
Break the Skies!

After getting wounded in an intense battle, The Giant King, Lord Euthymir retired into his palace. On the verge of death, he had to choose an heir, the next Giant King! He created a test and the only criteria needed to pass the test was to have SUPREME WILL!!! Four, an hardworking 18 year old orphan, died in the weirdest way. But he was unwilling to die. 'Is this death? Quite peaceful...' he thought groggily, his mind seemed to be moving at a very sloow pace before being jerked again 'No! I don't want to die! I can't die! I haven't achieved anything yet! I'm not ready to meet my parents in heaven! I just got a good job! I haven't tasted pizza!!' Unknowingly, in that moment, he achieved a breakthrough and obtained Supreme Will! Vote and drop comments

Esbee_writes · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Crazy Day

The New Year's Festival was still in full swing. People were dancing and singing happily all engrossed in the joy of entering a new year. To many, this new year meant a chance to start again and to some, it was a time to set new goals.

Four was dressed in a ceremonial white robe and his face was painted with halee, a dusty red powder. He was dancing around and would occasionally pull out his camera to take a few pictures.

In the wee hours of the morning, he left the bustling carnival and headed to the silent park. Stopping between two luxurious cars, he mounted his newly bought bicycle and happily drove back home.

His house was on Jaser Street, weird name, a dark and dirty place, second only to the slums.

The street was quiet and dark, exuding an extremely gloomy air. Four slowed the pace of his bicycle and glanced around. The weather was quite weird and everywhere was too silent.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Looking down, he saw a dagger lodged in his stomach.

"What the fujjjj...." Blood squirted from his mouth and he fell from his bicycle with hand clenched on the dagger.

Then he saw a cloaked figure walk up to him, this figure shook his head and pulled out the dagger.


Four screamed and tried to use his hand to stop the flow of blood.

"A pity" The figure said and disappeared.

Normally, Four would have been shocked to see such an anomaly but right now, he was feeling his breath being sucked away and eyes growing heavier.

'Is this death? Quite peaceful...' he thought groggily, his mind seemed to be moving at a very sloow pace before being jerked again 'No! I don't want to die! I can't die! I haven't achieved anything yet! I'm not ready to meet my parents in heaven! I just got a good job! I haven't tasted pizza!!'

He was unwilling to die. He was an orphan thrown out to the streets since he was twelve. Since then, he had been struggling to survive, even managing to attend weekend lessons. After he acquired a certificate, he got employed by a weapons shop as a clerk! He was living better now but he had dreams. He had even written his new year resolution and it was just one sentence. The world is ruled by money and the rich controlled power. Every rich man had a certain amount of power in his hands and the richer you are, the more powerful you are. So he just wrote one sentence.


That sentence was infused with all his wishes and all pent-up emotions.

He tried to fight the numbness taking over his body to no avail. His eyes was closing of it's own volition and he could do nothing to stop it.

Then, everything went dark.


He was having the weirdest dream.

He was in a huge, bright palace with golden walls and huge golden statues.

'is this heaven? '

Then the cloaked man that stabbed him appeared by his side.

Four leaped up and yelled "You!!!" but no sound came out of his mouth.

" You will only speak when you are asked to"The cloaked man said in a thick voice " Now follow me and listen attentively... and don't ask any questions"

Four nodded, somehow, he didn't feel shocked or scared by the events happening like they were meant to be.

" I'm One." The man said.

One took off his cloak revealing a middle-aged man with huge physique and heavy beards. His hair and beard was a crimson color.

"This place is called Arovus, the palace of Giant King, Euthymir. Lord Euthymir retired here after an intense battle and decided to nurture another Giant King." One said and walked to the entrance of the palace with Four closely behind him. The statues by each side of the huge palace door were those of a knight. The statues stretched their hands and pulled open the door.

"These things are made of gold, right?" Four asked curiously, his voice had been returned to him.

"The best type of gold" One answered with a tinge of pride.

" What a waste" Four lamented.

He had spent his whole life learning to cherish every single dime. It pained him anytime he saw people waste money.

"Lord Euthymir decided to his heir in line with the Giant culture but slightly different. Giants choose their heirs based on their will. Some people only have the will to live a peaceful life in the woods.

But Giant pick their heirs through bloodline connection while Lord Euthymir picks from a random world. Whoever's will to gain power is strong enough to catch his notice will be picked up upon death and will be given the opportunity to obtain power. If they can seize this opportunity, then they would be recognized as descendants of Lord Euthymir and will be given power above others!

The ultimate power!

The power of a Giant!!!"