
Breakfast of the Lung) Samir Tousi

In "Breakfast of the Lung", immerse yourself in a universe full of exciting and complex stories, where each character is the protagonist of their own journey, whether as a hero or villain. This incredible webnovel presents an intertwined plot of encounters and disagreements, where several destinies intersect in an ambitious breakfast. Meet Aaron, a young student with a seemingly normal life, but who harbors deep secrets and a constant internal struggle between light and darkness. Witness his journey to find his true path as he encounters equally memorable characters, each fighting their own personal battles. Nothing is as it seems in this groundbreaking narrative. Enter the universe of Skylar, the former heroine finding her purpose amid constant loss and betrayal. Then explore the dark designs of Vincent, an enigmatic villain who seeks to enrich himself at the expense of others. Will these characters be able to redeem themselves or will they succumb to the shadows? With unpredictable twists and gripping moral dilemmas, "Breakfast of the Lung" will captivate and challenge your perception of right and wrong. Prepare to fall in love with complex characters and their deeply personal stories, where every decision made and every encounter can change everyone's destiny. From shared breakfast to shared adventure, embark on this unique literary experience. Discover how the universe of "Breakfast of the Lung" can inspire you with a new perspective on heroes and villains, revealing that everyone has the power to change their own stories.

Hguel20 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


"He's adorable," Dominique says, carrying on petting the dog's head. "I bet he'll settle down in no time. Look, he's falling asleep!"

Javi smiles faintly. "He's so gentle," he says. "I knew he'd miss me if I left him behind."

The two of them head out of the kennels, chattering away about the animals. It seems Javi has made a point of neatly settling in already.


Whatever you thought of being the only royal at Archambault, having another around feels jarring. Over dinner, Pascal announces Javi's presence with immense pride. "I'm delighted that the Academy's reputation has brought two royals to our walls!" he says.

The applause is deafening. Your table, which seats you, Asher, Beaumont, Dominique, and Javi, is the most stared-at and eavesdropped-on section of the entire banquet hall.

For his part, Javi seems to be enjoying Dominique fussing over him. "May I pour your juice, Your Highness?" Dominique says, with a formal tone that he's never used toward you, and Javi flicks his fingers extravagantly towards his glass.

"Please, do," he says. "That's so kind."

Asher frowns. "May I get you another drink, Prince Irad Motahhari?" they murmur. They don't need to ask what you'd like, since they're aware that:

Asher tops up your juice with their usual smooth efficiency, but as Javi gives another delighted, sparkling laugh, they shift restlessly. Their expression is carefully neutral: they're struggling with tension.

Eyes wide, Asher presses their fingertips against your hand, just for a moment. Their shoulders relax, and they carry on eating happily.

As the dessert plates are tidied away, you hear Javi say your name, and bring your attention back. He isn't talking to you, but to Clemence, who has come over to greet him.

"…yes, my parents have dropped a few hints about building more of a relationship with Westerlin," Javi says, "and maybe that would involve marrying Irad Motahhari, but, well. Just because Rosario's marriage made the Jezhani royals pleased, that shouldn't mean I have to be under pressure. The entire Westerlind-Zaledoan alliance shouldn't fall to me to handle."

Clemence looks like they bit off more than they could chew in the political discussion stakes; Javi speaking so casually about diplomatic alliances and the fate of nations seems to have rattled them. For Javi's part, he looks pleased with himself.

Javi's eyes widen; you've obviously struck a nerve. He rises with a sniff.

"Come, Ibarra," he says to his bodyguard. "I need to finish unpacking."

As the end-of-dinner bell rings, students surge for the doors. You head for Vercher House.


The elaborately wallpapered common rooms would not look out of place in an aristocratic club. There's a small library nook, a billiards table, and an ornately carved and inlaid chess table. Dominique makes a beeline for the card table and starts shuffling, beckoning the rest of you over.

"My aunt," he says, "taught me to read cards for the future. Let's read them for this year!"

"You're a charlatan from the county fair," Beaumont accuses him, but brings up chairs for you and Asher before sitting down themself.

Dominique cocks his head charmingly. "An extremely attractive, compelling charlatan," he says.

Beaumont snorts. "Look at the ego on this one."

Ignoring them, Dominique shuffles the cards once more and turns to you. "Won't you pick, Prince Irad Motahhari?"

Dominique shrugs and raises an eyebrow at Beaumont. "Your turn."

Beaumont sighs heavily and theatrically. "You're ridiculous," they tell him, though not without faint amusement. They pick a card from the pile without a trace of ceremony and turn it over.


It's the Rose. The card depicts the Rose as cankered from the inside, wilting in a dark foreground while a sun rises in the distance. Beaumont stares at it for a moment, lip curled. "Marvelous," they say in a brittle tone.

Dominique looks stricken. "It's not actually about death," he says, scrambling to reassure them. "It's also about rebirth. And change! It's about change. So you'll change a lot this year. There's the sun in the backdrop, see?"

"Yes, I can see it, thank you," Beaumont snaps.

Dominique takes the card and shuffles it into his pile. "Asher now?" he says.


Asher looks nervous as they take a card from near the bottom of the pile. "This doesn't control the future, though, does it?" they say.

"Of course it doesn't," Beaumont says, just as Dominique says, "No one can tell such a thing."

Asher turns over the card.


It's the Ten of Darts. The card depicts a bull stuck with darts, bleeding upon the ground.

Asher's face falls. "Oh, dear," they say. "That doesn't look good."

"It's fine! It's fine," Dominique says. "Don't worry yourself! It's sort of about betrayal. But it doesn't have to be completely. Because it's a Ten, it means it's the end of a cycle. So the betrayal won't last forever."

Asher chews their lip with a worried expression.

Dominique slides the card across the desk, and shuffles it into the deck. "Now it's your turn, Prince Irad Motahhari."

You Pick A Card

Dominique watches eagerly as you turn over the card.


It's the Redwood. In this deck, it's a vast tree overshadowing the entirety of the land around it. It spreads up and over to take up as much space as it needs.

"It's the spirit of authority. Some people think this is to do with tyranny," Dominique says, "but really it's about standing tall and providing structure to your life. You'll do that this year."

You study the card for a moment.

Dominique's smile dimples his cheek. "That's the good thing about the cards," he says. "You can learn about yourself by looking at them."

He takes back the card.

He Shuffles

"And now," he says, "I'll…"

The door opens, and he breaks off. Javi strides in, having finished his unpacking.


Javi pauses in the doorway, illuminated dramatically. The soft glow of the lamplight shines on his dark curls, and highlights the golden shimmer on his brown cheekbones. Dominique smiles eagerly at him; Beaumont uncurls in their chair, watching with interest.