
Bride To His Darkness

Asking help from the enemy was the last thing Samantha ever planned on doing, but who knew she would find her fate irrevocably sealed in the hands of a notorious Vampire Lord? In a world where Humans and Vampires have chosen to co-exist, the sacred orb of GreenHollow in the Northern Empire goes missing on a rainy night, right after the death of their ruler who was murdered in cold blood. It brought upon them an endless drought that can only be reversed when the sacred orb is found, and returned to its rightful place in the Empire. Ivan Chevalier, the heir and most feared son of the murdered Vampire King, has only two motives in life - to find his Father's perpetrator and behead him, his second motive is hunting down the sacred orb and restoring GreenHollow to what it used to be during his Father's reign. But when both motives lead him to the hands of his enemy's daughter, he has to choose between getting rid of her, or using her to his advantage by turning her into his blood slave. Samantha Dufort, a simple girl from EmptyHollow, is on the run with her younger brother after witnessing her Father being brutally murdered by a Vampire Lord. On the way, she gets abducted by slave traders. Forcefully separated from her younger brother, Samantha finds herself in a brothel, where she is trained to become a courtesan till she comes of age to be sold out. Her encounter with a mysterious man in white whom she referred to as her 'angel of death' saves her from a misery that only led Samantha into the cage of a Vampire Lords den. Tricked into becoming his puppet, Samantha tries to find different opportunities to escape the Vampire's den, and the Vampire Lord in person. But will she succeed when no one has ever left the Palace walls? Well, she was going to be the first to escape from these walls and find her missing brother. Twisted and trapped in the webs of Vampire politics interrelating with humans, Samantha discovers the main reason for her existence, a reason that could lead to changing the course of Empty Hollow. What happens when the Vampire Lord isn't the only darkness she has to run away from?

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
375 Chs


By the time Samantha regained consciousness, it was already dawn.

She could feel the carriage pull over, and she could hear an unfamiliar Masculine voice shouting angrily at someone whilst her eyes remained closed from having all her energy seeped from her body.

"Where's the rest of the girls?! What do you mean she's escaped??? Bring the rest of the girls in, we'll deal with the other one later, she couldn't have gone too far."

When the conversation happening made no sense to Samantha who was in the middle of recovering, she opened her swollen eyes when she was greeted by the vast light that seeped in when the back of the carriage door opened.

Blocking the sunlight with her palm to avoid the lights coming in contact with her eyes, when her eyes finally adjusted, an average looking man with a stern face and a goatee beard on his chin, stood outside the carriage's door.

He had his eyes fixed on the six girls that had been abducted last night and brought in, scrutinizing all of them with his piercing dark gaze, and a whip was left hanging on his shoulder.

"I hope you ladies had your rest, cause the holidays are finally over for you. Out on your feet, all of you, Now!! Don't waste my time!!"

Holding out his whip to indicate the price of their disobedience, all the sobbing girls flinched and immediately rushed out of the carriage, everyone save for the puzzled Samantha who couldn't remember how she ended up here in the first place.

Both her hands had been chained with shackles, and the same thing was done to her feet. As stricken as she was by the situation she found herself in, Samantha could easily grasp the fact that she wasn't supposed to mess with the strange man who was waiting for her to get down before he took action.

Reluctantly, Samantha stepped down from the carriage, her feet coming in contact with the bare ground.

She could see a number of young girls being dragged into a tall dark building by strange men, their faces marked with fear and despair. About five carriages were parked inside a heavy iron gate, and the gates were locked, denying any of the girls freedom to leave the place.

Two carriages were parked outside the gate where Samantha could see the dry fields to who knows what place that direction could lead one to.

Looking away from it to get a better idea of what situation she had found herself in, she heard the familiar scream of her brother who suddenly called out to her, his voice ringing out through the morning air.


With a gasp, Samantha whipped her head in the direction of where her brother's scream was coming from, and her racing heart dropped when the sight of her younger brother being caged inside one of the Carriages parked outside came into sight.

"Samantha!" He held onto the cage bar, looking at his sister who had been chained like a prisoner.

"Maurice..?" Her eyes widened, "Maurice!" Without thinking, she tried to run towards the gate, but with the shackles chaining her legs together, Samantha stumbled on her feet and kissed the ground.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Grab that sneaky one!" One of the guardsmen yelled out to his colleague after spotting Samantha trying to run towards the gate.


"Maurice! Let go of me! I said let go! That's my brother!" Samantha thrashed and tried to free herself from one of the guardsmen who was successful in holding her in place.

To Samantha's horror, the carriage her brother was in suddenly started, and before her eyes, she watched the carriage leave the scenery with her brother and few other boys locked inside.

"No!" She shook her head in disbelief, "Where are they taking him?? Bring him back! That's my brother! Let go!"

"You little bitch!" Fed up with her constant whining, the guard turned her around and landed a hot slap to the side of her face, sending Samantha falling to the ground as the unexpected slap had thrown her off-guard.

She could hear him hiss out in annoyance, despite the sharp ringing in both her ears.

"Another stubborn ass-bitch," he let out a displeasurable scowl, watching her spit out blood from her mouth. "Mind you, I can kill your damn brother and burn his corps to ashes if you refuse to behave. Act like the proper slave that you are, and don't get on my filthy nerves." He strictly warned.

At the mention of 'slave', Samantha looked at the guard that had viciously slapped her. Refusing to believe it, her gaze shifted to the group of girls that were also bound by shackles as they walked in a straight line, entering the tall, dark-looking tower that was guarded by two muscular men positioned at each side.

As if on cue, what happened last night came rushing back to her head, the visit from the Vampire Lord, the chase, and how she suddenly passed out after being hit from behind, and now, she's in the hands of a slave establishment??

Coming to the conclusion that none of these things were a dream, panic seized in, her heart sped, her already pale face turned paler, more ghostly, and the guard, who had no time to spare, grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her back up to her feet.

"Listen and listen good!" His harsh whisper made the frightened Samantha flinch, and he pointed towards the rest of the dispirited girls that walked into the towering building. "You see those little bitches, you are no different from those human livestock, know your place, and don't come knocking on trouble's door."

"Where are they taking him? Are you going to hurt my brother?" Samantha cared less about what he was saying to her, she was only concerned about the whereabouts of her brother who was being taken away.

The look in her glazed eyes remained relentless, and the guards lips curved deviously.

"You don't have to worry about him, cause you no longer have a brother. As long as you behave and do as we say, he won't be hurt." He then frowned and pushed her forward to join the line of girls that were being taken into the dark towering-building.

The man with the whip led the girls in with clear instructions.

The towering building had a dark stone wall stretching up towards the sky, with narrow sites for windows that let in a small amount of light. The main gate to the entrance of the building creaked open as they approached, and all the girls were led inside, their chains clinking as they went.

Samantha felt her soul leave her body when the door closed behind her as she was the last of them to enter.

The inside of the building was just as dark as the outside, with torches flickering in the sconces along the walls. It casted strange shadows along the stone ground.

The air was thick with the scent of damp and decay, and the girls shuddered as they felt the cold stone beneath their feet. They were led up the stairs that reached far and wide up the tower, and the girls sobbed quietly, save for Samantha who was still in denial as her emerald green eyes surveyed the place.

By the time they made it past the stairs and through a narrowed corridor, a girl at the front suddenly fell to her knees, tired and breathless, and that led to the rest of the girls halting, including the guardsmen.

"Why did you stop walking?? Get up you little cunt!" The one with the whip reached for the girl who had dropped to her knees, he grabbed her harshly by the hair, eliciting a painful scream from her as he pushed her up to her feet.

"No one stops moving till we reach your cells! I catch you on your knees, the result will be life-threatening! Keep moving!!" He yelled at them, and they immediately continued to walk.

The rest of the girls dared not make any attempt to drop to the ground even when their legs felt wobbly and tired.