
Her wish

After disembarking from the steed, Gerald sauntered into his abode.

His once bleak countenance changed once he emerged through the door. He took a lengthy stare at his house. It was just the way he had left it.

"Papa" His face shifted course. He saw his second daughter, Rosie rushing onward to meet him.

The young blonde woman had a widened smile on her lips. She bounced on her father, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He didn't seem the same, she noticed and pulled back with a confused frown on her face. Why wasn't he welcoming?

Gerald smiled faintly. "Rosie. How have you been faring?"

"I'm doing fine, Papa" She answered.

She was certain that he appeared downhearted.

Rosie had to inquire what had transpired. "Papa, you don't seem fine" Her lips pouted.

Gerald hummed. He walked over to sit in the dining, where he glanced at the meals spread on the table. Seemed like they were about to eat.

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