
Brewing Love

On her way to a crucial job interview, Yuki's path takes an unexpected turn when she tumbles into a drain, drenched from head to toe. Enter Hiroshi, en route to his bustling café, who gallantly rescues Yuki from her watery mishap. Little did they know, this seemingly ordinary encounter would unravel a captivating tale of love and fate, as Hiroshi extends a heartfelt invitation for Yuki to join him in the enchanting world of his café. Brace yourself for a romance that defies clichés, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and two souls intertwine against all odds.

ryodiablo · Realistic
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3 Chs

Brewing More Than Coffee

As the days passed, the café started to feel different, more alive. Hiroshi was thrilled to have Yuki around, even if it was only her second day on the job. And with the morning sun casting a warm glow through the windows, Hiroshi decided it was the perfect time to teach Yuki the art of brewing coffee.

"So, Yuki, have you ever brewed coffee before?" Hiroshi asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Yuki blushed and looked down at her shoes. "Um, no, not really."

Hiroshi feigned shock, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. "Wait a minute. You took a job at a café without knowing how to brew coffee? Why, Yuki, you've bamboozled me!"

She couldn't help but smile, even as she felt her cheeks grow warmer. "Well, you did say I passed the entrance exam, so..."

Hiroshi's laughter filled the room, and he couldn't help but admire Yuki's adorable shyness. But he quickly regained his composure and stood up. "Don't worry, I'll be your guide to coffee greatness."

He walked Yuki through the process, explaining the different types of beans, the grind size, and the brewing techniques. Yuki listened attentively, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Just as Hiroshi was about to show her the final step, the café's door chimed, signaling the arrival of the first customers of the day. Hiroshi grinned at Yuki. "Perfect timing. How about you give it a shot?"

With a gulp, Yuki nodded, and they both went behind the counter. She carefully measured the coffee grounds and poured the water, her hands trembling slightly. As the aroma of fresh coffee filled the air, Hiroshi watched her with a mixture of pride and amusement.

As the coffee brewed, a group of regular customers entered the café. Hiroshi whispered to Yuki, "Now's your chance to shine."

Yuki took a deep breath and approached the customers with a bright smile. She served them their coffees, exchanged pleasantries, and even managed to make small talk. Hiroshi watched her, impressed by her natural charm.

However, not all was smooth sailing. One of the customers, a rather grumpy-looking man, took a sip of his coffee and scrunched up his face in disgust. "This tastes different than usual."

Yuki's smile faltered, and she stammered an apology. "I-I'm really sorry, sir. We're still getting the hang of things."

The man huffed, his irritation evident. "Well, you should get it right. This isn't what I come here for."

Hiroshi, observing the interaction, felt a pang of annoyance at the man's rudeness. But he quickly masked his emotions and walked over. "Sir, I apologize for any inconvenience. Let me try the coffee myself."

He took the cup from the man's hand, ignoring the man's scowl. Hiroshi took a sip and his eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "Actually, this coffee tastes even better than our usual brew."

Yuki's eyes widened in disbelief, her cheeks turning a shade of crimson. The man's grumpy expression transformed into a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.

Hiroshi turned to the man, his tone firm. "If our coffee doesn't meet your expectations, perhaps you'd be happier finding your caffeine fix elsewhere."

The man sputtered, clearly taken aback by Hiroshi's response. Hiroshi returned the money for the coffee and ushered the man towards the door. Once the man had left, Hiroshi turned to Yuki and flashed her an encouraging smile.

"Don't let rude customers get to you. You're doing great, Yuki."

Her blush deepened, and she muttered a soft thank you. As the café settled back into its peaceful atmosphere, Hiroshi couldn't help but admire Yuki's strength in the face of adversity. And in that moment, he knew that there was something truly special brewing between them, something that went beyond just coffee.

Hope y'all enjoy this one <3

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