
1. Then There Was Daphne

(Author's Note: I've changed the age of the characters a little. Daphne is now twenty-four and in Masters; she completed her Honours degree at London's King College. In this story, Violet Bridgerton has already passed along with Edmund; she died of childbirth complications with her last child. Because of this, Anthony is a lot more mature and paternalistic to his siblings, especially Daphne. These changes will make sense later. Enjoy!)

With how outspoken and determined I am, it's a good thing I wasn't born in the early nineteenth century.

Too bad no one told the men in family this.

Brussels, Springtime:

I had just scarfed down the last of my takeaway dinner when my phone started to vibrate. I was at my desk in my tiny student-sized room with my suitcase laying open on my bed, still barren. My aim was to send some work off to my supervisor before I began to pack- I always did leave that sort of thing to the last minute. A caller was the last thing I needed at the moment.

"Nugh, what do they want now?" I groaned picking up the device. My sister's face was on the screen; that silly selfie she took of herself a few years ago. "Hello, Francesca." "Finally! How many times do I have to call you before you pick up your damn phone?" "It was airplane mode; I'm trying to get another chapter done. What's up?" "What's up? What's up is you're flying home tomorrow." "I know. Why do you think I'm working so hard?" "Have you even started packing?" "Eh, it'll get done eventually. What's more important is that I get these chapters to my supervisor before I go to bed tonight, which by the way, your constant calls aren't helping." "Oh, sod off. It's not like you ever call home and we haven't seen you since Christmas." "Well that's what happens when people do their Masters aboard- they go aboard. Now what'd you'd want? I have to get this finished." "Well, don't expect me to come meet you at the airport with that attitude." "I don't want you to come down to Heathrow anyway! It'll be super busy and I'd rather none of you come deal with that. I'm perfectly capable of getting to the estate by myself." "Uh huh, sure. Speaking of getting to the estate, Anthony wants to talk to you." "Ok, put him on," I didn't have any issue talking to him. I was his favourite sibling, after all- as morally problematic as that may be.

"Hi, Daphne?" "Hi, big bro. What's up?" "I just wanted to see if you're ready for the flight tomorrow." "I will be… at 6am in the morning," why'd he have to book me such an early flight? "Do you have your tickets printed out?" "Yes." "And your passport? Is that packed already too?" "Yes, I have my passport, Anthony. Relax; I've done this a billion times before. I know what I'm doing." He let out a sigh. "I know, baby sis, but I can't help it. It always makes me worry when you travel, especially on your own like that." "I'm twenty-four, big bro. And I'm in Masters. I think I can take care of myself." "I know, I know….." A smile drew across my lips. He's still worried- oh shoppingmode brother.

"I'll book you a cab to be there at six sharp." "No, I don't need a cab. I'll just take the train." "Daphne, you're flying international; you're supposed to be there at least an hour early. I don't need the concern of you not boarding your flight because the trains are running late or get delayed. You're taking a taxi, end of discussion." "You know, big bro, I know we're rich, but I don't mind taking the train! I'm going to take one into London when I get to Heathrow anyway." "Over my dead body," he chuckled. "I'm only bringing one suitcase, and it's full of gifts for you guys. I won't have anything valuable on my person. There's really no reason I can't take the train like normal people." "Yeah well you're not a "normal person". You're my sister, and my sister takes a taxi to and from the airport," his voice had some authority in it. I sighed, rolling my eyes again. See what I mean about being super old fashioned?

"Alright, alright. 6am- I'll be ready." "That's my baby sis." "It's really not necessary though." "I'll be the judge of that. How'd your doctor's appointment go, by the way?" "Nice segue. Fine, Anthony; I would have told you if anything was wrong." "How's your blood pressure?" "Stable. I've managed to keep it up pretty well." "That's good. Speaking of which, do you have lots of water and snacks for the trip tomorrow?" "Yes! You don't have to worry about that. I've got everything under shoppingmode control," my hand ran over my face in agony. "I wouldn't worry if you weren't close to fainting." "But I have never fainted before! Just….. gotten close a couple of times." "Just make sure you have everything you need." "I do! Seriously, stop fretting over me. I'm not going to black out on the plane." "Hey, it's not my fault! You're the one who doesn't want to take medication for your condition." "Because I can treat it on my own!" My hand flew up into the air, despite my knowing he couldn't see it.

There was a moment of silence before my eldest sibling let out an exasperated sigh. "Alright, alright; I trust you. Just give me text before your plane takes off and when you land, ok?" "I will, big bro. I always do." "Ok then, I'll let you go. Enjoy your last night in Brussels." "I will! Just finished up dinner and about email my supervisor." "You better have not had a waffle smothered with chocolate sauce and oreos for your dinner tonight." "Course not," I said while throwing out the chocolately waffle wrapper in the trash. He sighed for the final time. "Ok, good night, baby sis. I'll see you at the estate tomorrow afternoon." "Alright, big bro. Have a good night." "Have a good sleep. Don't go to bed too late." "You too," I could practically feel him smiling from this side of the line. "I love you, baby sister." And I couldn't help but smile too. How do I know I'm Anthony's favourite sibling, you might ask? Cause I'm the only one he says that to in the family now. He's only ever said it to me and Dad before.

"I love you too, big shoppingmode brother."