
Breaking His Ice

When renowned billionaire CEO Alexander Frost, known for his icy demeanor and ruthless business tactics, crosses paths with the spirited and determined journalist, Olivia Bennett, their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Assigned to interview Alexander for a feature piece, Olivia is determined to uncover the man behind the corporate facade. As they spend more time together, Olivia begins to see glimpses of warmth beneath Alexander's tough exterior, while he finds himself captivated by her intelligence and fearlessness. However, their budding romance faces numerous obstacles, including Alexander's past traumas and Olivia's reluctance to let love in after a painful betrayal and pregnancy . As they navigate the complexities of trust, vulnerability, and ambition, they must confront their inner demons and break down the barriers keeping them apart.

MartFord21 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter One

Alexander's POV

Standing on the balcony of my penthouse apartment, I gaze out at the sprawling city below. The twinkling lights of the skyscrapers cast a mesmerizing glow against the night sky, but my mind was far from the beauty of the view. Instead, I transported back to a time long ago, a time filled with bitterness and regret.

I remembered the echoing arguments that reverberated through the halls of my childhood home, the cold silence that followed my parents' explosive fights. I remembered the day my father walked out the door for the last time, leaving behind a shattered family and a void that could never be filled. I was just a boy then, too young to understand the complexities of adult relationships, but old enough to feel the sting of abandonment.

As the memories flooded back, I clenched my jaw, willing myself to push aside the pain that threatened to engulf me. I spent years building walls around my heart, shielding myself from the vulnerability of love and the risk of heartbreak. But despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake the haunting echoes of my past.

With a deep sigh, I tore my gaze away from the city below and turned back towards the warmth of my luxurious apartment. It was time to focus on the present, on the relentless pursuit of success that had become my driving force. Love was a luxury I couldn't afford, not when the scars of my past still lingered so close to the surface.

Steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead, I squared my shoulders and headed inside, determined to bury the ghosts of my past once and for all.


The next morning, I strode into the sleek, minimalist lobby of Frost Enterprises, my mind already buzzing with the day's agenda. I was greeted by a flurry of activity as employees bustled about, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of their computer screens. It was a familiar sight, one that filled me with a sense of pride and satisfaction.

"Good morning, Mr. Frost," greeted his assistant, Jessica, with a warm smile. "Your schedule is packed today. You have a meeting with the board at 10 a.m., followed by a conference call with our overseas partners at noon."

"Alright thank you, Jessica," I replied, my voice crisp and authoritative. "And make sure to reschedule my lunch appointment with Mr. Harrington. I need to review the latest financial reports before the board meeting."

"Of course, sir," Jessica nodded, jotting down a note in her sleek leather-bound notebook. "I'll take care of it right away."

With a nod of dismissal, I head towards my office, my mind already racing ahead to the challenges that awaited me. But somewhere deep inside, beneath the layers of ambition and determination, a flicker of longing stirred, a longing for something l had long ago deemed unattainable.


As I settled into my office, the familiar weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders. I sifted through the papers on my desk with precision, my mind laser-focused on the tasks at hand. Yet, despite my outward composure, a nagging restlessness gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

Love, I thought, the word lingering like a ghost in the recesses of my mind. It was a concept I had long dismissed as frivolous and impractical, a weakness reserved for the foolish and the naive. And yet, despite my best efforts to bury my emotions beneath layers of ambition and drive, the longing persisted.

I glanced at the photograph on my desk, a snapshot of me and his late father taken during happier times. The image served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices I had made in pursuit of success, the relationships I had sacrificed on the altar of ambition. But even as I reflected on the past, I couldn't shake the sense of emptiness that lurked beneath the surface.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up to see my assistant, Jessica, standing in the doorway with a folder in hand.

"Your 10 a.m. meeting is about to start, Mr. Frost," she announced, her voice snapping him back to the present.

"Very well , Jessica," I replied, my tone brisk and businesslike. I pushed aside my personal reflections and focused on the task at hand, burying the longing for love deep within my heart.

But as the meeting droned on, my thoughts kept drifting back to the memory of Olivia Bennett, the fiery journalist who had sparked something within him during an interview he once had with her that he couldn't quite name. That lady journalist just knew how to intimidate him with her questions and getting on his nerves even on TV. As reputable as I am she treats me like any of her interviewees not giving a shit! . I had never met her before till that day but she managed to get me intrigued. I couldn't afford to be distracted by thoughts of love, not when there was so much at stake. And yet, try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling that my carefully constructed walls were beginning to crumble, revealing the vulnerable heart that lay beneath.

As I stepped out of the imposing glass doors of Frost Enterprises, the bustling city streets greeted me with their familiar chaos. I adjusted my suit jacket and squared my shoulders, my mind already drifting back to the tasks awaiting my attention.

But just as I was about to hail a cab, a familiar voice called out from across the street.

"Mr. Frost!"

I turned to see Olivia Bennett striding towards me, a determined expression on her face. Her fiery red hair danced in the wind, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with an intensity that took me by surprise.

"Ms. Bennett," I acknowledged with a nod, my tone cool and composed. "What brings you here?"

Olivia came to a stop in front of him, her gaze unwavering. "I wanted to follow up on our interview," she replied, her voice tinged with determination. "There are still some unanswered questions, and I was hoping we could discuss them further."

I studied her for a moment, a flicker of curiosity stirring within him. Despite my initial reservations, there was something about Olivia's tenacity that I found intriguing.

"Very well," I conceded with a nod. "Shall we?"

Together, they walked towards a nearby café, the conversation flowing easily between them. As they delved deeper into the intricacies of my business empire, I found myself opening up in ways I hadn't expected.

Hours passed in a blur as we talked, our discussion ranging from business strategy to personal anecdotes. With each passing moment, I felt a sense of connection growing between them, a connection that defied the barriers I had spent years building around my heart.

But as the afternoon sun dipped below the horizon and the sky turned shades of pink and gold, reality intruded once more. With a reluctant sigh, I glanced at my watch and realized how late it had become.

"I'm afraid I must be going," I said, tinged with regret. "I have an early meeting tomorrow, and I should get some rest."

Olivia nodded, a hint of disappointment flickering in her eyes. "Of course," she replied with a smile. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today, Mr. Frost. I truly appreciate it."

As they parted ways, I couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that lingered in the air, a feeling I hadn't experienced in far too long. Little did I know that our chance encounter was just the beginning of a journey that would change both of our lives forever.