
Brain Fog Effect

On her sixteenth birthday, Oxy Jane had a strange dream of entering a city called Cerebra. And Cerebra was the name of a city that suddenly disappeared sixteen years ago from the world. In that dream, she met a boy named Helio who claimed that he was the gatekeeper of the dimension. So, Oxy wasn't dreaming. She had entered into another dimension. The connection between dimension and their world caused chaos. Some people died from being trapped in the dimension. They were attacked by a monstrous head-eating creature called Uron inside. This strange phenomenon was also known as the brain fog effect. Not only that, her school principal, Mr. Dome, was someone who had been watching her all this time. Mr. Dome told her that she was one of six children who survived the lost city. And each of them had strange powers as a result of the horrific experiments. Oxy met new friends. Some were good and others were difficult. She also met people who wanted to use kids as them their weapons because the war will come. Could Oxy and her friends save themselves? Also, could they save the world from the disaster of war?

daemie29 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Unsleep (3)

Oxy was back in the messy principal's office with a red light. She sat up and found Helio standing in front of the large window, with Mr. Dome beside him.

"Mr. Dome, you are here," Oxy immediately went close to them.

Mr. Dome turned his head. "Finally you came," he said.

"Why did you leave me at the office?" asked Oxy, demanding. "I woke up in the evening, and the school was already closed. They said you had closed the school because of the Brain Fog incident."

"I'm not leaving you, kid," said Mr. Dome, patiently answering Oxy's questions one by one. "I was there, but you didn't see me. And I did close the school, as the government ordered. The school will be closed until things get better."

"Do you think it will get better soon?" asked Oxy, somewhat doubtfully. "Uron attacks humans. And humans are still entering this dimension."

"Oxy Jane has a brilliant idea, sir," said Helio. "She thought it would be better to hunt Uron." he shook his head in disbelief. "The idea sounded so impossible right, sir? We can't approach Uron even one step. And the fog is blocking us too."

"Actually..." said Mr. Dome, looking back at the city which was no longer foggy because it was nighttime.

Oxy had joined next to Mr. Dome to see the city through the window. She shuddered when she heard the roar of Uron and the terrified screams of the humans trapped in the Cerebra dimension.

"...I think Oxy's idea somehow sounded good," said Mr. Dome, making Oxy smile happily because Mr. Dome accept her idea, while Helio frowned.

"But how?" demanded Helio.

"We have to get rid of Uron, all of them," Oxy said firmly.

"Wow, that's great. By going down to the city and killing ourselves? No thanks." said Helio who still thought Oxy's idea was something very dangerous.

"Helio, choosing an idea doesn't mean we just do it without planning," Mr. Dome said in a calm tone. "First of all, we accept every idea that comes out. Then we vote for it. And we can choose all those ideas if we want. But, in the second part, we have to think about the method we need to use to gain what we want. Every idea must have a way. From that way, we will know the weaknesses and the advantages of that idea toward our goals."

"But, sir..." Helio still couldn't agree. "We don't know how many Uron are outside. And the victims are growing all the time. There's no way just the three of us could kill them."

"Then we need help," said Oxy.

"Alright. Just try asking people in your dimension to come here to beat up all those Urons," said Helio, sarcastically.

"Okay, I'll get help. Instead of just sitting here and watching people die." Oxy replied.

"Hey, I've fought hard for your dimension!" protested Helio. He did not accept the way Oxy underestimate him.

"Calm down, kids," interrupted Mr. Dome. "I know you're both panicked and scared. But we have to stay calm and in control."

"Then what shall we do, sir?" asked Oxy. "Do we need to tell the authorities about this dimension?"

"The problem is, not everyone can come here, my dear." the old man said.

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"Somehow Uron can drag their prey from our dimension to this dimension," said Mr. Dome. "But we can't reveal this dimension easily."

Oxy and Helio exchanged glances. This time they both agreed that they didn't understand why Mr. Dome said that.

"We can't expose the existence of Cerebra to people."

"But why?"

"There is a reason why Cerebra disappeared from our dimension into this Red Sky dimension," replied Mr. Dome. "There are bad people outside who still want to take advantage of this experiment. They won't help. Instead, they will do something more terrible."

"Are you saying . . . in Skeleta, there are bad people who did this?"

"Yes," Mr. Dome nodded.

"Who are they?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't know much." Mr. Dome sighed. "That's why we have to be careful and move quietly," he said.

"I'll tell you two," Mr. Dome said. "Sixteen years ago, there was a group of people who experimented in this city. That was a big experiment, very difficult and also dangerous. Their experiment caused the city had vanished from the world. It made Cerebra drag down to this strange dimension.

All the people inside the town could not be saved. Only a few were saved, including the six babies who were inside a room in the hospital. You were both there, born on the same day," Mr. Dome watched Oxy for a moment then Helio.

"So... I was born in this city?" asked Oxy. Somehow she felt happy but sad too after knowing where she came from. "That means my parents..." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"I'm sorry, Oxy ..." said Mr. Dome. "I know you want to know about your parents, but I've been keeping quiet all this time. I'm just worried you're not quite prepared to hear about this fact."

Mr. Dome might be right. For a moment Oxy just stood there dumbfounded, thinking about the fact that she was born in Cerebra and became one of the babies who survived. She thought of her parents whom she never met.

"Are you all right, Oxy?" asked Mr. Dome.

Oxy forced herself to nod. "Yes, I am okay."

"I'm sorry," said Mr. Dome again, as if he understood Oxy's feelings.

"No. It's okay. You're right. I don't think I would be ready to hear that fact. I think I won't believe it if I don't know this place. This city."

"Well, can I continue my explanation now?"

"Yes, please."

"So I'm also one of the survivors of Cerebra's experiment. I made sure for the six babies to have a place to live. Five of the babies were very healthy, while one wasn't." Mr. Dome patted Helio's shoulder. "Helio was a baby who didn't wake up. He was in a coma. Until now."

"Oh? So he also lives in Skeleta?" asked Oxy, in disbelief.

"Yes. His real body is in the Skeleta, our city, and he was in a coma until now. I acted quickly at that time. Somehow I found the way into Cerebra, and I found Helio trapped in this dimension. He was crying, but life. That's why I stayed here to take care of Helio. After Helio grow up and was smart enough to take care of himself, I returned to Skeleta. I realized that the five babies had left the orphanage. I searched them. And I found one of them. That was you, Oxy."

Then Oxy knew the reason why Mr. Dome always looked at her. Because Mr. Dome found her.

"And the six babies weren't just any babies. The six of you have an ability. An ability that ordinary humans don't have. Oxy, don't you have the ability?"

Oxy blinked. Did Mr. Dome know of her abnormal ability?

"The ability what?" Helio asked in confusion.

"So... you already know?" asked Oxy, surprised.

"Yes, Oxy Jane. I know." Mr. Dome nodded.

"What do you know?" Helio asked. "What ability does she have?"

"I can do this," Oxy disappeared from Helio's sight, then she reappeared behind Helio.

"Hey, she's gone!" Hello said in surprise. "Is she back to her world?"

Oxy pulled Helio's long hair from behind, making Helio winced in pain.

"What the hell?" exclaimed Helio indignantly.

And before Helio understood what was happening, Oxy moved back to her place before. She just teleported and it felt easier to do in Cerebra. She realized that.

"What does that mean? Does that mean she can enter dimensions back and forth?" Helio asked, still not understanding.

"I just teleported, idiot!" Oxy exclaimed, then laughed with satisfaction seeing Helio's confused face.

"Teleport? Can someone do that?" asked Helio in disbelief.

"Yes, somehow I can do that!" It's the first time Oxy revealed her secret to people.

"Each of you has an unusual ability. I think it's due to the effect of the experiment." Mr. Dome explained patiently.

"Yeah. Then It's good that you have the ability," Helio murmured. Maybe he was a bit jealous about the ability Oxy had.

"If we can't reveal where Cerebra is, we still need some people to help us. People who can be trusted!" Oxy suggested.

"Exactly, Oxy."

"Where are the other four then? They must also have the ability, right?" asked Oxy. "What if we find them and ask them to help us?"

"You have a brilliant idea, Oxy." Mr. Dome praised Oxy, making Oxy smile happily because in class she had never been praised like this. But Hello just sneered at her. "To be honest I've found the other two."

"Hmm. You found the two, I think it's enough. Let Helio just sit here then."

"Hey, don't make fun of me!" protested Helio did not accept. "I have my errands anyway, you know!"

"Well, your job is indeed the most important. Shot your rifle and open the gate." Oxy said, laughing.

"Your tone didn't sound good to hear," Helio protested.

"For now, we'll just do it manually," said Mr. Dome, now moving closer to the bookshelf. "Since Oxy has taken the green pill, you can stay awake for 48 hours after the pill enters your body. You won't feel tired or sleepy." the old man took something from the shelf and handed it to Oxy. A binocular.

"What's this for?" asked Oxy, taking the binoculars.

"You'd think Mr. Dome and I was just sitting around listening to the screams out there. Of course not! We tried to stop the mess as best as we could," said Helio. "Mr. Dome used the binoculars to take a picture of the victim, there is a portrait function, so you can take pictures right away. And the results will go straight into the computer." Helio pointed to the computer on the table.

"Unfortunately our performance was slow because it was just me and Helio. But now there it's you, Oxy." Added Mr. Some, smiled.

Oxy nodded. "Alright, I'll do whatever I can!"

"Wow, so enthusiastic," Helio commented.

"Well done. Now, I'm going back to the real world," said Mr. Dome. "The computer here is connected to another computer at my office. So I'm going to look up the ID from the photo you got, Oxy. Don't forget to press the button on that binocular."

"All right. Leave it to me, sir." Oxy said and she was excited to be able to do something useful.

"See you later, kids." Then, Mr. Dome vanished from the red-lighted room.

"I don't like this red light," Oxy commented, unable to stand for the color.

"Unfortunately we can't use other than red," said Helio, who was already carrying his rifle.

"Why?" asked Oxy.

"Uron will see," Helio replied. "So you are the best student in your school, huh?"

"So now you know about the school?" asked Oxy back.

"Yes. I've read about the school. A place where children study together, right? Is it possible to study with other children? While there is only one teacher?" Hello looked a bit confused.

"I think it's weird to study alone in a room with a red light," Oxy said. "And I am not the best student anyway."

Helio rolled his eyes. "Enough arguing. We're going to make someone die." he stood facing the window and began to aim. "Look, two humans have already been here!"

Oxy also pointed her binoculars. She looked at it, then pressed the button on the right side of the binocular to take a picture. She wished she could do more than took a picture. She didn't want someone to die after this.

That night, four humans entered the Cerebra dimension.[]