
Breaking Into Another World: I Will Save My Sister!

[ I'm in WSA 2024. Please vote for me!!! ] If you want, join my discord to chat! Let's discuss ideas together! https://discord.gg/vy3SDtyr ------------------- Jack Saunders and Anna Saunders were just ordinary siblings who shared a love for Japanese culture and anime. However, their visit to the bustling streets of Akihabara in Japan took a dark turn when a mysterious magic circle appeared, trapping Anna inside. Desperate to save her, Jack tried everything he could to break through the barrier of the spell, but he was unsuccessful. He could only watch in anguish as the summoning spell whisked his dear sister away. But this was not the end. When Jack discovered that multiple people were being summoned at fixed intervals, he realized that if he could break the barrier of the summoning spell, he could transport himself to the same world and save Anna. Despite the seemingly impossible task and the toll it took on his sanity, Jack dedicated himself to relentless study and research. He delved into every scientific subject imaginable, seeking a way to predict and break the summoning circle. Two decades later, Jack succeeded. Armed with modern technology, full body augmentation, and the most advanced AI implanted in his brain, he finally broke into the fantasy world. But the challenges awaiting him were far greater than he anticipated. The threat of a demon invasion loomed over the world, and corruption festered among humans. And the so-called summoned heroes?. Nah, it was just all part of a big lie. Thus, Jack knew he had to grow stronger—and fast! This is the tale of Jack Saunders, of his relentless journey, of his struggle against overwhelming odds to reunite with Anna. ------------------- Additional tags: Slavery, ecchii, regression, cultivation, enhanced human, artificial intelligent, demons, seven deadly sins, artifacts, handsome protagonist, catgirls, foxgirls, time travel, angels, mythology, gore, grimdark... I've read and watched so many isekai where the MC past life is just a loser. So, I thought, why not make the MC actually a strong, successful man? Why not make him a gigachad who forced his way into another world instead of getting transported there passively? Why not have him prepared himself with everything he could before he enters the other world? Thus, this is my attempt in writing my own Isekai story where the MC's life on Earth actually matters, where there is an actual goal that is set even before the story begins. Of course, it will still be full of anime/ isekai cliche that I love. Especially the beginning, it's inspired by The Rising of the Shield Hero. Therefore, some chapters can be dark and disturbing. --------------------------- Update daily R-18 tag is for the dark and gore parts.

BlueberyTempest · Fantasy
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193 Chs

Blood talents

After our initial discussion with the King, a regal figure steps forward, commanding attention with her presence. She is adorned in an elegant rosy dress, her hair cascading in curly golden drills.

"Dear heroes, my name is Seraphina Aeloria, the Grand Mage of Valeria, and I will assist you in awakening your blood talents. But first, I would like to introduce you all to the basics of magic: how it works and how magical training can help you reach your god-like potential. Now, let's start with mana…"

Apparently, there's magic in this world, and all types of magic comes from the mana surrounding us. Like air, mana is everywhere, and if a person can sense mana, then they can utilize that mana to their liking. 

There are three main ways of utilizing mana. 

Firstly, using mana to enhance one's own body and mind. Through mana gathering and refining techniques, a person can boost their muscle growth greatly and enhance all physical abilities, becoming much stronger and faster. It's the typical training method for close combat fighters, like swordsmen, warriors, or knights. 

Secondly, one can also use mana to cast various magic spells, even infusing elements like fire or water into said spells. For example: a mage, a witch, or a wizard.

And lastly, crafting. Some people can use their knowledge about the magical world to make various items and potions that can be used by anyone.

After that, Seraphina explains to us about the ranking system of blood talents.

Turns out, blood talents are powers obtained from birth that lay dormant within a body and can be awakened by some special techniques or artifacts. There are five ranks, categorized based on growth potential and the ability to utilize mana.

- Common Rank: The most common type. Individuals with Common Rank blood talents have very limited growth potential and require significant effort to progress. They most likely cannot sense mana well and cannot learn to cast magical spells. 95% of the population in this world belongs to this.

- Heroic Rank: With a solid foundation for growth in physical and magical abilities, those with Heroic Rank talents have moderate potential and can become relatively powerful through consistent effort and training. In fact, most knights and mages working for the Kingdom are selected and raised from those with this type of talent. This is also the baseline of summoned individuals. Based on what Seraphina said, the summoning spell was designed to only summon people with Heroic Rank talents or higher. But compared to the other three types, it's nothing special at all.

- Sacred Rank: Extremely rare types that offer high growth potential, with the ability to grow and utilize mana ten times more than Heroic types. People possessing this rank will certainly end up as the strongest humans in the whole kingdom.

The last two ranks are called Legendary Rank and Divine Rank. Needless to say, they are both out of this world. Individuals with Legendary Rank talents are deemed ten times stronger than the previous rank, with only one or two people appearing in a hundred years.

But when it comes to the Divine Rank, this rank is a myth, a legend among legends. Individuals with this type of talent are only documented in ancient texts of lost civilizations. Not only could they easily become the most powerful heroes, but they could also triumph over gods.


After the brief lesson, Seraphina directs one of the knights to bring forth a clear orb, placing it delicately on the table. The orb, as large as a basketball, appears unremarkable at first glance, resembling nothing more than an ordinary glass sphere.

"Whenever you're ready, rest your hand upon this orb," she instructs. "This ancient artifact will reveal your blood talent ranks, as well as any affinity to the elements. So, great Heroes, I wish you good luck."

"Alright, I will go first," says the red-haired boy.

His name is Tanaka Hiroshi. We have just exchanged names, so I know everyone's names now. Hiroshi carefully positions his hand above the orb, takes a deep breath in.

"Here I go… ha!"

The instant his hand makes contact, the orb explodes into a vibrant red glow, Hiroshi's eyes alight with a striking crimson brilliance. The whole room gets hotter and hotter the brighter the orb glows.

"This– This is unbelievable!" Hiroshi marvels. "Magical words are swirling around my mind, and I can feel an intense power surging within me! It's burning hot, yet it doesn't cause any pain!"

"My goodness!!!" Seraphina exclaims, visibly shaken by what's happening. "I can't believe it! Your blood talent is Sacred Rank! Your Majesty, we have a Sacred Rank!"

The King immediately jumps out of his seat. "Sacred Rank! Magnificent! Seraphina, what is his element?"

"It's fire! Fire affinity 99 percent!"


The whole room rumbles, the crowd gasps in disbelief.

Turning to Hiroshi, Seraphina then says: "Mr. Hiroshi, you are amazing! Not only have you awakened an extremely powerful blood talent, you also have unmatched control over fire! You are one of the most powerful individuals that have ever been summoned! You are indeed the hero we have been searching for to confront the Demon God!"

Hearing that, a radiant smile spreads across Hiroshi's face, his cheeks now beet red.

"Th-thank you! I'm thrilled to be able to contribute!"

"I'm so glad to hear that!" Seraphina expresses her gratitude with a slight bow, then shifts her focus to the pizza delivery boy. "Now then, Mr. Takumi, would you like to go next?"

"Yes please!"

His name is Saito Takumi. He steps forward, his face visibly tense and his fist clenching hard. Hiroshi's recently unveiled extraordinary ability has set a pulsating anticipation in the air, and everyone's eyes are pinned on Takumi with bated breath. The silence thickens with each passing second.

Slowly and hesitantly, Takumi reaches out to the orb. The moment his fingers brush against it, an ethereal gale wraps around him, and the orb bursts into a serene cascade of green light.

"It feels like… like I'm one with the wind!" Takumi exclaims.

"To think that your power would be so great that the wind spirits are gathering all around you!" Seraphina replies. "Please, focus on sensing the wind, feel its power rising within you!"


Eyes closed, Takumi is silent for a moment.

And then… Boom!

A burst of wind from Takumi is so strong it knocks everyone back!

I raise my hands to shield my eyes from the strong wind. From Takumi's back, two small feathery wings appear for a split second! 

The King, once again, exclaims in shock. "Sacred Rank! Seraphina, is that also Sacred Rank?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! We have another Sacred Rank!" Seraphina confirms. "Also, Mr. Takumi has a 94% affinity with the wind element, only slightly lower than Mr. Hiroshi's fire affinity rating. Once Mr. Takumi achieves a certain level of mastery, he will have the ability to conjure thunderstorms and summon tornadoes with merely a single thought!"

Another wave of awe sweeps through the audience.

So far, two overpowered talents back-to-back!

But when it's Nakamura Yumi's turn…

The orb glows, but its light pulses faintly, nowhere near the intensity seen with the boys' interactions.

"Hmmm..." Seraphina echoes. "Seems like you have a Heroic Rank talent, Ms. Nakamura. It's not as potent as the other two's, but it's still pretty incredible! Also, your affinity is 78 percent with the nature element!"

Sounds like a really good talent.

However, critical voices start to emerge from the audience, their reactions filled with immense disappointment somehow.

"Eh, Heroic Rank is good, but the nature element is useless!"

"Yeah, is she going to become a gardener or something?"

"Well, she's weak, but at least she's kinda cute, eh?"


The king hushes.

All murmurs cease, and the room turns silent immediately.


There's an ominous feeling.

I feel a cold chill down my spine as I watch the people's reaction,

Are they disappointed about her blood talent?

No, that's not it.

There were some wicked smiles…

Disgusting ones…

"Heh, at least she's kinda cute."

And at that moment, I realize exactly what those smiles and comments are about. If Yumi cannot be a strong hero, then what's the point of her existence here? Will they still need her?


Nevertheless, Yumi's face pales. She just stands there, her gaze lowered.

The King, slightly shifting in his throne, shares a swift, hidden look with Seraphina. In hushed tones, they converse briefly.

Seraphina then moves forward and places her hands on Yumi's shoulder.

"Yumi, don't be sad. As I said, although your talent is not as strong as the two other boys, you are still amazing! With your affinity to nature, you can perhaps become a great potion maker or spirit user!"

"Th-thank you," the young girl responds. "I will try my best."

And with that, it's my turn.

I stride forward and rest my hand on the awakening orb.

As I touch the orb, the room descends into strained silence once more. All eyes are on me, clearly anticipating that an adult man like me would manifest a blessing as amazing as the boys'.

However, the orb doesn't glow.

"Ehh? What? C-common Rank? Impossible!" Seraphina is taken aback. "Mr. Jack, can you try touching the orb again?"


I do as instructed, not once, but many more times, touching it again and again.

Still, not even a single flicker.

Watching all of this, Seraphina is dumbfounded and starts talking to herself.

"I don't understand. I can't. Even Common Rank people have some kind of elemental affinity. But Jack, his affinity is… none? Nothing? How come? Tsk… could it be… even lower rank than that? No, there's no way the summoning spell could make that mistake!"

The King furrows his brows, probably wondering what the heck is going on as well.

Meanwhile, the crowd is also confused; some people even question if the orb is malfunctioning or not.

But as Seraphina examines the orb again, she confirms that it is still working perfectly.

Thus, in the end, no one knows why that happens. The general consensus is that I have become the first summoned individual to have Common Rank blood talent.

Well, no one knows, except for me.

If I'm not mistaken, this has something to do with the fact that I'm not even supposed to be here in the first place.

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