
22. People Should Think They're In Love

'Thus, it would seem that Miss Daphne Bridgerton has elected to stay here in London for the foreseeable future. Why one would forgo Belgium in the glorious springtime is indeed a compelling query. One must wonder what is so attractive so to keep her attention? Though if I was to hazard an innocent guess, it would involve a certain duke who is often seen with the young heiress. In fact, the two seem quite enamoured with one another, making sure to talk and visit at every gala. It is no wonder polite society keeps linking her name with his. It helps matters not that a sigh can be heard from this season's diamond of the first water's lips when she gazes at the duke, and naturally he looks so vain with her. They should be careful,

People should think they're in love.'

"Hey, Daph? Wanna hear what Lady Whistledown tweeted about you this morning?" "I most certainly do not! I told to stop following him; it's creepy." Unphased, Eloise flashed me a clever smirk. "Mmmmmm, you sure? I think you'd find it really interesting." "No! Stop wasting your time with that and pay attention to your family," I huffed.

It was the end of April; May was just around the corner. Anthony started really getting ready for tax season approaching, so he'd been preoccupied with that. I'd just submitted my PhD application in last weekend and was thoroughly mentally exhausted. Consequently, I decided to take some time off to let myself rest until we went to Edinburgh. That was coming up soon- eeeeek! So incredibly excited! Simon and the others seemed excited too.

Being such a nice day out today, we felt it a shame to stay inside. Benedict was back from Oxford for the weekend and wanted to do something outside. Since Anthony was too busy to join us, the seven of us went for a picnic in a big park with a small green field. I invited Simon along, which he happily accepted. He, Eloise, and I were sitting on a picnic blanket underneath a massive oak tree; we liked sitting under trees. Meanwhile our other siblings were playing softball not too far from us. Naturally Colin and Benedict were really into it, while still keeping pace so the younger kids could join in.

Benny hit the ball with a bat, sending it flying into the distance. Wearing this gigantic grin, his head spun around to us. "See that, Eloise? That's how it's done!" "Yeah, whatever. I could have hit it further," she shouted back. "Oh yeah?" His eyebrow raised playfully. "Yeah! Let me show you!" My sister got up to march over and snatch the bat from him. While they were busy with that, I looked at Simon with a grin.

"Hmmmm, no one ate any of the food I made." "Well you said so yourself: you can't cook," he smirked back at me. I laughed. "That's true. Maybe I should just buy sandwiches next time." "Or I could make us something," Simon shrugged. "You?" "Why not?" "Heh, I have my reservations. Have you ever even turned on the stove before? I doubt you can cook any better than I can." He laughed too, giving his head a shake. "You're probably right."

Our eyes then met; this warm spring breeze rolling over us, brushing our hair out in the air. I brought my knees up into my chest, hugging them in a relaxed fashion. "Looking forward to our trip to Edinburgh? It's coming up soon." "Oh yes, very excited. I've never travelled so far by train alone." "Really?" "Yes. I'm glad my first time will be with you." "Really?" I asked again in a softer, shyer tone. He nodded. "At least I know I won't be bored." "Yeah, me either. I'm really glad you're coming, Simon." "Me too, Daphne. Me too…."

"Hey, Simon! You coming up to bat or what?! It's your turn, you know!" Colin made us both flinch with his loud shouting. With a contented sigh and smile, Simon stood up. His eyes gazed down at me one last time. "Well, here I go." My lips smiled back up at him in a tender fashion. "Alright. Knock it outta here!" Still grinning, Simon went over to the imaginary base; my siblings were using napkins as markers on the ground. Benny handed him the bat, and everyone got into position. I watched, resting my chin happily on my kneecaps.

Unsurprisingly, the duke hit the ball the first time Colin threw it at him. My siblings cheered all impressed. The first thing Simon did after hitting the ball was to look back my way. "You see that, Daphne?!" You could hear the exhilaration in his tone. Awe! It was adorable; in some ways he was a grownup adult man, but glimmers of his inner child could be seen from time to time. Thank goodness I was around to see it.

My hands clasped together in a show of my own thrill for him. "Uh huh! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" We grinned at each other, forgetting that others were watching for a second. Eloise's mischievous, knowing grin returned to her face. "Fall in love with him again?!" She hollered out with such ease. "Ye-….! Hey, Eloise!" I answered without consulting my brain first. Realizing what I almost just said, my cheeks turned a glowing red. It didn't help that Simon was still looking at me- everyone was now. But I don't think my siblings took it as such a big deal, carrying on with their game right away. I stayed quiet the rest of the time, watching from the side lines. If what I…. er, Eloise said bothered him, he wasn't showing it. Far from it. He was running about with my siblings, laughing and playing with them. He helped Gregory swing the bat and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

Simon was smiling now too. One of those true smiles which come from deep down inside when you're really enjoying yourself. It made me so happy to see him interact and have such fun with my family. It was honestly like he was becoming one of us- he fit in that well. And the fact that he genuinely liked being around them… and me. We love having him around too; I certainly do. He's so easy to be around… so easy to like. My head tossed back, my eyes shutting as I breathed in the spring sunshine. This sincere grin crossed my lips on its own accord. Maybe this was the right choice, after all…. Maybe I was meant to stay in the UK a bit longer.

Just a little longer.