
Bride Of The Shadows

# Arranged marriage #Paranormal Romance -She was his sweet peach. His wish. His eternity. His redemption. His to corrupt and his to command. He has and would never love any the way he loved her- Hermione Barclay, an attractive princess suffered a tragic past which caused her to isolate herself, frightened by the presence of people, poor constructions of words... The memory of the vampire boy whom she had once felt safe around remained etched in her innermost self and she fantasized about nothing but him. Years later, a marriage proposal arrived and she was to wed the same man she had always dreamt about, unfortunately, her expectations of him were crushed. He only cared for her because he was asked to, not because he wanted to. Dark and Tragic twists awaited her in her new home, how was she going to survive?

Author_Zia · Fantasy
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95 Chs


The carriage eventually reached the kingdom of Malusia. Hermione had not yet witnessed the breathtaking sky that was always dark in this kingdom, and the pathways were illuminated by torches that produced a gentle glow surrounding the kingdom.

Although the atmosphere was unusually chilly, she didn't notice it because she was fast asleep in the carriage. Ever since their bickering began and turned into something expected, Hermione had been struggling to stay awake. She didn't realize it when she dozed off in her seat with her head swaying to the side.

The coachman descended to open the door for them upon their arrival at the manor.

Lloyd cleared his throat to attract her attention. Luckily, she was not one of those heavy sleepers who slept and drooled over their faces. Furthermore, she did not snore, which was a positive thing otherwise, he could have simply hurled her towards the second carriage that was following them.

Hermione's eyelashes flew open and she observed her surroundings. The carriage had stopped. They must have arrived.

She turned her attention to him and saw him jerk his head to the side, "Get down or you could choose to sleep in here forever" He mumbled as he walked towards the door and clambered down the stairs.

She puffed her cheeks at his back, wondering how unchivalrous he was to not even consider helping her when she was in such a heavy dress.

She needed to avoid making the mistake of stepping on this dress, otherwise she could fall down the carriage and embarrass herself again for the second time on this day!

Hermione tried to gather her strength. Gosh! She was exhausted from sitting down all day, she could feel her bottom hurting. She grasped her dress by its sides and gently tugged it, then lowered her head and began climbing down the stairs.

After touching the ground with her glass slipper, she let go of her dress and stepped forward with a heavy breath. Unbeknownst to her, she bumped into his broad back.

She reached for her nose and gave it a slight rub, "S--sorry I wasn't looking" she attempted to explain herself.

His attention was not focused on her but on the sight before him.

When Hermione stepped to her side with her view unobstructed, her jaw dropped at the sight before her. Silently, she glanced over at him, observing his jaw tighten and eyes grimacing at the sight before them. It was an unruly sight.

Was this where he lived?

She asked herself inwardly while gazing at the manor that seemed to have been ransacked, turned upside down even.

The manor was a tall structure looming over them, the moon reflected its bright light, casting an eerie shadow.

But she could still make out the vivid appearance because of her intensified eyesight. The manor was in complete disarray, with shattered glass littering the front lawn. The gardens were trampled and torn apart, and the hedges have been hacked to pieces. The front door hung crooked on its hinges, and the windows were all broken. A chill wind blows through the house, rattling the debris and sending a chill down her spine.

What could have happened here?

Despite Hermione wanting to speak, Lloyd walked away from her and entered the compound, with his keen eyes observing the demolished surroundings. The chards cracked under his feet as he walked into the hall.

He stopped in his tracks as he observed the overturned furniture and broken glass everywhere. The curtains were torn and the rug was stained with blood. There were broken windows, the carpet was stained with something dark and sticky. The walls were scarred with deep gauges, and the wind whistling through the broken windows was harsh.

At the end of the hallway, Butler Oliver was holding a broom and attempting to fix everything.

At first, he was frightened to see the prince coming through the door because Lloyd had asked him to leave the manor and never come back. Nonetheless, he had to keep his promise to the late lady to always be by Lloyd's side no matter what happened. He found the courage to run towards Lloyd, enraged but managing to keep himself contained.

"Your Highness" Oliver bowed his head when he reached where the prince was. Lloyd glared at him.

He then handed over a letter he found in a room while cleaning up the mess.

His eyes narrowed at the white paper folded carefully in Oliver's hand. He reached for the paper and unfurled it, his eyes scrutinizing its content.

A dark chuckle escaped his lips as he read,

'I hope you like my little gift. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you two a life full of torment'

The paper fell to the ground, with the evil glint in his eyes still visible, and a devilish smile tugging at his lips.

The situation was familiar to him, as people lurking in the shadows had committed far worse crimes against him and his mother. Lloyd understood that the letter was not merely a threat, as the person responsible for it had a distinct intention behind their actions.

No one, other than he knows that this haunting game has officially ended, he wasn't going to devour any form of insolence from anyone.

"What are you still doing here, Oliver?" He inquired while walking away from the man to retrieve a furniture item that had been his mother's favorite. As his finger grazed across the wooden part, a small piece of wood broke through his skin.

"I'm sorry Your Highness. But I refuse to leave you alone" The man found the courage to speak.

"Very well then" Lloyd replied before dumping the furniture on the dispersed terrain.

His eyes narrowed to the side, where he caught a glimpse of Hermione and her maid, who were standing next to each other. He sensed the maid's erratic heartbeat as she gazed around with knitted eyebrows. She ensured to hold Hermione tightly close to her.

This wasn't what they were expecting. Well, welcome into his life; a world of shadows where the light of hope never shone.

Hermione, on the other hand, stepped forward. Her shoes clanking against the floor, she crouched down to pick up the paper that Lloyd had dropped, her eyes quickly skimmed through the page and fear gripped her at once.

With shaky hands, she lifted her head to gaze at Lloyd, where he had a smirk on his face.

"First rule, princess" He approached her in a steady stride.

The smirk on his face disappeared, followed by a grim expression.

He eyed her with a displeased look, "Don't pry in businesses that are not of your concern" He asserted. His hands found their way to the paper which she held tightly. He seized it from her.

Lloyd gazed into her eyes and observed the gray-green eyes shaking in trepidation. He didn't attempt to put her at ease.

Who knows, she could be aware of the situation and was feigning ignorance before him.

Lloyd could never bring himself to trust a woman, especially this one who seemed to have some sort of connection with his brother.

"Take the princess to her room, Oliver" He ordered.

Lloyd is bound by a misconception. It would get cleared with time.

Author_Ziacreators' thoughts