
19. Choices

"I didn't really do much else today. Just returned some university books to their respective libraries, then came home for a little rest this afternoon. By the way, thank you for the package! What a surprise! Dinosaur-shaped candies!" My voice was all excited and joyous. Simon had called me this evening to see how packing was going and to say goodnight. It was Friday night, and I'd be flying out this Monday morning. Course that gave the duke enough time to order me a surprise farewell gift of dinosaur-shaped hard candies in a variety of yummy flavours for me to enjoy on the flight. The delivery came this afternoon, and I couldn't have been happier. This man knew how to make me smile- like really smile from deep, down inside from the heart. Who knew one little gesture could bring so much joy?

"They're perfect! I love dinosaurs!" Simon chuckled on the other end of the line. "I know." "I'm particularly looking forward to trying the blue-raspberry T-rexs. Where'd you even find something like these?" "I have my ways. But it should be no surprise that I found them on an American site." "Heh, no; that doesn't surprise me at all. Thank you, Simon. It's a gift tailored specifically to me- I love candy, and I love dinosaurs. I can't tell you how incredibly thoughtful that was of you," I smiled, even though I know he couldn't see it. I'm sure he was shrugging his shoulders a tad timidly right now; I could imagine it in my head. "Well, I wanted to make sure you had something to look forward to on the plane. I know it's going to be hard leaving your family on Monday, and let's be frank, no one likes dealing with the Gatwick airport." I laughed. "So true! It shouldn't be too bad, though. Not a lot of people fly out on Monday mornings usually. And the plane ride itself isn't too long." "Don't you have to be at the airport two hours before take-off?" I thought about it for a minute, letting out a sudden sigh and running my hand across my face. "Oh yeah, that's right. Nugh, I'm gonna have to spend two hours at Gatwick airport." "Do you have something to keep yourself entertained?" "Eh, I guess I'll just bring a book or something. Maybe watch some Netflix on my phone. I'll find some way to pass the time," I always do. "Could you work on your dissertation?" "No, airports are too noisy. I need to be somewhere quiet where I can think to write, and heh, Gatwick ain't it," a giggle left my lips again.

"Speaking of airports, have you started packing yet?" "Not yet. I always wait til last minute… for some reason." "Hmmmm, is that wise?" He asked in jest. "I think so. Gives me time to remember everything I need to bring. Usually I start a little pile somewhere in my room and just add to it as I think of things." "That's not a bad idea." "Course it's not! I'm an experienced traveller, don't forget. I've done this lots before." Then Simon got quiet for a second, alarming me a little. It was supposed to be a joke; I didn't mean anything by it. When he spoke again, his tone was low and sincere. "I know…." "Simon?"

Before either of us could say more, by bedroom door slammed open. Eloise waltzed herself in, lazily tossing herself onto my bed- all without my permission, I might add! "Who're talking to?" She asked nosily. "What are you doing in here?" I remarked, wholly unamused and unimpressed. My sister, of course, couldn't have cared less. She rolled onto her stomach, her head hanging off the bed. "Is that Simon? Hi Simon!" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled sweetly. "Hi Eloise," he answered back, though she couldn't hear him. "Really cute package you sent Daph today. And hey! Where's my candy?! Cats are my favourite animal." "Stop it, Eloise! He got me those as a goodbye present," I gave her leg a light smack. "Well actually I came across them online and couldn't not get them for you, Daphne. They suited you too well," the duke corrected me. "Heh, you know me too well, your grace," my eyes lowered. Yet another chuckle left his lips. "Yes; yes, I do."

Eloise rolled from side to side overtop my bed, making kissing sounds. "Mmmmmm smoochy, smoochy. Someone's in love!" "Eloise! Ignore her, Simon," I tried to dismiss my sister's unseemly behaviour. "You are! Why else would you be talking on the phone- gasp!- after dark?" "For your information, little sister, the duke called me to see how packing was going and to say goodnight. That's all!" "Haha, course I come to learn you haven't started packing yet," Simon laughed. "I'll pack on Sunday after brunch at the hotel. Anthony invited you already, didn't he?" "Yes, he did." "Good, I was going to ask if he hadn't yet." "You were?" Simon's tone was peppered with a hint of surprise. "Course! I wanna see you one last time before I go." "Don't worry; I wouldn't miss it. I'll come for brunch with your family at eleven sharp at the hotel." "Perfect! It'll be our last family outing all together until Benny and I come back from university," whenever that may be.

"Are you going to bed soon?" Simon then inquired. "Soon. I just wanna organize my desk and have a bath, then I'll go to bed. How about you?" "Hmmmm, I think I'll go to the boxing gym for a bit, then have a shower and hit the sack." "Sounds good. Make sure to wear yourself so you're good and tired." While we were discussing this, Eloise got up off my bed and made her way over to my bed. I wasn't paying attention when she picked up the open-ended plane ticket Anthony gave me a few nights back. I'd left it laying around in the open, like an idiot. She opened the flap and pulled out the dateless ticket.

"Did you tell Simon about this?" I checked over my shoulder at what Eloise was doing. "What? Hey! Put that down! Don't go snooping through my things!" My hand waved at her all irritated now. "Tell me what?" Simon asked curiously. I winced my eyes shut. No, why me? Why me? "Oh, it's nothing. My brother just gave me an open-ended ticket in case I changed my mind and wanted to fly back later." "He did?!" Simon gasped in surprised. I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me. "Yeah. As per my contract I can work aboard for up to six months. But it has to be for a good reason. I doubt my supervisor would let me stay in London because "I want to". It doesn't work like that." "So let me get this straight? If you had a legitimate reason to stay in Britain, you would be permitted to do so?" He clarified. Again, I nodded, forgetting he still couldn't see. "And….. what counts as a legitimate reason?" "Oh, I don't know? Conferences, guest events and lectures, research opportunities: basically anything to do with academia. It's really easy to extend your time aboard once you get the green light to stay; it's just getting the green light that's hard." "I see…." Simon cooed thoughtfully.

"Well, anyway, I don't have one. So it looks like I'm going back to Brussels." "Yes, and you should also start getting ready for bed. You have another busy day tomorrow." "Yes, I do," I chuckled, a tad surprised he remembered me telling him that I was taking all the younger kids to see a movie and out to the park tomorrow. "Have a good sleep. Remember to bring lots of water with you tomorrow, and sit down for a little while if you get too lightheaded or hot." I chuckled. "I will, I will. Have fun at the boxing gym. Be careful." "I will. I'll see you on Sunday." "See you on Sunday." "Good night, Daphne." "Good night, Simon." Click! Still holding my phone in my hand, I glanced over to my sister, who was grinning ear-to-ear. "Still think you're "just friends"?" She folded her arms in triumph. I was about to give her a piece of my mind until my phone started vibrating again. Thinking it might be Simon who forgot to tell me something on our last call, my eyes widened at Dr. Pillar's name on the screen.

"Dr. Pillar, hi! Good evening," without hesitation, I answered. She had a habit of calling me much later in the day and always gave an explanation for it. "Hi, Daphne. Sorry for phoning so late. Had to submit all my marks in by seven tonight," see what I mean? "It's fine! It's fine," I didn't want her to think I was annoyed or anything though; I wasn't! It sounded like she was shuffling through some papers on her end. "Have you gone through the revisions I sent you?" "Yes! And I've made all the changes you've recommended. It's all ready for you to take another look at- if you have time, that is!" "I do. Just send me over everything; I'll have a colleague look at it too. Have you told your supervisor about this yet?" "I have. Dr. Grinds has given me his consent and agreed to write a reference letter when the time comes." "Good. If you send the application in by the end of this month, that should be enough time. They're going to start conducting interviews at the start of June; you'll know when yours is scheduled by the end of May, if you get one."

A smile emerged across my lips. "Thank you so much for helping me with this, Dr. Pillar. I really appreciate it." "Not all at! Just have the application ready to go by the end of the month. It may be a good idea to send Dr. Grinds a copy too." "I will." "Ok then. In the meantime, email me over what you have with your corrections. I'll make another set of notes for you." "Thank you. I'll send the application over as soon as we're done talking." "What application?" Eloise, who had been very quiet up til now, raised her eyebrow. "Get out of my room!" I shouted to her in a whisper, holding my hand over the speaker part of my phone. Too bad it didn't work. I heard my old supervisor chuckle mildly. My face went white.

"I'm so sorry, Dr. Pillar!" "I understand. I had five siblings myself. Never a dull moment with large families." "You can say that again," my eyes rolled tiredly. "Just get your application draft to me. I'll try to have it back to you in a week or so. You'll be back in Brussels by then, won't you?" "Yes. I'll schedule an appointment to go talk about this with Dr. Grinds after I'm back next week." "Good. I wouldn't worry too much, dear. Your research proposal is getting better and you're doing all the right things! With a little more work, it should be ready to fire off. Just keep working hard and stay focused. But don't worry.

Amsterdam would be lucky to have you as a PhD candidate."