
763rd Break: Repay

One week later. 

The atmosphere in the Fa Duan became calmer with Mo Jiashe killing the rumors behind the scenes. Duan Yuan remained to be the temporary king, but Lin Ze and Qiu Si could see that Duan Yuan was trying to be calm on the surface since 

"How is the situation now in the empire?" Lin Ze asked a messenger from the Jiang empire. 

"The Hangmen became more hell-bent on attacking the empire and there were casualties." The messenger answered. "The respective generals have already evacuated the residents in the next towns so that they won't be caught in the war." He said. 

Before the war against the Hangmen began, the emperor had already the residents moved out of their residences. But, the war with the Hangmen continued and seemed to not be stopping so soon, so the nearby areas were about to get caught.