
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

time for purge

"Beep .. target is wearing something similar to fox mask to hide his information"

That was the answer from the system.

Ethan became even more enthusiastic about finding the secret now because he didn't know that there were other things too.

He was a fool to think that only system can give things like fox mask and etc but now he was sure that there was something hidden going on in this world.

First all those dudes with levels around 30. Then that undead and now this thing. Ethan was becoming more curious about this stuff now. He didn't know if getting the chest was a good thing or not but he knew one thing, his life was going to be hella fun from here on.

Max was already half dead from fear. He was on verge of wetting himself. He even promised inwardly to never do bad things ever and to give his one piece collection to orphans. He was so scared.

Ethan observed Max more intently now. Max was wearing a nice blue suit with a tie. The tie had a silver horse shaped emblem on it. Its size was just of a thumb nail. Except for that there was nothing worth attention.

As Ethan was going to touch the emblem, system suddenly warned him.


"High energy detected! Host will get injured if he touched the emblem as host doesn't have imprint on emblem."

Ethan became serious. He knew he wouldn't have got that much injured but an item that required to have imprint on it before touching ..it was nothing low quality.

Ethan looked at half dead Max. It was truly hilarious. But he knew this Max wasn't simple. He was now curious as because strength of Max was also better and this emblem too.

"Oi kid, get hold of yourself.", Ethan jerked Max twice before Max opened his eyes.

"Yo- you aren't going to do anything to me right?", Max asked timidly. He was so scared right now. In his own house, he was in danger. He thought to himself ' am i a joke in here ' but he controlled himself.

"Haha what? Of course not lil maxie.", Ethan tried his best to appear pleasing to the eye as he ruffled Max's hair. Max also calmed down.

"So Max tell me how did you get this emblem?", Ethan pointed at the emblem as he asked. Max was confused but then he became valent against Ethan.

"Why are you asking?", Max asked seriously. The aure he was emiting now was in no way inferior to his young miss, Emma. Ethan was taken back by sudden change in Max. From a timid lil guy, he was turned into a full fledged nice understanding boy.

"Look Max, I don't mean any harm. I'm just curious about it. So just tell me and I'll leave. That's all.", Ethan tried to sound as friendly as possible. Max also knew that if this person wanted to do something to him, he would have done so. But he was still a bit on guard.

"I got it from my.. father.", Max told unwillingly. But he had no choice. But he had to tell.

"Oh? So do you know anything about this emblem? And who else can touch it?", Ethan's interest was piqued as he start asking questions. Max moved a step back and his expression was as if he was looking at some maniac.

"Only i can hold the emblem. On-once the big bro tried to snatch it and he was paralyzed for almost 2 days.", Max told Ethan slowly as was alot calmer than before.

' System scan the manufacturing of this emblem and record every info in this room', Ethan asked the system inwardly.

"Alright then. No issues haha. I'll take my leave now Max. Be a good kid and Don't stop whatever you're doing. I mean the training. Haha ..", Ethan shook Max's hand for almost 20 secs and the left after patting his head.

As soon as Ethan left the room, Max locked the door and sat down by the door. He was scared shitless. He didn't know what was going to happen but it turned out well.

Ethan bid farewell to Emma as she was going to stay at home and was not in serious danger. The driver took Ethan to the construction site. In fact the driver was ordered to take Ethan home but he asked to get off. As soon as driver was out of sight, Ethan went deeper in the construction site.

"Scan the area"

As he arrived at the place where he found the chest, he asked the system to scan the area.


A blue light, only visible to Ethan, scanned the area. After a while Ethan could literally see some red dots. He was alarmed but then he was calmed down as above them was written " iron", "special iron", "useless iron".


"Find something useful you damn system!", Ethan shouted inwardly on system but system was silent. Ethan sighed and went forward towards the special iron area. He knew he shouldn't pick up these things but he wanted to see.

Ever since he saw that emblem, Ethan was sure that his system wasn't a sure kill thing. So he started from this area to see if he could fine anything similar to material of emblem. But as soon as he started, he was disappointed because he didn't find anything useful. As he was thinking of returning home, he thought of the dungeon key he still had.

Ethan was comfortable right now. His job was set. He was having occasional exercise. He was spending his days beside a beauty. But he still knew that it wasn't enough. He had to get strong. Strong enough to not be afraid of anyone. This was his dream now and obviously saving the world too.

So Ethan pulled the key from the storage. It was very ancient looking. It was so old that it felt like it will break as soon as touched.

" C rank dungeon key"

Description: Put key in front of your body at any place and try to unlock imaginary door. A dungeon gate will appear.

"Time for purge."
