
chapter 7

The constant visit to Pastor Ebuka's house and the fellowship I had with him were things I enjoyed and looked forward to.

On weekends, I had to stay at home because of the presence of my parents, not that they would mind anyway, but for all the drama associated with weekends, I had to be home.

It was abnormal seeing a teenager or an individual anxious of the most dreadful "Mondays." Probably because I was jobless.

Funny how I just realised that for every day that I visited Pastor Ebuka, he has never stepped out. Guess he was jobless, too.

But then, being queer and my visits to random guys for the past few years had made me sensitive that I knew when a guy's intention was to go down with me, and that was what I noticed from our dearest Pastor Ebuka.

It started with the random

"why not take off your shirt?"

"Aren't you feeling sweaty?"

"Oh! You should pull off your trousers, it's so hot."

So on this day, I deliberately wore a sleeveless top and shorts to get him off my back. An ignorant mistake.

I got to Pastor Ebuka's house and I guess he was done pretending when he started caressing my exposed thighs.

I knew what he wanted and I respectfully removed his hand from my thighs, hoping he got the signal.

From his tight shorts, I could see that he was h o r n y and he kept persisting and soon enough, persistence turned into plea.

Made me conclude he was one of those men who got controlled by their erected p n i s e s. At least, I was bold enough to say no this time.

I definitely felt proud of myself because who wouldn't say yes to Pastor Ebuka's advances? He had all the manly properties in place, but making out with him was a big NO!

It felt like I was about to hookup with my big brother or a close family member.

However, I think he came back to his senses when he suddenly stopped begging and apologised with the popular "I don't know what came over me" line.

I didn't bother since we all make mistakes, yeah? and d a m n! I had a lot of mistakes allocated to my name.

To make up for what he did, he offered me a plate of homemade jollof rice and a drink and insisted I eat it to show that I've forgiven him since I have been turning down his invitations to eat in his house since I became a regular visitor.

That day, I was regrettably hungry and I didn't wait for another speech from him before accepting the food. Another mistake.

I mysteriously felt dizzy and slept off after consuming the plate of rice and a glass of chilled orange juice.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but I woke up from my slumber and noticed that I was naked and my butthole was in severe pain.

I didn't need to be told what happened.

I saw the pack of used c o n d o m that wasn't there initially, my buttcheeks had leftovers of spilled semen. At least he made an effort to clean me up.

He was still sleeping peacefully. One would think he was as innocent as he looked in his sleep.

Cry? Nahhhh! Without waking him up, I wore my clothes, picked up my phone, my jotter and the pen I brought for an intended bible study and I limped back home. Devastated….