
Brain Fog Effect

On her sixteenth birthday, Oxy Jane had a strange dream of entering a city called Cerebra. And Cerebra was the name of a city that suddenly disappeared sixteen years ago from the world. In that dream, she met a boy named Helio who claimed that he was the gatekeeper of the dimension. So, Oxy wasn't dreaming. She had entered into another dimension. The connection between dimension and their world caused chaos. Some people died from being trapped in the dimension. They were attacked by a monstrous head-eating creature called Uron inside. This strange phenomenon was also known as the brain fog effect. Not only that, her school principal, Mr. Dome, was someone who had been watching her all this time. Mr. Dome told her that she was one of six children who survived the lost city. And each of them had strange powers as a result of the horrific experiments. Oxy met new friends. Some were good and others were difficult. She also met people who wanted to use kids as them their weapons because the war will come. Could Oxy and her friends save themselves? Also, could they save the world from the disaster of war?

daemie29 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Knowing Someone (1)

Oxy didn't understand how she agreed to attend the Star Night Party again. It was only because she met with Argen yesterday. That was so stupid, right?


Oxy turned her face and Selena was staring at her curiously.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Selena.

"Oh, nothing." Oxy immediately shook her head, a bit panicked. "I was just thinking about the footage we got."

"Don't lie," Selena snorted. "I've known you all of this week, and I don't recognize that expression." She said as one week was the same as a century.

"What expression do you mean?" Oxy asked back. She couldn't believe Selena was able to understand someone only in a week. That's not possible.

"You only have two expressions. One, your bored expression. You put that expression very often, especially when I asked you to eat something. The second expression was enthusiastic, you used that a lot when we were discussing that nightmare dimension."

"At this moment, your expression doesn't show both. You're... smiling."

"What? I'm not smiling!" Oxy defied Selena's judgment. "And it's impossible for humans to have only two expressions!"

"I'm sure about your expression. It must have something to do with the Star Night Party right? I'm sure there's a boy you have a crush on!" Selena suddenly nudged Oxy's shoulder.

Oxy wished she could control her expression. But she could not hide the blush that covered her face now, because she was reminded again of Argen's blue eyes, curly hair, and that simple smile.

"Gosh, I was right!" Selena covered her mouth with both hands. "Your face is so red now!" She shouted hysterically.

"No! I don't...!"

"Who is the boy, Oxy? Tell me!" Selena insisted.

Oxy wasn't ready to tell Selena. Selena would make fun of her when found out she liked one of the popular boys.

Oxy shook her head. "Nobody and that's not true!" She was still trying to escape.

"Hey. Come on, open up. When will you accept me as your friend?" demanded Selena.

Oxy stammered. "You're my friend," she felt guilty because Selena realized the boundaries she had. "Sorry, maybe I'm just not used to it, talking about my secret to another person was so hard for me."

Selena sighed. "Okay, I get it, Owl. But you can trust me. If I ever betray you, you can kill me, just stab my heart! Betrayal is the worst thing in this world." She snorted.

"You're exaggerating. How could I possibly kill you?" said Oxy, irritated. But also happy because she can feel Selena's loyalty.

Oxy was sure that Selena had a lot of friends before.

"I'm serious. But I'll try to understand you. Again, that's all I can do for you because you're such a unique friend. Please tell me when you're ready. Okay?" Selena urged Oxy.

"Okay, thanks for understanding me." Oxy felt relieved.

"So... did Hydro call?" asked Oxy, changing the subject.

Selena shook her head. "Looks like he's busy with your task. I hope he doesn't forget to eat."

Selena was such a good friend. Even though she looked annoying she still paid attention to people especially when it comes to eating.

"But... We have another big problem! We still need to find dresses for Star Night Party," Selena said cheerfully. "Ugh... I haven't been to a party in a long time!"

Anyone could know if Selena was a party girl, unlike Oxy who's anti-party.

"Don't worry, Oxy. If you don't feel comfortable at the party, we can go home."

Oxy just smiled a little.

"After school, we'll try to find the dress that fits us," Selena shouted enthusiastically


"So what's your prince like?" Selena seemed to be familiar with the fashion store in the city even though she was still new here.

"Uh?" Oxy became awkward at the question.

"I can imagine what dress suit you, but I need to know your prince, so I can determine the right dress."

"Can we not talk about that?" asked Oxy, embarrassed.

"What's Helio like?"

"When did I say I had a crush on him?" Oxy was irritated by Selena's guess.

Selena just laughed, maybe it was her way of getting Oxy to talk.

"What about you? Have you found your prince yet?" Oxy decided to ask back Selena.

"Well, I still don't find my prince yet." Selena checked each dress. "But I know my type."

"What's your type like?" asked Oxy curiously.

"My type is a fun and interesting boy."

"Hey, that's not clear enough," Oxy demanded. "All girls like boys like that too. What kind of physique do you like?"

"Your question is ridiculous. What if I want him to have brown eyes but he has black eyes?" Selena laughed. "I can only describe him when I'm sure he's the one."

"Hmm, okay." Oxy was surprised because Selena still hasn't found her ideal guy.

"What about you? What color are your prince's eyes?"

"Blue..." Oxy reflexively answered while imagining Argen's clear eyes.

Next, Oxy realized that she had revealed her secret.

Selena immediately burst out of laugh. "Amazing!" She screamed so loudly that the people around them turned their heads in disgust.

"Hey, you set me up!" Oxy protested.

"Haha! You seem to have been thinking about your prince so much that you did even mention it, huh?! So are Helio's eyes beautiful?" Selena asked in a mocking tone.

"Stop that! And he's not Helio, okay!"

"Because his eyes are blue, and your skin, you would suit with a dark blue dress." Selena took Oxy's hand, and pulled her, showing her a dress that was hanging on a mannequin.

Oxy did not think that she would be able to fall in love with a dress. The dark blue dress was so pretty.

"You like that?" Selena asked.

Oxy nodded, then she approached the mannequin. She touched the dress. Very soft...

"I'm sure your prince would love to see you in this dress," Selena said with absolute certainty.

"I'm not sure," said Oxy because all the girls would look beautiful at that party.

"No, no... I'm pretty sure," Selena persisted. "Let's buy this for you."

"It must be expensive."

"You have a lot of money, don't you? What the heck are you saving so much money for? A sixteen-year-old girl who doesn't have a dress, it's worth it, isn't it?"

Oxy sighed. She was still holding on to the dress as if he didn't want to let go. This dress would have a special place in her wardrobe that was full of boring clothes.[]