
BREACH, leveling V

An ordinary virus who shows his potential in evolution conquers earth, changing them into bloody corps. Gradually, changing the shape of humanity, they are forced to flee like cowards. Being separated from his family, Brian is engaged in a search, in other to reunite with them, fighting and braving all conflict. would he succeed in finding them before the evacuation, and as he pursues his journey, misteries regarding the origin of the virus would be disclosed in his early stage.

malicious_guy · Action
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17 Chs

Major Drask

"DOWN!" Screamed Alex, as she caught Rachel an dragged her down, the later was confused but soon understood the situation, where was this bullets coming from?, She asked herself.

The wrath's body wriggle on the floor but it's will and stubborns, refusing to die, forced it to try a last attempt to fly away, but unfortunately, it had forgotten about his true opponent, asvthe later in question appeared out of nowhere in this chaos of bullets and dust.

Holding it's legs, who where already midair, the wrath strength was being drain out, as Brian pull it back on the floor, the wrath tried his best to fight back, but his opponent strength was strangely to strong.

Brian had successfully trapped the beast on the floor, but strangely, his bodies temperature was increasing exponentially, he could not bear the heat, but if he loses his grip, he would be killed, it is only at that instance, an information appeared in his head.

"Eat it"

"Devour it"

"Prey on it"

"You are the predator"

Those messages were not spoken by the entity inside him, but by another emotions, it was like his body did not belong to him but that of a beast, a hungry beast in search of food to devour, his body had never behave in such a way?, He thought, and with a flash he asked himself,

"Foreign cells?!"

The shower of rain suddenly came to an halt as all the nearby zombies and beast were taken care of, but some still had the chance to escape, which wasn't good news.

Alex and Rachel lifted their heads up immediately the gunshot stopped, only to hear the sound of a military truck approaching them, the truck came to a halt Infront of the dilapidated car, exceeding the truck from behind, a man dressed in a military suet appeared, je had a serious face as he stared at the surrounding.

Alex immediately stood up to greet in an official milltary position.

"Major Drask" Alex greeted, Drask lifted his hand and turn behind, watching the scene displayed Infront of him, he could only smile, as numerous trucks appeared one by one and troops came out well equipped with similar weapons Alex first used against the horde of wraths.

"We are not wasting time here, collect all the sample you can get and rescue the victims, as fast as possible, I hate surprises so you all should better do fast" ordered lieutenant Drask, he had a dominating aura, as all soldiers responded simultaneously.


Shrak shrak....

Those were the sounds of guns aimed at someone, as the soldiers did not know what to do, the human, was he one of the zombies or another type, if so, it had to be captured death or leave.

Before Brian could control his senses, he had chopped up half of the monster, his body heated up, as he could feel his strength increasing.

"Each time you consume a monster, your cells would increase in strength and power, but don't ever multiple your cells again to increase regeneration, that's not regeneration, your only consuming your cells life, if next time your body is out of energy, and you multiple cells, you may age to death" the entity inside Brian warn him, as dizziness took over Brian and he collapsed on the floor.

"Tie him up and place him in one of the trucks" said a nearby soldier, her official position wasn't high class, but it didn't change the fact that, she was caporal.

"Yes caporal Alice" her troop answered, and immediately went into work.

Time was against them, as it was getting late, today was Monday, and the was almost coming to an end, as the sun could be seen setting across the horizon.

On the high way, Rachel sat near Edward cleaning his four head, as he was sweating, the later had developed a trauma, rendering him unconscious for a long while, Rachel could only help cleaning out the blood on his face before sitting down beside him, she wondered what those guys were doing to Brian in the other large truck.

"That's basically what happened sir" Alex gave her report, she basically explain all what happened, in a precise and detail manner, she was assigned to go inside town and collect any necessary stuff which could be useful to the battelion, but her and her pluton came in contact with a strange creature inside a supermarket, it was an egg, a giant egg, one of her subordinate decided to inspect, but a horde appeared out of nowhere, and tge were surrounded, after the sacrifice of all her men, she came out the only surviver, as the last of her men died in the car accident, the rest of her report was based on her encounter with Rachel and her group, including the carrier of the genome V.

"I see, as predicted by Dr. Jericho, the situation is evolving on another level, based on humanity's standard, are kinds are being pushed to the brim of extinction" said Drask, as he reflected on the situation.

Alex, was being treated, as she thought of what the would do with the young boy, would he become an experimental subject like the samples?, She asked herself.

" Major Drask, where are we heading to?" Alex curiously asked, weren't the supposed to evacuate this zone immediately, the were only six days left before the wipe out begins, so why going deep?

"Our mission isn't terminated, due to the importance of the mission, major was hired to give orders, incharge of a thousand men, with ten military trucks, we have to bring back Dr. Jericho" said caporal Alice, who sat near Drask, she was calm, and her presence was hardly fell.

"This is a rescue mission, what's our destination?" Asked Alex.


Brian fell a strange sensation on his body, something liquid, warm and had a strange scent, as it flowed from his head to his chest, as Brian gradually regain consciousness, he could ear people arguing over something.

"Why are you using my tea Bairon?!" Screamed a woman wearing military uniform, she resemble a commando with that set attire, and was heavily equipped with guns and bullets.

"Why are you complaining?, Can't you see him sweetly sleeping in such stressful situation, it's kind of shitting me off, am I right guys!" The man who was actually spreading the so called tea on Brian wasn't different, he was also dressed in commando and was equally heavily equipped with weapons.

"Yeah wake him up!"

"Where those he think he is?, In kindergarden fuck!"

"Yeah hahahaha!"

Added with the sound, Brian came back to his senses, only to find himself tied up, surrounded by a group of 10 men all in a truck, Brian was slightly confused, what happened? He kept asking himself, and the bastard Infront of him did not stop pouring him this hot liquid, and his senses which were dormant immediately reacted as the tea was very hot.

"Ohh, the dude is up, my my, hahaha, my sincere apologies brat, did not notice you were awake hahaha" the man wasn't sincere, as he burst out in laughter, followed by his men's support.

All what Brian could was to glare at this bastard, as he was surrounded by heavily equipped military monster, and they may tear him up if he attempted something, but what mostly bothered him was, where were the going?, Is it going to affect his objective, were is Rebecca, Edward, and Rachel, importantly, who are those guys, are they allied or enemies to hunt down.

Hunt down... little did Brian realize the influence of something on his personality.

Author's note: my apologies again for my grammar, it's quite hard to correct, especially for someone lazy as me lol, I hope the story is interesting, if not sorry.