
3. Kyuubi Attack and Time skip

AN: Hey guys, I wanted to increase the word count of the first chapter (I want it to be at least 1000 word per chapter)so I added MC asking for some seriously insane op powers just to be shot down.If you are interested, go ahead and re read it.Who knows?May be one of you guys will meet ROB and he will be generous enough to give you one of those powers haha :)

An:This one is a bit of a rush cause I have to do some stuff at home.


Konohagakure, at night,Hyuga clan compound, inside one of the mansions, a Hyuga baby is minding her own business, doing baby things.

Yes, this is our MC, Shizue Hyuga in the state she aptly named after her favorite Isekai protagonist Rimuru Tempest's <Auto battle mode> , the <Auto Baby Mode>.

It may look like she's just doing baby things, but No!! She's actually doing what she did best in her previous life --> Procrastinating!.



'Maan.....I'm bored. I've got nothing to do beside sleeping and drinking milk! I can't even crawl properly yet!.I hate being a baby. From not being able to control my bowels and bladder to not being able to move around as I want, I hate all of that.It's been over three months staying like this.By the way, it seems like my birthday is July's seventh. So I'm three months older than naruto. It was quite enjoyable having to nothing in the first few days, but It got boring pretty fast. Lately I've been trying to crawl but no results came out yet.Normal babies starts to crawl around at nine months old so I should be able to do it at five or six months old. Cause nature energy and stuff.I've been doing some preparations for the Kyuubi Attack , by doing means asking Raphael to do it. I've also asked Raphael to device something that can conceal the nature chakra running through my blood vessels and disguise my Senjutsu chakra as normal chakra in case I ran into Minato, Jiraiya or others that can sense nature energy.So, she:s busy with that. Hmmm.....what should I do? Should I sleep or make crying baby noises so I can drink some milk??. My parents's resignation seems to have been approved cause I've been seeing my dad around the house all the time without his headband.'

[Announcement: Task finished. Background task for concealing nature energy and disguising Senjutsu chakra as normal chakra is successfully created. Name and Proceed with running the background task?]

'Oh, speak of the devil, she's done.The task name will be {Nothing to see here, just a perfectly normal baby}. Raphael, start the background task.'

[Understood: Starting the background task...successful.]

'Well, that's one job done. I've done everything I can. All I can do now is wait.'


{A few tens of minutes later.}

[Warning: Massive amounts of bloodlust and killing intent detected.]

'It has started huh? Make sure all the emergency protocols are ready to activate.If necessary, you have permission to knock out me and my parents.'

[Understood: All protocols are ready to activated.]

'Well, now it's just wait and see. I hope my parents do not go and fight off the Kyuubi. oh! there they are Good, they don't seem like they will go and fight off Kyuubi. Well, they're retired so, it kinda makes sense.The ones indoctrinated enough might still go in there headfirst even retired. Seems like 'Will of fire' doesn't burn in my parents, which is good!. Oh! we have an underground bunker!! It has a barrier too! Being clan elder's family has its privileges after all.Yes I found out that my grandfather is a clan elder. So, my preparations aren't necessary, huh.Well better prepared than not , it can be useful in the future. I put so much efforts on it after all.'


{Flashback-- 2 and a half months ago}

'Oh! so I'm three months older than naruto.Wait!! So Kyuubi Attack hasn't happened yet. We gotta make preparations for it. What do we have Raphael?.:

[Answer: I can isolate 1/100 of the storage space and fill it with oxygen and nitrogen. And also prepare liquid oxygen just in case. So that you can take shelter in it.As Conscious beings can't enter the storage, I can make you temporarily braindead without repercussions and for your parents, I can device a way to induce that state with minimal repercussions.]

'Danm! fast and efficient as always huh'

{Flashback end}


'Ok no so much, but anyways! At least I have tried hard to make as much physical contact with both both my parents so that Raphael can work her 'Remote controlled temporary braindeath' technique.'



<Rumble rumble rumble>

(Kyuubi stromping, explosion tags and Bijudama exploding sounds)

'Danm, sh*t is hitting the fan out there'

"Should we go out there and try to help?"[Papa Hyuga]

"What are you talking about? If we go out there and get killed, what about our daughter? I'm not letting our child grow up without both parents.We have served the village enough before we retired. Family comes first now!!!"[Momma Hyuga]

'Yeaaa, you tell him that mom.Other people can go to shit, family is more important!!!'[MC]

"Yes, you are right.We can't let her grow up motherless or fatherless.Lord Forth will be able handle it."[Papa Hyuga]

"I hope father will be fine."[Momma Hyuga]

"Don't worry.You take after him, so he will be even more unwilling to leave his family fend for themselves."[Papa Hyuga]

'I wish I could collect some of Kurama's chakra so that Raphael could analyze it.Being a baby sucks.'[MC]


{Three years Later}

In Hyuga compound, Clan elder's mansion, traning dojo--


'SH*T f*ck , what the fu*k is wrong with my family!!! I thought they love me!!'[MC]

"Pant- pant- gasp-gasp (heavy breathing sounds) stop !mom ! my whole body hurts!!."[MC]

"Honey, your stance is stiff and your breathing is erratic.You have to make your moves flow, like a gentle stream.You are still forcefully blocking my moves instead of just slightly redirecting them. Our Taijutsu's name is Gentle Fist, remember?"[Momma Hyuga]

"I've only trained for three days!!!!What do you expect?!!!" [MC]


"That's not the way to talk to your mother young lady."[Momma Hyuga]


"Huff-huff-pant-pant I thought you loved Me!!!!"[MC]

"Don't be over dramatic.And I'm doing this because I love you.You can only live a good life when you can protect yourself ."[Momma Hyuga]


"Huff-huff-puff-puff I'm three !!!!"[MC]

"Exactly!! it's the best time to start training. Move it girl! I know your far from as exhausted as you make it out to be!.We still have 45 minutes left!!"[Momma Hyuga]

"At least do it with moderation!! DAD!! Say something!!!"[MC]

"Umm.. Do your best daughter!!."[papa Hyuga]


'Damnit! are all households in Naruto verse Wife dominated??'
