
Hi World

Aoi sat at his desk drawing whatever his mind willed him to in the moment. He sat by himself, unobservant of his classmates' antics.

He finished drawing on a page and flipped to the next. He put the pencil onto drew random lines, letting it have a mind if it's own.

The lines began to form a face, a face strikingly similar to the girl he liked. World.

He called her that because that's what she'll always be. His world.

Aoi had only ever talked to World once in their 5 year long school career in the same school, but he knew she must've reciprocated his feelings.

The drawing came to a screeching halt, the graphite marks on the paper having perfectly captured World's essence.

He was going to sneak the drawing into her locker again. Like he has been for the past 5 years.

He signed the drawing with his signature words. "Hi World". The same words he's use almost everyday for 5 years.

Time to put it in her locker again.