
Chapter 1 the story

Brianna Smith is a daughter of the Smith family, her father Jerry Smith is a Ceo of Kings Highway Corporation and her mother Lucy Smith is an assistant sales manager at Vector marketing Olean even though they were not extremely rich,but because of their social circle, Brianna lived a noble life.

A month too her thirteenth birthday, her father started acting strange, he usually comes home late from work but this time around it extreme, Lucy being a good wife was worried she and her daughter couldn't sleep they thought something might have happened to Jerry because any time he works overtime he calls to alert his wife about the situation, this time around no call came through.

Lucy called all Jerry's friends but no one seems to know where Jerry has been. It was 12 am and still no news from her husband so Lucy told her daughter to go and sleep since she has school the next day, Brianna was not used to sleeping without seeing her dad so Lucy coerced her daughter telling her she would wake her up when her father comes back the little girl has no option than to listen to her mother she went upstairs to her bedroom which was on the second floor of their villa she soon fell asleep. Lucy also waited downstairs and soon fell asleep on the couch this lady being a light sleeper when a sound of an engine being turn off in the garage knew her husband was back she hurried to the door to to check if her husband was hurt or feeling a discomfort somewhere when she got closer she perceive a fragrance of perfume which she new belonged to a woman but decides not to directly question her husband but she trust him.

She asked where he was and he told her the was an emergency at work so he had to attend to it ,he was sorry he didn't call her because his phone was off. Lucy didn't speak further and decides to let the matter go since her husband apologized. For a week Jerry will come home early after work and spend time with his family but things decides to take a turn when Jerry decides to go work early and comes back late sometimes he will not sleep home , his explanation was the company is at the critical stage of launching a new product and told his wife he will make it up to her and her daughter when it is over but this went on for a month and still Jerry kept repeating this schedule this triggered Lucy to find out from Jerry colleagues about the products the company was launching but found out that no products will be launched this season.

Lucy was in a deep contemplation as to why her husband will lie to her so she made her mind to talk to him when he returns back, so in the evening after she had dinner with her daughter, the little girl ask her mother where her father was and if he will make it to her upcoming children and parents day at school Lucy was worried but assured her daughter her father will not miss her day for anything in the world, Lucy herself was not sure anymore as to why her husband was behaving strange. So she told her daughter to retire to bad early and was in the living room waiting to have a chat with her husband, the man came home that evening drunk but Lucy didn't see this as a hindrance and decides to clarify things with her but all she gets is a slap from the man she claims was her husband Jerry was angry because his wife questioned him,and storm off to their bed room and slam the door, Lucy was in a daze because of her husband's behaviour ,that night she decides to sleep in the guest room the next day Jerry apologize to his telling her to not let her daughter know and that it won't happen again but Jerry being a man he is will go work coming home either drunk or have the smell of female perfume on him .

On Brianna' s thirteen birthday her father didn't make any appearance on his own daughters birthday the worst scenario was that his phone was off , his family and friends couldn't contact him, Brianna was very sad because her father whom she looks up to couldn't make it to her birthday ,she was sad but didn't let that prevent her and mother from celebrating the birthday.

Jerry did not come home for ten days,reason was that he had a business trip to attend, on Thursday which was the eleventh day Jerry came home with a woman who was Lucy' s distant cousin Zoe whom she has not seen for fifteen years now and her daughter Amanda. Jerry claimed Zoe called him telling him her husband abandoned her and Lucy having a kind heart believed this story without a doubt even asking Zoe and daughter Amanda to stay with them until they get a place to stay in.

Amanda is a year older than her cousin but Brianna possessing a feminine qualities has a well proportioned body, this made Amanda jealous of her and wants to have everything that Brianna has. Brianna never hesitate to give Amanda every thing she ask for but with all this Amanda is still not satisfy.

Brianna's best friend Claire whom she has known since they were little tried to warn her about Amanda' s scheme but Brianna always push that topic aside because she thinks is not appropriate to discuss things happening in her house, she herself is not a big fun of Amanda but she was over it so she thought her friend will get over it soon when she gets to know that Amanda schemes are child's play, but Claire being an observant person thought her friend was naive and could not clearly see through Amanda's facade but decides to keep it to herself.

It is a Monday today and Jerry decided to enroll Amanda in the same high school as Brianna, Lucy was not against it because she thinks it will be an opportunity for the two cousins to get to know each other properly but this decision will soon be a regretted in the future.