
#7: Night Troubles

Huang Lei's P.O.V

The whole mansion was busy, filled with over enthusiasm. Everyone, was happy for me, But, I wasn't. There were threats of assassination attempts made on the Lord of Shu province, who is under my care. There is so much opposition against my marriage among the officials and scholars, as my family would be getting more power, with my marriage with the marquis's beloved daughter.

The next day was spent with me sorting out stuff for the scholars and officials about the weaponry and spies of the other kingdom planted within. The next day,

I got up in the morning, had breakfast and was sent to the prison, not for a crime, but for interrogation. I had no role to play in it. I just had to act as witness that the lord who is interrogating doesn't end up killing the suspect.(It has happened before)

There I was delivered with first class show of blood gore. I had to also spill some blood as the suspects wished to kill me(a sloppy move). I just slit a line on his shoulder, but perhaps it got cut too deep that blood spilled over me. Don't worry, he isn't dead. He is just crying for pain, oh, he is being treated though.

The interrogator though was satisfied with this, he got his confession and was able to close up a lot of cases. I just wanted to go home. I couldn't change anywhere else, so I just went home. I came to the study and saw my mother standing in my study looking for something.

"Mother, What are you searching for?", I asked

"Oh! you're back! I was just looking for your father's old books of poetry. I wanted to read them again, Do you have them here?", she said, while searching near the pile of books.

"I had given to brother. You should have asked him, it would have saved you a lot of time.", I said.

"Oh! It isn't a prob- OH MY GOD WHAT IS ALL THAT???", she shrieked so loud, that my eardrum almost broke.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"Just look at you... You are covered in blood!", she screamed again.

"So? It isn't the first time you saw blood on me right?", I said.

"You don't know. Do you?", she asked

"Know what?"

"That your bride faints at the sight of blood.", she said slowly.

"My what?"

"Your bride faints at the sight of blood, so you must refrain from showing her blood."

"What? I mean... then how does she go by every month?", I asked.

"What every month?", My mother asked innocently.

"That... Um, which I heard, that... girls.. bleed every month.... is it just a rumor?", I asked confused.

"Well... I don't know what you are talking about better just ask your wife.", she said slyly and left the room.

Great. Well I don't care, let her faint. I need to solve the fight against me taking upon the duty of a general.

I drowned myself in work all afternoon, It wasn't an easy job to just get a promotion, It is not at all flowery, you don't get anything but a title, possibly a slight increase in wealth and much burden.

I skipped dinner, I was too tired to eat anything. I heard a knock on my door.

"Kid, It's me, open up.", I heard my brother saying, he is the only who still calls me kid.

"Yes, brother."

"What is with you and skipping dinner, you know that hurts mother's feelings.", he started arguing leaning on the door.

"I just wanted to sleep soon, I am tired. There was a lot of paperwork"

"Well, now you are not just a warrior but a lord", he said coming close, making me sit down and he sat beside me.

"Being a warrior means you have to protect your loved ones, the people and your values, you must remain true to yourself and be loyal. That itself is a heavy task both on mind and body.", he said while checking up some of my pending reports.

"But being a lord, means you should be responsible for each and every action, you must be noble not by accessories but heart. Your single word determines the fate of those below you. You must remember them being below you doesn't mean they are weak but just that they place their trust in you for guidance.

So, you must always be healthy fit and fine to make people know, there is someone out there who cares. That's why I have brought you some food just eat it. I will complete checking of a few reports, I may not be able to fight, but I surely can judge.", He said while checking all quite fast.

The last words choked me, before I could say anything in reply he took out a biscuit from his pouch and stuffed in my mouth. It reminded me of the time we would sneak into the kitchen just to get a bit more biscuits.

"All right, I will eat.", I said as I got up and servants served me food.

"Just so you know, I came here for another reason other than feeding you.", he said blushing.

"What happened brother?", I asked confused.

"Umm.. uh. Mother... wanted me to have... a word with you....um... regarding...uh... you know family line and all. ",he said now turning beet red.

"Um.. Yeah? What about our family line? Do we have to perform any rituals?", I asked stuffing my face with food, I guess I really was hungry.

"No... um... about kids...", he said.

"What about them? All of our cousins are well behaved and are being tutored by good teachers, did any one make a fuss?", I asked finishing my meal.

"No...Uh...I hate this... about you know, wife and husband stuff, things you need to do on a marriage night? how to have kids.... and your stamina.. if you have any questions ask me.

"W-What? No! I don't have any query so stop asking that stuff! It's weird!", I said embarrassed...

"Well, ok. Seems as though the younger one is more experienced than me huh~", he made a really annoying face with wide eyes and wide smile.

"Shut up! It isn't like that!", I shouted embarrassed and I turned to hide my face, it was clearly a lie, but why am I blushing?

"Alright! I won't tease you any further, I shall too go to sleep, Good night General.", He said while going.

"Wait... Um, are you upset? that I have taken up father's position and not you?", I asked. I was afraid of what he would say next. At that moment was a fear I could never overcome, the fear that my brother hated my existence.

The incident just left my brother unable to use a hand, but otherwise, he is perfect, well versed in studies, martial arts, just and mighty. If I wasn't present as an option for the position, he would have been the General, get back his mighty reputation.

"Not at all, You're my brother, father's position belongs to you as much as to me. I know what you're thinking, but I don't mind. Being a general and all never really suited me. I am more of a free spirited warrior and don't forget my family being there for me is all what matters, not anyone else, If you want to compensate me, give me a few nieces and nephews, 3 of each would be enough.... just imagine them, sweet eyes calling me.. Uncle~ Oh!!", he said.

"No thanks, Good night.", I said

"Good night kid", he said by putting a hand on my head and left.

Ok, I will admit I teared up a bit, what can I do? I am an emotional person, It had been probably five years since Brother kept his hand on my head and patted me.

After the incident, he went into isolation, didn't eat nor come out for many days. He then left to a temple, on the suggestion of our Uncle Emperor. He came home after two years and became normal, or so they say. He is still broken.

But, whenever I ask him anything, he just replies he is fine. I know he is hiding his sadness and pain which he gets from the wound, but still stays as a support for me. He just takes too much burden, I want to help him, heal him but I can't. Even though he is my kindest and the best eldest brother, he never really opened his heart to me.

I washed up myself and came to sleep.

"Sir, The DragonScales Cult is acting up again in the forests of the western capital.", said a shadow guard of mine, appearing before me.

"DragonScales? Hmm.. They are not quite a threat, but they certainly do fill poison among fellow villages. After my wedding, we shall end them once and for all.", I suggested.

"Yes Sir.", he went away in a second.

"My Lord, there is a slight problem", Xiao Li said.

"What's up? Is it about the DragonScales Cult?", I asked while changing into my nightwear.

"No, but threatening messages, written in blood over the walls of your fort.", he said staring at me.

"My fort?"

"The one you have gained upon being named the General, the main military fort, your official residence?", He said.

"Oh... What do they say?"

".... You can never save the empire from destruction... You're paving your way to King of Death... etc. basically assassination threats.", he said

"Hmm.. So, when do you think they might strike?"

"When?...Hmm... The only time I might be preoccupied, is during my marriage and my travel to the fort. I don't think they will attack us during the marriage as there will be many near the marriage hall.", I said.

"What about during your marriage night? That is the probable time they will attack, should I assign few guards?"

"During the night...huh...No need. I can protect myself, Remember, no guard should dare stare in the room, nor be in 50m radius." I said.

"Oh~ possessive are we~, I shall do so, My lord, have a good night's rest.", saying so, he too disappeared before I could say anything else.

I just stared into my roof, So, I am getting married tomorrow ha? I should just relax.. It isn't much of a thing. Everyone does get married. It isn't something that is hard.

I just turned on my side and closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but a single fact couldn't get out of my head, that I would be accompanied in my sleep from tomorrow. It was weird, my heart started beating loudly. I could hear my heartbeat distinctly. It wasn't like Jia Li was my lover or anything, but it was a bit weird, kind of like I am looking forward to it and at the same time, not at all interested.

I couldn't get sleep so I completed my next day's work and finally slept for a 5 hours and it was morning, It was a fine morning which started with me going for herbal baths and the regular stuff, Soon, the bride had arrived, and the ceremony was done.

It was a banquet next, the bride was sent to the chamber whereas I had to talk with all relatives, I was congratulated and given many gifts and all, at last I had to drink a few cups of wine thanking everyone to have come for the marriage. It was weird, the taste of the wine was a bit sweet?

I don't know what is happening someone I don't recognize came and led me to the chamber, I came in, the person whispered in my ears that I must lift the veil, drink the wine with my bride and sleep with her.

I couldn't control myself, I went according to the instructions given to me, I lifted the veil, and the most annoyed eyes stared back at me, her lips were chapped, though with rogue you could see that she wouldn't take care of it, her scar was not as visible as before, she said,

"Mr. Blind? What are you doing here? the general should be the one lifting my veil not you!", she got up and took out a knife of sorts.

I got annoyed, and said, "I am the General Huang Lei", and showed her my token.

She was shocked and remained still, I took two glasses and poured the wine, She was frozen but she drank it. After drinking she just slept and turned over, covered herself completely and said,

"I am just 16, so I can't satisfy you, when I turn 20, I shall give birth to a kid, so... Good night."

What? I don't even have any kind of thought as to do anything to her. yet. I know that much, but my body just acted up, I went real close to her, put my hands around her and pulled her in my embrace and probably said the words I would never say in my life,

"I am sorry but I want to eat you up now"

I thought she might be disgusted or scared, but.... she blushed as she was trying to break free. She was red as a cherry, totally red and didn't utter a single word. This was not helping me, It made me groan. I ...(am sorry, I am really ashamed to have done this) just bit her ear.

She then pushed me away and got up and sat upright full red, but slowly I was able to control myself, she looked at me straight in eyes, I wanted to apologize.

She looked worried, she came and placed a hand on my forehead and asked, "Are you drunk?"

I don't know what was wrong, the little control I had was gone, I hugged her and kissed her neck, she was shocked or frozen or I don't know what... I couldn't understand. She trembled, It was weird, holding her felt so good, but she shivered she was sensitive I guess....

Those weren't any help either, her each move was totally seductive. She pushed me away panting and I was totally in a daze, was I fed an aphrodisiac? I could never know.

She then shivered more, trying to let out a scream, I guess she found me biting her repulsive(I know its obvious), I had to stop, I reeled in all of my terrible memories and played it again in my head and got control of myself, and she fainted over me.

I finally got the control back.