
Breaking Cupid's Arrow

Have you ever fallin' in love so hard? Have you ever been so stupid your whole life? Or have you ever been so flirty with a handsome Casanova? Well Crismar Kai Rendon experienced it all. The words flirtitious, slut, stupid, reckless, and dumb are not even enough for the idiotic things she had done just to get noticed by a gorgeous panty dropping billionaire Dames Casanova. But God is so good, he ordered Cupid to shot Dames in the heart. But I guess everyone makes mistakes, even Cupid the God of love. He took a shot aiming to the heart but instead it pierced through the stomach. Making love so hard to find for the both of them. Crismar thought that happiness was to be with the man of her dreams but she was wrong. "There are instances that love can never be giving" - Crismar

ehzrra · Urban
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    I apologize in advance for misspelled words and grammatical errors. This book may have flaws and not perfectly great so please bare with me.

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Have a great time reading my storyyyy~ mwah😘 ENJOY~