

Lawrence Flyn was many things. Served in the army during WW2, he took place in many battles. He wasn't particularly strong or even incredibly skilled with guns. For the longest time he didn't know why he lived, when so many friends of his died. At the Omaha Beach, he saw so many of his fellow soldiers cut down by enemy fire and explosions. During his time out of the army, many of his fellow soldiers had died from their debilitating injuries. He found out though. He survived, not due to his skills or strength, but because of his unstoppable will and madness. He hadn't cared for his life since he was a young boy. Father leaving him with a sick Mother. He took any job a child could do but in the end, his Mother still died. Trying to move on with his life, he fell in love eventually. But she too was killed during their trip to Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He joined the army, not out of patriotism, but hate. His spite for the world grew like a fire from that day on. Hoping for himself to die in the war, he never got his wish. The years went on but still, his spite never left him. It wasn't until the year 2010 at the tender age of 95 that he finally saw his foolishness. All that bitterness and hate he carried made him miserable. Life was unfair, but one should never give up on the smallest chance to be happy. In his retirement home he began to make friends with the other residents. Finding hobbies and talking with them. Eventually, he got into anime. It was introduced by one of his friend's Grandsons when he visited. He used the time he had left to indulge in the shows made by the Country he loathed until just recently. He spent the rest of his days comfortably, waiting to be reunited with his Lover once again when he finally passed on in 2018. That was what Raven Branwen remembered right after killing the Maiden to acquire her powers. She fell to her knees and shivered with tears in her magically blazing eyes. "Wh..What have I.. done..?"

Saeko_Kaburagi · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

A New Normal

-Castle Evernight-

As soon as the memories ended, there was an eerie silence that engulfed the room. Tyrian had an ecstatic mad glint in his eyes he only kept at bay because Salem was right here. Watts seemed disturbed but was interested in the weapon used at the end. Hazel saw a parallel of himself and it greatly unsettled him. Cinder could not hold back her tears but otherwise kept quiet.

"Watts, Tyrian, Hazel please excuse yourselves" At Salem's request, the three men left the table.

As soon as they left and the doors were closed, Cinder turned to look at Salem. Only, she wasn't prepared to see the amount of tears that began trailing down her face.

"Mistress..?" Cinder quietly called.

"Lawrence... I'm so sorry.. so very sorry.." Salem covered her eyes and fought back the sadness she felt.

"I didn't know.. I never knew my death had such consequences.." Salem muttered after thirty seconds of suppressing her despair.

"Raven.. loves you very much, Mistress. What he did.. I.." Cinder lacked the words necessary to convey her feelings after witnessing Lawrence's actions.

"I know, Cinder" Salem assured her with a gentle squeeze to her shoulder.

"I do not pity or sympathize with those people he killed in the war. In my eyes, they deserved it. But that spite.. that despair he carried with him most of his life.. I have to help her. I won't let something like that separate us again" Salem stood up and announced, pushing down the violent and despicable voices screaming inside her head.

-Patch, Five days later-

The house redesign took five days in total. Granted, it only took so long because of Summer's quick opinion changes. That, and she wanted to decorate Raven's personal room.

Raven collapsed on the couch after the work was finally over. Face first on the couch, she closed her eyes and felt small hands running through her long hair. There also seemed to be children giggling behind her. She was too mentally exhausted to care until three more sets of hands joined the first pair.

"What are you kids doing..?" Raven huffed and peeked up at Akame, Kurome, Ruby and Yang, who seemed to be putting her hair in different styles.

Raven sighed and sat up, her hair now in a side ponytail. That managed to get Akame to nod in appreciation as Kurome high fived Ruby. Yang herself had the exact same ponytail.

"Well I'm glad you're at least getting along" Raven saw Akame and Kurome smile as they glanced at their two younger sisters.

"Mom! You guys all use that cool sword. When I train to be a Huntress can I use a sword like that!?" Yang got up on her lap and asked excitedly.

"A katana? You're sure? I thought you'd want to learn to fight with your fists only?" Raven knew she was in the very early stages of learning how to throw punches.

"Yeah I wanna do that too but I wanna be like you!" Yang casually admitted.

"..I... No.. You'd be way better than me, Little Dragon. Okay, when you turn ten. That's when I can teach you how to wield a katana. Luckily, it looks like you have three capable teachers in that regard" Raven glanced at Akame and Kurome, who both nodded with a small smile at the thought of teaching their younger sister.

"I'm gonna use a... um.. a scythe! Like Uncle Qrow?" Ruby added in, starting a new discussion about weapons that went on until it was time for Ruby and Yang to go to bed.

Once they did and the house quieted down, Raven sat quietly on the couch with Akame and Kurome. Qrow being outside, talking with Esdeath about Raven's more embarassing childhood and teenage years. The comfortable silence continued on until Akame broke it.

"It's so... peaceful here.." She quietly murmured.

"Not used to it yet, are you?" Raven asked, looking at the sisters' thoughtful expressions.

"No.. I'm accustomed to always moving around. I like it here but.. Mother?" Akame asked, sitting straighter.

"I take it you want to do something once again? Perhaps something somewhat dangerous?" Raven asked evenly, seeing her newly adopted daughter nod several times.

"A Huntress" Akame simply stated, seeing Kurome agree, both staring at their Mother.

"Mmm.... I had a feeling that's something you'd like to do. I suppose that just adds a third reason" Raven finished with a sigh, confusing the sisters.

"Reason? For what?" Kurome seemed a bit worried but Raven just snickered and rested her hands on the sister's heads.

"Relax, you two. All it'll really be is an awkward conversation. I'm going to Vale with Qrow tomorrow but I won't be long, okay?" This did relieve the sisters a little but they were still curious about who she was going to talk to.

Though Raven quickly shut down the conversation when she stood up.

"Now it's time to sleep. It's gotten pretty late already. Summer is taking you all around Patch on a shopping spree. Clothes, toothbrushes, scrolls and expect your weapons to be inspected very thoroughly in her workshop after" Raven informed them, seeing Kurome's eyes light up in excitement.

Akame still looked like she wanted to go along with Raven but eventually relented after a stare-off between the two.

"Fine.. Ruby and Yang are coming?" Akame asked as she got up with Kurome.

"Of course. You can hardly keep them away with you. Ah.. poor Tai.. So much estrogen in one house.." Raven muttered the last part, pitying the blond man.

"Now off to bed. I have to drag Qrow back inside before he blabs too much" Raven grumbled as she stepped out onto the front porch, seeing her Brother stand up.

"Right on time. We were just finishing up here, Rae" Qrow smirked and gestured his head to Esdeath, who had her back facing them.

"Oh and try to be up by eleven for our 'special meeting'" Raven nodded, though confused as to why Qrow quickly hurried inside after she sat next to Esdeath.

"So Raven... You're not Mistralian, yes?" Esdeath asked, catching Raven off guard.

"No. Why? Is it the black hair?" Raven asked, grabbing a lock of her hair and looking it over.

"No it's just that Qrow told me you had a phase where you really really enjoyed Mistralian culture and media.." Esdeath's voice cracked a little before she cleared her throat.

"Oh no.." Raven felt a pit in her stomach form.

"You began to dress as a Mistralian warrior.." Esdeath sniffled and kept her eyes away from Raven.

"Don't.." Raven almost begged.

"And wield a Mistralian blade.." This time, Esdeath couldn't suppress her giggle as she continued.

"Esdeath.. Esdeath... ESDEATH.." Raven took a sharp breath and tried to stop the next words, though Esdeath just kept going.

"So I learned a rather humorous word from Qrow that accurately fits that phase of yours. What was it..? Ah, yes! Mistraliboo" Esdeath finished as she took out her new scroll.

Her background picture being one of teen Raven posing in the mirror with her katana, wearing a yukata. Taken in secret by Qrow to use as blackmail.

Raven barely resisted the urge to faceplant the wooden porch or run inside and beat the hell out of Qrow. Esdeath's joyous laughs, which she'd never heard before stopped her. Maybe it was worth the embarrassment? Just for the moment, anyway. She swore to screw over her brother later and settled on double facepalming while Esdeath finished her laughing fit.

"Aha... I needed that. Truly I did. I'd hate to depart with you on any occasion but this isn't a half bad way to leave" Esdeath wiped a tear from her eye and exhaled softly.

"You're not leaving forever. Quit acting like it'll be a long time before you see me again" Raven huffed, seeing Esdeath shrug in response.

"No, but I wanted you to long for me a little at least" Esdeath fake pouted, seeing the deadpan expression on her friend.

"So where are you going? A specific destination in mind?" Raven asked, hearing Esdeath hum in response.

"Yes. This 'Branwen' tribe you left. I want to see the manner in which you grew up. The Grimm all over the place will keep me entertained and perhaps I can become some sort of Huntress. I talked to your brother for a good while. Him, Taiyang and Summer. Though I can see a few pieces of the picture, I feel as if I'm missing quite a bit as well.." Esdeath side glanced at Raven, who merely nodded at her last words.

"I guess you want to find out for yourself rather than ask me?" Raven looked right back at her and saw a small smirk appear on Esdeath's face.

"I could but that would be in your point of view. I suspect that even if you did fully tell me about your past, that you'd paint yourself as the irredeemable monster you see yourself as. Am I wrong?" Esdeath asked, Raven stayed silent.

"I thought as much. I'm not just doing this for that either. I want to know about this world and what I can offer. Where I fit in here and.. if I can fully change and become something more than my current self" Esdeath stood up and placed her hand on Raven's shoulder.

"Of course, I'll be subtle about my Teigu so the Wizard won't be extra paranoid about you" Raven sighed at her words and shook her head.

"Of course Qrow told you. Quickly becoming BFFs with my Brother already? He has that effect on people, I suppose" Raven stood up and placed her own hand on Esdeath's shoulder.

"Must run in the family. I came to like you quicker after all" Esdeath shot her a wink.

"Smooth. Just call every so often or I'll have to drop by to see if you haven't toppled a Kingdom or something while you're exploring" Raven gave her shoulder a squeeze before letting go.

"Sounds like too much trouble. I'll call you once I reach another continent though. Oh, give me a call next time you go to another battle-heavy world, okay? We'll have fun together" Esdeath smirked before waving and walking off into the night.

"I suppose if I ever land in Naruto I'll ask for a plus one.." Raven muttered before going back inside.

-The next day-

Just as Qrow said, both siblings were up before eleven and out of the house. Deciding not to take a bullhead or boat, they took to their bird forms and flew back to the mainland. Skipping right over the city of Vale, they flew to the highest point of Beacon Academy. Right into Ozpin's office, where the window was courteously left open.

Flying in, both Branwen's shifted back into human form. Though the moment Raven did so, she was face to face with Glynda, who had a scowl on and was ready to fight.

"Been a while, hasn't it Glynda?" Raven broke the tension, though the blonde was ready to strike.

"Glynda, please" Ozpin, sitting in his chair spoke up with a stern voice.

"Ozpin she's a-" Qrow grunted and gave Glynda a look of warning, prompting her to let it go and step back, glaring at Raven all the while.

"Good to see you once again, Raven. Alive as well.. Imagine my surprise when a White Fang guardian in all black armor used a semblance familiar to yours" Ozpin mused with a small smile.

"Yes, I know you've been bugging my Brother with 'hypothetical questions' ever since that happened. You want answers, I have requests. Let's get to it" Raven cut to the chase.

"Very well" Ozpin retorted while taking a drink of his coffee.

"Let's start with why you have a horn on your head" Ozpin inquired, gesturing to Raven.

"'I suddenly became a Faunus' isn't really going to cut it, is it?" Raven grunted and observed the Wizard.

"If I was dumb enough to believe that, I doubt I'd have the Vale council under my thumb and my position as Headmaster. Let's try again, with different phrasing" Ozpin set his mug down and asked seriously.

"Why do you feel so similar to Salem?"