Nikola was born with the might of Africa in her veins. She was designed with one purpose - protect. She has a mission and failure is not an option. ...but how will Nikola justify risking her life for the girl that cost her everything.
Riley POV
"Princess! Over here!" one of my warriors calls out.
I adjust the water pixie further on my shoulder, little toad is still too weak to walk herself, and race towards the direction of my warriors.
We reach an eery emerald lake surrounded by ruins. There are four piles of ash the shade of obsidian surrounding them. Quaahir is kneeling in the centre with an unconscious Nikola in his arms.
"Nikky!" Samuel rushes past me and falls to his knees beside the Nubian Chief. Quaahir looks up and sees the Norseman beside him. Samuel gently pulls his sister into his arms and brings her against his chest.
"What happened?" I ask Quaahir. He looks up at me with a sagging smirk and dark eyes.
"We found her like this – she hasn't moved in a while…," Zain answers for him.
I recognise the obsidian residue from the ash piles and the black soot on Nix's cheek.
"Let's get her back home," I instruct.