
July 11th

I absolutely despise the dentist. This is a very important fact about me that I just can't seem to change. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always hated having to go. Even now it's really not the ideal place but I put up with it because it's important...sadly.

Because of the precautions that are put in place for Covid 19, when you show up to the office you text or call them to let you know you've arrived and they tell you when to come in so they don't have too many people trying to go in or out. I think it's a really slick system because you have to spend less time in the waiting room before the hygienist is ready to see you. I like these changes.

Now I don't know about other people, but when I walk into the dentist, there's always this smell that hits you that I've only ever experienced at the dentist. The kind of smell that just screams "you're about to enter the torture zone". When I was a kid I always dreaded this smell because it was only there that I would smell it, now it just smells clean and it's way less dramatic of a difference.

Anyway once I'd entered, got my temperature measured and gotten my hands sanitized, I went and sat down for a quick minute before I met my hygienist. She was super nice and led me to one of the rooms where I swished some real nasty stuff around in my mouth and sat down in the big black chair. I used to think it was like a torture chair but now I find it's super comfy since they can recline so far. Proof that I'm getting old I guess?

Once I found a channel I liked on tv, in this case CSI: Miami, I got the run down on what I was getting done. Unfortunately I had two cavities to fill, one in the upper left and another in the bottom right. Long story short I was frozen for over 5 hours. Which sucked because my appointment was at 5 so all I ate for dinner was a tortilla. That stupid dentist... no shade to them specially, just hate that I needed to go and had to get work done. Sighhhh

I'm so glad this day is done

This has been in my drafts for forever and I figured I should actually post it... it’s a solid 2 months late but at least it’s up?

Questionablemnmcreators' thoughts