
Breaking The Chains Of Fate

Fate, its a very mysterious thing. It can also be very restricting since it normally doesn't have a diverging path. Our MC however is tired of that, and decided to fight against not only that, but many more things that they will have to deal with in a new form. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- English IS IN FACT My native language, so if you see spelling errors, let me know through comments because I will fix them.

Oshimura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 4

I expanded 1km upward for 550 DP, the next time I expanded upward it would cost 600 DP. However my DP/H went from 1 to 60 so it was worth it no matter what in my eyes. Alright let's check out the shop now!

[Shop Options]:

Consumable Items

Non-Consumable Items



OH HELL NO! There is a damn Gacha system in this? You know what, I'll give it 1 spin, that's it regardless if I get something I want or not. 50DP for 1 spin and 500 for 10. Yeah lets just do 1 please.

A giant wheel appeared on a green screen and began to spin at a rapid pace and continued like that for a few minutes. It began to slow down, finally landing on one species a few seconds later.

High Elf. It landed on High Elf. Is this because my luck stat is so high? Well I guess luck is in my favor today! Not that I'm gonna use the gacha system again anyway. I prefer to earn the monster then risk it all on luck.

Congratulations You have unlocked the High Elf Species!

Monster summon Unlocked: <Minor Young Elf> <Lesser Young Elf> <Young Elf> <Minor High Elf> <Lesser High Elf> <High Elf>

Woah there slow down partner. Where did all of these summons come from? I thought I only unlocked High Elf? Not that I'm complaining or anything.

[When unlocking a high ranking race of a species from the gacha system all previous forms of it become available for summon. This can also work if any of your monster evolve into a higher form skipping other forms in the process *cough* *cough* Naming.]

Thanks for the info, and I'll get to naming myself after I at least make the first floor of my dungeon livable for my monsters. Now let's get this over with before I get nagged at to name myself.

I went into the dungeon building menu and went to work adding lush green grass to the ground along with dungeon moss on the walls. I'm just using the basics right now that I'm given before buying anything from the shop. The first floor looks like a calming plain filled with dungeon moss and normal grass. I'll add more plants, herbs and the like after I name myself. All in all that cost me a total of 200 DP and took me a few hours to complete so I got most of the cost I spent on the floor back. Alright time to summon my first monster.

Since it's going to be my first monster, let's take a look at the pricing for each summon. Lesser mini fox is 20DP per, Lesser dryad is 80, Lesser Minor wyvern is a whopping 250DP which is the same amount as a damn Minor High Elf. I'm not complaining I swear! High Elf is 500DP Each, which is understandable in all honesty unlike a certain wyvern. Since the AI or whatever that thing that talks and answers questions for me explained about dryads needing to see human-like beings to obtain a human for I could probably get away with summoning a High Elf along with two lesser dryads and a fox while holding off on the wyvern. Although since time is on my side I could try and expand my first floor and my influence across it.

Ok so right now I have a total of three rooms, let's change that. Looks like each room is 200 DP and gets higher depending on what floor I am on and what theme it has. Now I guess I'm already bound to have a forest/jungle/plain theme for the first floor because of my starting lineup. Alright let's get the first expansion of the first floor going! Show me that sweet menu!

[Dungeon Menu]:



Add A Level



I would like to build please!


Basic room- 200DP

Forest Room- 280DP

Jungle Room- 320DP

Almost forgot to ask. Hey AI what are the normal dimensions of these rooms without expanding them?

[Well the basic room is around 25000 square feet. The forest room is 32000 and the Jungle room is 38000.]

Ok first of all, how in the fuck is that the size of a basic room? I expected it to be smaller than that by a lot considering the size of my current three rooms aren't even 3000 square feet, if that.

[The reason why the sizes are so abnormally big is because instead of the system using the default size for them, it decided to use relevant information in your mind instead.]

Ok remind me never to ask about the sizes of any rooms I unlock in the future please. As a matter of fact, don't tell me even if I ask. Alright let's go with the forest room for now and put it in between the first and second room before my core room.

Once I used up the DP needed for the forest room I began to tweak the life inside the forest little by little. I changed the color of the trees from green to a deep purplish blue along with the grass. Now to decide on the first monster for this room although I've already pretty much decided on the monster. The foxes would be the main things to inhabit this place with a select few dryads. However before I begin to place monsters I'm going to expand my dungeon as much as I can. When I opened up the expand section of the menu only one option came up.


Expand the dungeons influence out by five meters in all directions for every 50 DP

Expand? Cost: 50DP/Minute

Wait so does that mean that every minute my DP will be drained until I cancel it? Well that's pretty damn useful but I wonder how far I should expand. Should I go to the limit of my first floor? Or should I just go until I can create a few more rooms and make some monsters? Hey Miss AI What do you think?