dear cousin- the late viscount's eldest son and child, and heir to the Bridgerton estate," she immediately introduced my brother to Friederich. Still confused as to what was happening but wanting to be polite, he shook hands with the prince. "Pleasure to meet you." "Likewise," Friederich nodded. "This is my cousin, Anthony: Prince Friederich Wagner of Bavaria," she then relayed to my brother. His jaw dropped instantaneously. "P-Prince?!" It was rare for Anthony to studder like that; he must have really been shocked. Lady Featherington went on to nod affirmingly. "And it appears your lovely sister here has already made his acquaintance," her hand motioned for me. "She has?!" Anthony blinked to me in shock. Lady Featherington nodded, then paused to think for a moment before glancing back at my brother. Her lips parted a little in that knowing way; kind of like how Eloise always opened her mouth slightly before saying something insightful.

"Dear boy, did you orchestrate this? Well done! Your father would be so pleased!" We ogled her as if she had just grown an extra head, but soon enough my brother's eyes wandered out in a thoughtful fashion. "Yes… He would, wouldn't he?" Anthony then replied while he and I looked at one another. It wasn't just him looking at me; I was surveying his expression on the matter too to gage what he thought. He seemed conflicted, but perhaps not in a bad way. You could see the wheels start to turn in his head.

While that was happening, Lady Featherington gave my arm a gentle tap. "You must allow Friederich to join your table! It is the perfect opportunity for you all to get more acquainted. Isn't that right, Anthony dear?" She says "dear" a lot I noticed. Anthony perked up, coming out of his daze. "Oh….. Oh! O-Of course! You are welcomed to join us, your highness," my eldest brother extended the invitation. "If it wouldn't be an imposition…." Since the first time I met him Friederich hesitated. This made me look at him curiously. Huh, so he does have some class, after all. Too bad his aunt had to butt in again. "Of course it wouldn't be! You can take the seat to Miss Bridgerton's right, where the gentleman sits, dear cousin." "Yes, auntie," I think we were all a little intimidated by her. "Capital! I'll swing by later to see how everyone's getting on. Enjoy the meal, dears." "Yes, ma'am," we answered in unison. She left us with a wave. Friederich looked at me, I looked at Anthony, and Anthony looked out into space. I don't think any of us really had any idea of what to make of what just transpired. Or at least Anthony and I didn't.

It was the prince who broke the silence first. "Well, shall we go get something to eat?" He smiled. Anthony flinched a second time, coming to. He blinked back at Friederich with wide eyes. "Oh yes, by all means! Um…." While he was unsure what to do next, Friederich saw his change and took it. He swooped in beside me, extending his arm out once more. "Shall we?" Just the way he moved, the way he looked at me, even the tone of his voice: it all radiated Sauvé and confidence. I'm sure being a member of European royal helped boost his ego, but there was something else about him. I couldn't put my finger on what, but it was there. He didn't make my heart flutter uncontrollably like Simon, but it still felt weird in a tingly sort of way whenever he flashed me that dazzling smirk of his. It's like he's charming and he knew it. And he knew that I knew it too. I was reluctant to take his arm but not as much as before, more so wondering what it would mean if I did take it? Even once?

I think this all amused him greatly, shown in the way Friederich's grin grew in its corners. His eyes softened upon me. "Come on, sweetheart. There's nothing to be afraid of." My eyes widened, as did Anthony's; he wasn't used to hearing other men talk to me that way either. I didn't make a move right away but slowly my hand began to lift up. I was about to touch Friederich's arm when all of a sudden, from out of nowhere…. Simon emerged from the crowds and he was looking straight at us. I immediately froze, ogling him with gigantic eyes. Only one thought ran through my head in that instance.

It's him; it's really him. He's here.

Both Friederich and Anthony watched my stunned reaction with confusion, then my brother checked behind him over his shoulder. His face lit up when he saw it was Simon standing there with this upmost intensity. He did not look happy- not at all. "Ah, Simon! There you are. We found Daphne." "I can see that," oh boy, his tone just now. Yes, he was not happy, though I couldn't figure out why. He's the one who friend-dumped me, after all… Remembering that, it all hit me like a ton of bricks yet again. My eyes lowered, also unhappily so. Yes, I remember what Simon said to me the last time we met. Obviously he wouldn't be thrilled to see me again; he doesn't want anything to do with me. He's made that painfully clear- there's no way he could make it clearer. My hand lifted to press up into my chest.

There's no room for me in his heart; he doesn't want to make room.

I wasn't watching anymore when Simon's eyes shifted from me over to the prince standing very near me. You could tell he was waiting for me to take his arm by the way it was extended out. Their stares locked, which caught Anthony's attention. He glanced between the two men, suddenly remembering his manners. "Oh, yes! Your highness, this is the new Duke of Hastings, Lord Simon Basset. He's an old friend from Oxford." "Pleasure," Friederich gave Simon a nod, not taking a single step away from me. Now of course I was too dense at the time to realize that this was a power move on his part; the closer he stayed to me, all the more distance Simon could not traverse. Still, the gentlemen remained civil, not exacting smiling but not scowling at one another either. Gaging Friederich's reaction, Anthony next turned to his dear friend. "Simon, this is Prince Friederich Wagner of Bavaria." "Prince?!" Simon gasped. This caused Friederich to chuckle, though not out of malice I think. "That was their reaction."

Anthony rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He was clearly being very cautious how to proceed, especially considering what Lady Featherington said about Daddy being pleased. Wait a minute….. I blinked to myself. Pleased about what? Why would he care about my meeting Prince Friederich? Why….? "Look, baby girl; I hate to tell you this, but forget about love. People like you and me don't have the luxury of "falling in love". You have to understand: all marriage is a transaction, and you've got to maximize your profit. You're going to trade money for a title. Dollar princesses used to do it all the time." Oh! Oh….. I suddenly felt a little sick to my stomach, and I got more nauseous the more I thought about it. Yes, Daddy would have been over the moon if he'd known….. Should I….? Should that be taken into account for anything? After all it was decided by Grandfather and Daddy that I would marry and bring the family standing higher a long time ago. And I suppose I could do worse than someone like Friederich….. If I can't have the man I love, then second place isn't so bad….

My train of thought came to a crashing halt. Wait, what am I doing?! What is wrong with me?! I can't be thinking about marriage! I still have a dissertation to finish and what about PhD? No, this is not the time to get married to anyone! Besides, I don't even know anyone enough to…. to…. My eyes very slowly drifted back up to Simon, then over to the prince; neither man was looking at me currently, giving me an opportunity to consider to myself. I don't feel the same when I look at Friederich, but then I didn't have butterflies right off the bat with Simon either. I wonder if I could come to care for someone else the same way….

I can't tell you how hard my back arched at Friederich suddenly turning his head in my direction. My eyes widened, my heart skipped a beat as if I was some child caught in the act. He smiled, of course. "Sorry, didn't mean to cut you off like that. You must be getting hungry; I know I am. Let's go get something to eat, Daphne." All three of our eyes grew in response to this. He…. He said my first name; he called me "Daphne", just like that! Talk about skipping over the formalities. I'm not into formalities, don't get me wrong; but that means something in our society. It meant something, and we all knew what it was.

This was the start of the weirdest, tensest, most scary brunch I've ever been to.