
Breaking The Villain

Sylas Sutton is the wicked wizard but he keeps losing against a dominant heroine with thick thighs and ravenous eyes. Still he's determined to overtake the kingdom and claim his rightful place on the throne. His pride won't allow him to bend the knee to a brutish woman. But each failure brings him closer to giving in and somehow bowing down begins to make his heart race. Emilia Vanis is the saviour of her nation. She's strong, heroic and pure of heart. It's her responsibility to take down evil. She especially enjoys bringing Sylas to his knees. Watching him grunt in pain and grimace in pride. She enjoys the bruises her hands make on him and how easily he'd break under her hands. How prettily he'd squirm against her. Maybe she's not so pure of heart after all.

Faibella · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Thigh Heavy Hero

Sylas doesn't know how he keeps getting into these situations. One moment he's summoning an army of beasts to attack the castle and the next he's on the floor of his secret hideout, being straddled by a beautiful blonde woman with thighs the size of logs. Crushing down on his intestines. Her thin, strong fingers, wrapped around his throat.

"Who the fuck are you?" he grunts out. She shifts her weight forward and pulls one of her knees up so that it presses down onto his chest. All the air is quickly pushed out of him. He gasps, scratching at her hands. She leans down and her armour weighs down on him, digging into his chest. He can feel her sword against his thigh.

"Emilia Vanis," she whispers in his ear. He wracks his brain for answers but none come to mind. Last week he'd finally broken the magical shield surrounding the kingdom and now he'd finally managed to gather enough power to summon an army to overthrow the king. He was winning. So who the hell was this heavy bitch and how did she break through his wards.

He presses up, trying to push her off him but she doesn't budge. Her eyes only twinkling in amusement as he squirms under her. She smiles, coyly, and forces her weight down and onto him more. Her armour scraps against the floor and he feels his blood pressure rise.

She's mocking him. He shuts his eyes and focuses on the power swirling in his stomach. Pulling it up through his chest. His fingertips crackle purple and then she's flying off him in a burst of violet lightning.

He pushes himself up but stumbles as a series of coughs wrack through his body. He inhales deeply, trying to get the air back into him, but his throat is burning and his head feels like it's on fire.

He sees her get up and start approaching him. He stumbles forward and summons a shield around him. His fingers are trembling as he holds the formation.

She comes to stand over him, with slow heavy steps. The sun rises behind her. Her blue eyes glint like ice and fury. Blonde hair flying in wisps around her. She raises her sword, its blade coated in inky black. Demon blood.

But that's impossible. He'd summoned over 400. There's no way she-

Her blade raises and slams down onto the shield. He screams. His hands blister under her power. The shield crackles and shatters around him. He shuffles back but she bends to grab at his ankle. She pulls him towards her like he 's featherlight. Nothing but a mouse for her to tease and sink her teeth into. He grips at the floor, his clothes rising up and his waist shivers under the bare and clammy touch of the cave floor. Her eyes move to the exposed skin. She inhales sharply. Her eyes follow the line of his waist down to the long trail of his legs.

His hands are still trembling, red and itchy, from the explosive magic.

The hand on his ankle moves up to grip his thigh, he flinches under the force of strength and tries to pull his leg up. She only hold on tighter and jerks him closer. He yelps at the sudden motion.

She lets her sword drop and uses her free hand to grip his jaw, "Sylas Sutton, S class wizard who abandoned his station at the academy. You're being accused of ill use of magical teachings and treason. How do you plead?"

Her eyes are blue and silver and the morning sky in summer. Skin golden and flushed from fighting. Her hair falls in waves like freshly spun gold and she's stiff like a statue. Strong and immovable.

His eyes are dark and smoky and chocolate brown. Thighs, trembling from magical exhaustion and bruising under her vicious grip. His hair is a dark chestnut, falling down in soft curls. Sticking to his nape and forehead as his skin is sticky and heated. Pink and pale. Warm to the touch. He's a poised bow. An angled arrow. A grenade ready to explode. His form is a line of tension, shivers climbing up his spine from the tension. He's an irresistible force. He pulls his lips into a snarl. " Fuck you," he spits.

She backhands him so hard, his vision goes black and his bottom lip splits, bleeding down his chin.

She sighs, a full body motion. Shoulders and throat, everything moves with it. Then she lets go of him and stands up. Her form starts to glow. A bright gold that shifts the very air around them.

He grimaces and uses his arm to shield his eyes.

"As the new hero of this kingdom, I will be lenient with my punishment. Consider it a present from me." She holds out her hands and the light travels all around the cave. The bats screech in annoyance.

When the light finally dims, she's already walking away. Leaving Sylas in her wake to panic at the new weight around his neck, where a heavy golden collar sits.

Hi everyone. I really wanted to write a cute, snarky man getting broken down by a beautiful women. I hope you're looking forward to it.

Faibellacreators' thoughts