

  Title: I Finally Saw His Face


  I tried recalling where I know the make-up artist from, but I just couldn't wrap my head about her identity, so I let it go. Why am I even bothered about how I knew her? That's crazy, I should do what I came here for, and disappear as soon as possible, I really need to get some rest.

  "Hi, I'm Nora Romero." She smiled at me, as she extended her hand for an handshake.

  "Evelyn Javier." I returned the smile, before retracting my hand from hers, after which I turned to Henry and Mr Joe, and asked them to leave already. I mean, I can't possibly allow them stay back, while I get dressed, right?

  After they left, Nora got to work. She cleaned off the little make-up I applied on my face, before she started drawing her own. She continued adding what I don't know to my face, while I just closed my eyes, as instructed. Thirty minutes passed, and she was still not done, and at a point, I thought she already turned my face to drawing board.