
Bride Of Death

The world has a way of showing spite and scorning the weak, pecking at them until they are to be left for rot, it's an unforgiving place, cruel and vile, it didn't give Alicia much but still took all she had. Killed by her townsfolk for witchcraft, she awaited the afterlife, but instead she awakened in a bizarre new world in another person's body. In this new world, magic was of norms, but the cruelty of existence manifested itself as humanity battled against death born creatures, and only the strong are allowed to survive. Gaining a system from an unknown entity. There's Something about gods wanting to kill her too. This complicates everything. She'll have to strive to survive, become strong and ascend with her death system, maybe kill a deity or two. That was her plan till she met this pale handsome god.

Nimble_Thyme · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Why be the cat

Alicia looked on bewildered as the blue woman cackled violently before abruptly stopping, leaving no emotion on her face.

The woman looked at the grey haired girl making her shiver.

"We are done, we shall continue the next day". She announced before leaving the dungeon hall.

Alicia squeezed her face in confusion for a while before shaking out of it and activated two times before shutting off, she tried to use it but is unable to, she was at a loss of words at the iressponsive powers she relied on.

She then braced herself and summoned her magic.


Title: Deathforged Wanderer

Level: 1



*Corrosive Touch (level 1): Infuse melee attacks with necrotic energy, causing decay*.



*Soul Affinity:* Ancient(---)

*Health Points (HP): (3/100) (earned from basic exercise, and doubled from eating enemies)

*Regeneration: Slow passive regeneration consuming (HP) due to the Death System.

*Energy Points (EP):* (8/50) (earned from absorbing enemy soul).

*Memento Drain:* Consumes EP for heightened effects during intense moments.

*Vitality: 2.

*Endurance (Increased stamina and resistance to fatigue): 1.

*Strength: 1.

*Muscle Mastery (Enhanced physical strength for combat maneuvers): 0.

*Psychic Resilience( Increased mental fortitude against psychological attacks):1.

Survival Score: 1/3.


*Experience Points (XP):1.

 *Evolution Potential: Unlocked after defeating 15 high-grade fleshfiends.

Fleshfiends killed (0/15)].

*Inventory (locked, can be opened at the fifteenth level)



She saw that necrotic blast whuch was blue and vibrant before was now a dull grey. Somewhere in her brain, she figured it meant it only worked 3 times in a day.

She looked down in frustration as she thought on it. The girl looked at skill and curiosity got the better of her as she selected skills.


Aether skill(Necrotic touch)(1/10)

Swordplay (1/100)


The deathforged wanderer was surprised by her theft skill the system had in her skillset, she was a good thief though, one of the only things she was really good at, especially surviving on the streets as an orphan.

She wondered what would happen if everything was filled up.

She dismissed the screen as she finally took in the entirety of her location.

Within the towering confines of the "veil", the dungeon lay hidden, its layout designed to accommodate both prisoners and non-prisoners alike.

The entrance to the dungeon was a massive gateway, in which one of the blue women opened with their aether guarded by imposing stone pillars adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of ancient battles. Beyond the gateway, a dimly lit corridor led deeper into the heart of the dungeon, its walls lined with torches that cast flickering shadows upon the rough-hewn stone.

To the left of the entrance corridor lay the battle hall, where Alicia stood.

A vast chamber designed for combat training and sparring matches.

The hall was equipped with various training dummies, weapon racks, and served as a combat arena, providing ample space for warriors to hone their skills and test their mettle against one another.

Opposite the battle hall, on the right side of the corridor, were the rooms designated for non-prisoners. These rooms were furnished with comfortable beds, tables, and chairs, offering a semblance of comfort and privacy amidst the dreary confines of the dungeon, this included Alicia's room.

Further down the corridor, past the battle hall and non-prisoner rooms, lay the cells reserved for prisoners. The cells were small and cramped, with thick iron bars serving as their only barrier to the outside world. Each cell contained a narrow cot and a chamber pot, the bare necessities for those unfortunate enough to find themselves confined within.

Throughout the dungeon, a network of narrow passageways and winding staircases connected the various chambers and corridors, creating a labyrinthine maze that confounded all but the most seasoned of navigators.

The young girl stood in the battle hall, her eyes wide with curiosity as she thought of the prisoners. Despite the danger of punishment a sense of intrigue tugged at her, drawing her attention to the corridor leading to the prisoner's side of the dungeon.

With hesitant steps, the girl ventured down the dimly lit corridor, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As she approached the iron-barred cells, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Nevertheless, her curiosity compelled her to press on.

As the young girl passed through the hall of prisoners, the eyes of the inmates followed her every move, their expressions a mixture of curiosity, resentment, and despair.

"Hey, little girl, get us out of here, we never deserved to be here". One shouted. Causing a chain reaction of prisoner noises

Some begged her to set them free, some commanded, some even whispered amongst themselves, speculating on the reason for her presence in their domain, while others simply stared in silence, their gaunt faces bearing the weight of their imprisonment.

She knew it was none of her business, she was a woman who grew up on the streets not some naive little girl, or was she?.

She passed them all going deeper into the hall, she felt the weight of their scrutiny, pleas and commands, the girl quickened her pace, eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere of the corridor. However, something compelled her to pause as she passed by one particular cell a sense of unease prickling at the back of her neck.

Approaching the cell cautiously, the girl peered through the iron bars, her heart pounding with anxiety. Inside, a figure sat hunched in the shadows, their features obscured by darkness. Though she could not see their face, she sensed a presence emanating from within the cell a presence that seemed to beckon to her, drawing her closer despite her instincts screaming for her to flee.

With trembling hands, the girl reached out to touch the figure, her fingers brushing against the cold metal bars. In that moment, a surge of energy passed between them, causing the air to crackle with intensity.

As the shadows parted, revealing the face of the prisoner within, the girl's breath caught in her throat. For staring back at her was not the face of a stranger, but a reflection of herself a mirror image of her own features, twisted with malice and deception.

Before she could react, the imposter lunged forward, seizing her by the wrists and pulling her close to the cell. In a flash of light, their bodies merged, and the girl found herself trapped within the confines of the cell, her consciousness tethered to the prisoner's malevolent will.

With a triumphant smirk, the imposter now inhabiting the girl's body pulled away from the cell, ready to wreak havoc and chaos upon the unsuspecting inhabitants of the dungeon. And as the girl's true self caught in the body of the prisoner.

As the imposter, now inhabiting the girl's body, seized control of the situation, a wicked grin spread across their lips. With a wave of their aether, they unlocked the cells of the other prisoners, setting them free from their confines.

Chaos erupted within the dungeon as the freed prisoners surged forth, their eyes filled with a hunger for destruction and mayhem. The imposter reveled in the pandemonium they had unleashed, relishing in the terror that gripped the inhabitants of the dungeon.

With a sense of purpose driving them forward, the imposter led their newfound followers toward the veil's main area where the populace truly is intent on wreaking havoc and taking over the building, they advanced with a single-minded determination, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in their wake.

Meanwhile, the true girl, trapped within the confines of the cell, struggled to break free from the spell that bound her. With each passing moment, she felt her connection to her own body growing weaker, her consciousness fading as the imposter's influence tightened its grip.

As the chaos unfolded around her, the true girl found herself fading weakly within the intruder's body, trapped within the confines of the cell. With each passing moment, her consciousness grew dimmer, her strength waning as the intruder's malevolent influence tightened its grip.