
Breaking Allastair

Being young and beautiful, Celeste is the only daughter of the Marcon Family and was raised by Don Andres Marcon and Dona Saffira Marcon in their province. She was known to be an in-demand event stylist and a successful event planner. Everything is fine with her life, but she doesn’t remember anything about her childhood to her adolescence. She always felt that something was always missing in her life –not until she found out the truth when an unknown man came named Allastair and he claimed that she was his.

Apple_Joy_Olvina · Teen
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6 Chs


Being young and beautiful, Celeste is the only daughter of the Marcon Family and was raised by Don Andres Marcon and Dona Saffira Marcon in their province. She was known to be an in-demand event stylist and a successful event planner. Everything is fine with her life, but she doesn't remember anything about her childhood to her adolescence. She always felt that something was always missing in her life – not until she found out the truth when an unknown man came named Allastair and he claimed that she was his.

"This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, some places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or person's, living or dead, is entirely coincidental."

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