
3. A Brother And His Sister

"I'm not going." "Oh yes, you are." "No, I'm not." "Yes, you are." Anthony and I were walking though St. James Park the morning after my arrival. He was adamant that I go this afternoon with the rest of the family, and I was adamantly positive I did not want to go. While strolling arm-in-arm, my eldest brother gave mine a squeeze.

"Come on, baby sis. You know we can't show up without you; not now that everyone knows you're back in London." "Stupid Lady Whistledown," if I ever get my hands on him, I'll…. Anthony grinned down at me kindly. "Besides, it'd be mortifying not to show up with you on my arm. Who else am I supposed to take to the social if not my beloved, beautiful baby sister?" "There's always Eloise," I smirked back. "Ha ha, very funny. Look- all you need to do is show up, smile, make small talk with the right people, and act grateful for the opportunity to be there. It's a real privilege to attend the spring social at Buckingham Palace, Daphne. A million girls would kill for that." "Good. Then they can go and I can stay home." "So not happening. You're going, end of story. It'll be a good family outing for your first full day back. And besides…. You might meet some eligible husband material there too."

My feet came to a freezing halt giving me the chance to shoot my brother a stare. "Oh, now don't start that again! I still have four more months of Masters left to go." "I thought you wanted to start applying for PhD positions next fall." My gaze lowered a bit. "Well I won't be able to unless….." My hands balled into fists; I always got really tense whenever we talked about this.

Anthony and I looked at each other again; my expression being totally sincere. "There's still time, Anthony. We can change the will." "Daphne…." He sighed but I wouldn't stop. "You can keep the estate! We'll divide my portion into seven equal parts, including my trust fund for PhD." "This is what Dad wanted, Daphne. He set up the will how he thought was best; it's not our place to question his judgment." "But we're the only ones benefitting from it! It's not right; what about our other siblings? We'll get everything and they'll get nothing? How can we not question judgment like that? We're all Daddy's children."

My brother watched me for a moment before gently easing me to walk forward by tugging my arm, still linked with his. "I know it's not perfect, baby sis. But when has English inheritance ever been perfect? You may not like it, but Dad knew what he was doing when he planned out his will. I get the estate, which amounts to half, and you get a little over ninety percent of the rest. When all is said and done, and I've paid property taxes and estate fees, you're actually making out with the most. And that's how Dad wanted it. That money you're sitting on makes you the most eligible Bridgerton sibling. It was his wish that you marry well, and to do so you need money. Money equals titles, in this economy," Anthony glanced forward while saying this last part. I eyed him, not saying anything right away. What could I say? I knew he was right. Daddy was a very traditional man, after all- titles and prestige were everything to him.

My lips eventually parted, taking in a silent breath. "But I don't want a title. I don't even want a husband! I want to move to Europe and get a PhD- no strings attached. Can't we at least change that part of the will?" "You know we can't. Dad set it up that you get your trust fund for PhD when you get married, otherwise you'll have to wait 'til you're thirty years old." "But I'm almost done now! Please, big brother; I'm begging you. I don't want to get married… Please change the will… so I can go into PhD next year."

Anthony's eyes glossed all over me. He wasn't smiling but he kept holding my arm very near him. My heart sank right out of me when he sighed gravely. "This isn't America; we can't just contest our father's will if we don't think it's fair. It would be seen as a public criticism to Dad if we tried to amend it, and we can't insult his memory like that; not in the society we live in." "But Anthony….!" "And look, I like the clause Dad put in for you, Daphne. You were his favourite child by far, and we both want someone to take care of you."

My eyes couldn't have rolled harder. See what I meant about the men in my family thinking we were living two hundred years ago? "This isn't the Regency Era, big bro. I can take care of myself." "With everything mental, yes. But there are some things men are just better at than women. A man can protect you and keep you from harm- that's his job." "You don't think I can protect myself?" I gave an upset smirk. "You weigh less than a hundred and thirty pounds and can barely lift thirty pounds. Plus I don't like you living alone in your… condition. Speaking of which, it's been an hour. Here, have some water," Anthony checked his watch before reaching into his bag and pulling out a water bottle. I rolled my eyes again and took it from him.

"You don't have to keep track of the time that closely, big bro. I can feel when I need something," I took a few sips. My eldest brother shook his head. "I don't care. It's been an hour and you're supposed to have a drink. I won't have you fainting at the social this afternoon." "I've told you before. I've never actually fainted," the back of my hand wiped my mouth. "But you lost your vision for three seconds a couple of months ago. It's getting worse, baby sis." I looked at him but didn't reply. He's right again; my vision did go completely white last winter for up to three seconds- maybe five. That's never happened to me before and it was admittedly scary. I think Anthony panicked more than I did though.

Anthony made sure I finished like half my water bottle before putting it back. Then he took my arm again and we started to go forward. "Drink at least two more bottles before we go this afternoon, and no drinking at the party." "I don't drink anyway, big bro. You know that." He smiled down at me, giving my arm another tender squeeze. "Yes, I know…"

A pregnant pause fell over us as we just enjoyed the park for a moment. When Anthony spoke next, his voice was much softer and soulful. "I just love you, baby sis; I can't help but worry about you. I promised Dad I'd look after you… I'd never be able to forgive myself if anything ever happened to you." Awe, Anthony…. How could I stay mad at a brother like him? I squeezed his arm right back. "I know you love me, big bro; I love you too. But you don't have to worry so much. And you definitely don't have to look after me. I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself. I have for the past year and a half in Belgium, after all….."

He scowled. "I still don't see why you couldn't have gone to an English university for Masters." "Because I wanted to get away and experience being on my own. No offence, but I've lived in that crowded manor with everyone my whole life. I wanted some freedom." "You have freedom here…. It's just… I can keep an eye on you when you're close." "You keep an eye on me anyway! We text every day." "I just want to check in. Is that so wrong?" I looked up to his face, watching him a second before smiling. "No… No, it's not."

Anthony sighed. The warm, calm spring breeze rolled over us, sending our hair scattering a bit. "Can you really blame me for any of this? Can you blame Dad? He just loved you so much… I know it's old-fashioned but he wanted a good marriage for you more than anything else. That's why you inherited so much…." "I know," my eyes lowered. I know… Anthony's head tilted upwards slightly. "You are the Bridgerton heiress- you are the most beautiful jewel this family contains." "Anthony…." My stare rejoined his. His smile was sad and solemn this time.

"Which is why… I couldn't possibly let you go…. for anyone who isn't deserving. We're looking for a duke at least, though a lord would be better." "A duke's a very good position, big bro." "Yes, but my darling baby sister deserves only the best," we paused again so to look at one another straight in the eye. Anthony's free hand reached up to brush a few stray hairs off my left cheek. "But until you meet the right man- and he better be perfect- I'll take his place and be the dominate male figure in your life." "Anthony." "You need a man watching over you; to make sure nothing ever happens to you…. That's why you need to get married. Though I know no one will ever truly be good enough for you." "Heh, how can you be so sure?" I giggled. Anthony's smile was sincere and profound this time. His thumb ran alongside my cheek, just like he used to do when we were children and I would cry.

"Because you're my sister. My precious baby sister…"