
Chapter 5


Ella Young _

The president humbly welcomed as, we had a tour of the Presidential House. All the way through our tour a little discomfort in my stomach. The babies seem to want something, my abdomen felt heavy. I managed to take in the pain. Andy seem to notice it but l brushed it off.

We all gathered at the dinner table, where all healthy dishes where served mostly looked like they where indicating that a pregnant woman is in the house.

First lady : So how many months more to expect this cutie.

Ella : Anytime soon

I felt the pain intensify in my abodmen. I looked down at my legs , there was blood.

Ella : Ah ! Ah! Ah! am in labour.

Andy: Pauline

I stayed on the sit, l could feel the babies are coming. Pauline was the nurse assigned to me take care of me . A c - section was scheduled for me to deliver the triplets but it seems l no longer needed it.

There are high risk of me or either the babies dieing at delivery. They carried me to the headquarters it seems it a room specially made for a child. A basinet was beside the bed.

Ella : It hurts remove them

Doc : Push harder Ella

Ella : Okay ah !

Doc: One out two more.

After pushing for twenty minutes the other two came out. My little boys where now with me.

Andy : They just look like you.

Ella : What should we call them.

Andy : First Calvin, second Kelvin and third Benjamin.

My make copies never stopped making me smile. All triplets hard different characters but there was a difference between Calvin and the other triplets. He had a black mole at his neck. Same as Raymond. It couldn't be does that mean he is Raymond son.

The triplets grew very fast, just at 8 months they could walk and talk. I decided it was time to get a maid to help to take care of the triplets.