
Boys in Luv

Hans has come out of the closet since he was 13 years old. Ha was dating the school jock, Declan. He knew that Declan is a playboy and supposedly rejected him when he asked Hans to be his boyfriend. Declan is bisexual, meaning he can love both girls and boys. Declan is also known for this noncommittal trait. Many people have fallen in love with him, but none ever dated more that 2 months. But then Declan cheated on Hans with his best friend, Irene. At the same time, Hans’s childhood friend, Richey was cheated by his ex-boyfriend, Nick, who turned out to be straight and started to date Keyshia, an underclassman from the university. How will Hans and Richey take in all of these things in such a short time?

bleachtaire · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ah! Finally done, now I can sleep." I said laying on my dorm bed. Our school dorm have 1 bedroom for every student. Why? Well, because our school is no ordinary school. Our school principal is straight, well kinda, and our school vice president is lesbian. As you can see, out school accept all people regardless of they're sexuality, whether they're gay, straight, or lesbian, and our school doesn't want any unwanted action from the students that are not straight. So, my room is right besides Bagas room, and after that, Nick room, and then Declan room. I'm lucky that I'm far from Declan's room. I also brought an extra lock, because Declan is touchy to all people, and when it's already nighttime, he's very touchy, I mean really. And I brought this from my senior recommendation. How can my senior recommend me? Well, it's because HE, my senior have dated Declan before, and for information, he's not a virgin anymore thanks to Declan. He knows me when he saw me with Declan when we just become officials. As I'm trying to sleep, my phone rang. I woke up to see who it is. Oh, it's Richey. I answer the phone. "HANS ERELBEL! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU BROKE UP WITH DECLAN?! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT! I'M GOING TO YOUR DORM RIGHT NOW READY TO SLICE HIM TO PIECES! BE READY AND OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" Oh no, Richey is mad, very mad. I know he'll find out anyway, but why this fast?! He always gets the information 1 or 2 week after it's done. I hurry to lock the front door. I ran as fast as I can to the front door. Nick was sitting in the main room, watching TV. He look confused why I'm running to the front door. "Why're you running Hans?" he asked. "RicheyknowthatibrokeupwithDeclanandnowhe'sonthewayheretoslicehimtopieces!" I said. "Uh, I don't get it?" he said. I sighed "Richey know that I broke up with Declan and he's on the way to slice him to pieces, and as we speak he's running like a monster through the corridor." I said and his eyes instantly shut open. "WELL HURRY! LOCK THE GODDAM DOOR BEFORE HE GETS HERE!" He shouted. By the way, Nick is gay, and he is Richey boyfriend. After saying that, he jump off the couch and get his own spare lock in his room and run towards the door and help me lock it. "Do you think this is enough?" I asked Nick. "I don't think so, as I remember, the last time he's like this is when you are bullied, and we use 14 or 15 locks maybe?" Nick said. Oh no, we only lock the door with 3 lock, if 5 years ago it's 14 or 15 locks, then maybe now is … 25 LOCKS?! "Wait here," I said and run to my room to search for more lock. Argh! I don't have any more lock! I used it all for my secret hide out.

I ran to Bagas room and knock his door. Well, you could say 'knock' in a way. "What is fucking wrong with you?! You almost knock my door down!" Bagas said in anger. "Sorry, but do you have 22 spare locks?" I ask impatiently. "well, I do have some spear locks, but I only have 9 spare locks, why you ask?" he replied. "Richey is on his way to kill Declan now, and I really need those damn lock to keep him away from killing Declan." I answer shortly. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! TAKE THESE DAMN LOCKS AND LOCK THE DOOR THIS INSTANTLY!" He shouted. I nod and took all of the spare locks and lock the door. "we still don't have enough, will this hold him?" Nick asked. "I don't know." I replied shortly. "You know there's might be something to calm him down," Bagas said out of nowhere. "What?" Nick and I said together. And then Bagas pointed at Nick. "Oh," I said. I knew what he was thinking. And I don't think it'll work. And if he does it, it'll maybe add fuel to Richey anger. "I don't …" as I was talking, Nick asked, "What? What do you mean?". "No don't!" I said. But it was too late. "You know! Distract him!" Bagas shout at Nick. "How?" Nick asked. I feel sorry for Nick. Nick is not like the other gays. Nick is still quite pure. Well, he's the purest in our school that is gay. "Well kiss him or what you dummy!" Bagas said, smirking. "W-w-what?" Nick is shocked. "You don't have to Nick," I said. "Nonsense! HE MUST DO IT" Bagas shout.

"What's wrong with you guys? Why're y'all shouting! I just want a peaceful evening!" Declan shout, frustrated. We all look at him with a 'Shut up' face. "I got an idea! Why don't we just kick Declan out of the room?" Bagas suggest. "That could actually work." I say. Nick just nodded as an agreement. "What do you mean?" Declan ask in confusion. We didn't answer him, we're too focused on saving our own lives and dorm. Nick, Bagas, and I started dragging Declan towards the door. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" Shout Declan. We didn't answer again and do the 'you-know-why' face. I opened all the locks and the door, opening it widely to let Declan through. Nick and Bagas just shove Declan as hard as they can, leaving Declan laying on the hall way with his face on the floor. Some students see this and make the 'oh-I-get-it' and the 'I-know-what's-going-on' face. As soon as Declan is out of the room, I get in and lock the door with 12 locks, making sure Declan can't get in. "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS! LET ME IN THIS INSTANT!" Declan Shout from the other side of the door. "NO! WE WON'T LET YOU IN! YOU STARTED THIS! YOU DEAL WITH IT ALONE!" Nick shout. "WHAT DID I START HUH? ANSWER ME PEASANTS!!" Declan shout. We didn't answer, because Richey is already can be seen at the end of the hall way. We stayed silent for a few second and hear a loud thud. I'm pretty sure that sound was caused by Richey attacking Declan. We heard voices, I think some student tried to stop Richey from killing Declan. They are fools I should say, whoever tried to stop Richey from doing something is a big idiot. Why, you ask? Because Richey is technically a wild hyena. "STOP IT YOU BASTARD! WHAT DID I DO WRONG EH?!" We heard Declan shout. "YOUR EXISTANCE IS WRONG AND ALL THE THINGS OU DO IS FUCKING WRONG!" Shout Richey. Richey is really scary, I think I might have a nightmare about this event. "Should we call Irene?" ask Bagas. "No, we should not!" said Nick. I nod and agree with Nick. "We should, her boyfriend is gonna be killed in a few minutes, she have to be present at times like this, to prove that she is loyal to Declan." Bagas reply. "No way she's gonna come! She's scared of blood, remember." I said, opposing Bagas. "She is?" ask Bagas. "Yes!" I replied. "Okay then, don't call her." Nick said. "GAH! YOU MONSTER!" We heard Declan shout. "SAYS THE MONTER! YOU MONSTER!" Richey replied. Richey's voice is so clear. It's almost like Richey is in this room with us shouting to Declan.