

Peng_tresh · Teen
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21 Chs

Weird outing

There's this guy in church, I mean I haven't talked to him ever, we sat beside each other once or twice now but we've never said a word to each other. Everyone has a secret crush in church and I can't be exempted, you know me as boy freak, don't you?

But I guess after Stormy, my attitude with guys changed, I didn't really give two fucks about guys anymore. Except for this particular guy. Actually, I made a decision not to date any guy again and this one is not exempted, I really like him; his sense of style, the way he dances, his voice, hairstyle which I still bad wanted him to change, his... just everything about him.

It got to the extent that I began to search for him on social media because I felt too shy to talk to him, talking to him could make me change my decision and agree to his dating terms. Who am I kidding? I'm not even sure if he likes me too, he doesn't seem to notice me cuz we've never had even a 'hi' or 'hello' conversation and he has never attempted to talk to me. So, I think I should just crush for like FOREVER. I don't know his name though.

One afternoon, I was scrolling through my Newsfeed on Facebook when I came across the picture of my 'church crush', Rhett. I hadn't known his name but whoever posted his picture mentioned his name, it was his birthday, actually.

'So this cute stuff is plus one, today?' I thought, aloud.

Then, I decided to send him a friend request, immediately. This was a dream come true, halfway though.

Not long after, I received a notification that he had accepted my friend request. I sent a 'hi', almost immediately.

'Hey babe' babe. That was a start.

I blushed a little and a little more 'how are you doing?'

'Very good, and you?'

'I'm alright'

'You sure?'


And everything began to bore me because we kept saying the same thing every day. I began to feel he just wanted to be a friend, and nothing more.

Well, anyway he feels, I'd be very patient cuz I like to get what I want. Just like Jayden. Urgghh! Jayden. There was a time, Jayden tried to teach me Spanish, it was funny though.

Well, the new game is Rhett and I don't think I want to ever play this game in the wrong way. If I and Rhett end up building something, maybe we could be bestfriends cuz I've noticed, relationships don't last and I want us to last for like FOREVER.

I haven't told you, he got a new haircut and he's now cuter than ever. I just wish we could roll with each other. Time will tell, I've got my ways.



"Yes mum?"

"We're going out today. Just the two of us. Mum and daughter" She hugged me and I rolled my eyes. It wouldn't be more than those play grounds, amusement parks, the zoo and the likes. I wouldn't like an outing like that, my age groups go to the cinemas, concerts, art studio, or even the museum. Maybe mum'd do just the stupidiest thing and say we're visiting the Great Wall of China, then we'd book a flight today, like right now. She's been talking about it.

"I don't wanna go nowhere"

"You have no choice, baby. Go put on your best" she walked out of the kitchen, leaving me pissed off.

"I hate you, mum" I cursed.

"Don't say that" Sally burst out from nowhere, dusting her skirt.

I gave her a stare down and walked out. If she was going with us then I'd rather stay in the booth of the car and suffocate. And die! Now I sound like stormy. I miss him, though.

"Well, I'm not going with you both. I'm going to see Evelyn" she yelled.

'Thank goodness' I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Please, be late" I yelled back from the railings.

"Whatever" she ran out.

"Fucked up, bitch" I banged my door hard.

What was I to wear? Where the hell are we going to? I mean, I dress according to the purpose, place and weather of my outing. Fine! I know the time and weather. Winter was setting in, I just have to wear something casual, my way.

After having my bath, I sat in front of my mirror, dabbing my face with my towel, wherever we're going to, I've decided to dress 'my casual style'. I don't put on makeup, so I think you're wondering what I'm doing in front of the mirror, right? I love making silly faces.

Well, I also have to see my face after I pack my hair the way I want it.

I packed my hair in two ponytails, if I was gonna prepare to go out with my mum, then I have to do this. Children do it and I have to do it at this point too. I threw a kiss at my reflection in the mirror and it did the same. You know what I mean, right? Well, if you don't, I don't know what to say to you.

I wore my usuals, everything in my favourite colour, ash; leggings, hoodie sweater, sneakers. This just had to be my simplest style and I love it.

"Alex!" Mum yelled from downstairs.

"I think you look too ash. Too much ash, Alex"

"I don't care, mum. Let's just go"

"Don't you think you should put on something else?"

"No, mum. Besides, you forced me to go out with you tonight"

"Okay then. Get in the car" she gestured, getting on the driver's seat. I just hope she had gotten better in driving because I remember the last time she drove me to school, we almost had an accident.

"Mum, please be careful this time" I pleaded, as we burst into the main street.

"What do you mean?"

"Your driving is whack!"

"Then come teach me how to drive, stupid"

"You know I can't"

"Then why complain?"

"Because you feel you can when you can't"

"Says who?"

"Me! We have a driver, don't we?"

"I just need to perfect my skills, that's why I'm doing this. Do you know the stress of driving?"

"That's why you should leave it for the driver. He's called a driver because he's job is to drive!!!"

"You can't have the driver all your life, can you?"

"Just watch the road" I laid on my back, on the seat. The back seat. This is getting annoying and if I don't let it go, mum could keep yelling till we realize we're dead because of a minor issue.


"Where are we going, by the way?"

"The movies"

Wait a minute. Is she kidding me? If this is true, then my mum needs help because she isn't herself. I think I need to call 911 right now.

"Are you for real?"

"Yeah. Got tickets already"

My brows furrowed 'wow' I muttered. "Thanks anyway" I forced a smile, it wasn't fake, though.


After the break, I never got in again. Thankfully, mum left me outside, I sat on the green carpet grass, few miles far from the place so at least, I catch a glimpse of mum when the show's over.

I wasn't really interested in the movie though. So, it wouldn't bug me if I miss the other half of it.

It was getting darker and the stars, already coming out to play kept winking at me. I smiled, I don't recall anything that could make me happier and give me much peace like the stars. And the moon. When I say peace, I mean inner peace. I was still staring at the dark sky when this cute guy sat next to me. I said cute cuz he's cute, not that I wanted anything from him. I'd never try shit again. I turned and our eyes met, I looked away and rolled my eyes. Did he just smirk? And wink at me? Boys!!! Urgh!! I'm tired of them already.


"Hi, bye" I frowned.

"C'mon, I'd like to know you more"

"And I'm not interested, kay?"


I raised a brow "seriously?"

"I mean, I like the fact that you're sexy and rude"

"Oh! Shut up" how do I look sexy in leggings and this extra-large sized hoodie, almost reaching my knees?

He chuckled "you could be my girlfriend, y'know. I've got the money in any currency you want it"

"Really? You think I really need money, right?"

"No, I didn't say that"

"You were saying?"

"That you'd..." he trailed off.

"Speechless now, right?"

"Your beauty shut me" he winked.

I rolled my eyes "since you've decided to be so pesky, we could be friends. Just friends"

"Then we'd gradually become lovers, right?"


"Tell me about your boyfriend"

That's how they start, when they wanna know if they have a chance.

"I don't have one"


"Why do you say so?"

"Because you're too perfect to be single"

"Perfect, you mean?"

"Never mind. I just meant you've got everything anyone'd want in a lady"

I like the fact that he called me a lady, I hate being called girl. But I still wish I were a boy, though.

"That's a lie"


"Whatever you say"

"Since you don't have a boyfriend. Tell me about your ex-boyfriend"

"He was overprotective"


"I don't know"

"Don't tell me that's all you can say about him. How long did you last?"

"Two months or so?"

"So, if we're dating, we'd only last for two months?"

"No, we'd last for a minute"

"That's harsh"

"Cuz I don't wanna like you and I don't want you to like me. After now, we'd never meet again, except for coincidence"


"No, kidding" I was being sarcastic.

"I want your body" he smirked.

"Excuse me?"

"I want to explore your..."

I slapped his hands which were already running through my covered thighs. I stood up.

"If you can't control yourself, then find someone else your own size" I stared up at him after he stood up too.

"I like your size" he lowered his face to kiss me but I pushed his lips away with my index.

"Just fucking leave me alone, you're so disgusting"

"Am I really?"

"I'd call the cops on you if you're not careful"


"Bye" I ran towards mum, hoping my eyes won't lose sight of her and she won't get lost in the midst of the crowd.

"Where have you been?"

"Left out in the cold" I shivered.

"Sorry, let's get home now" she held my hand as we walked to the car.