
The Origin

it was 3am don't ask anyways we're in plasm's Castle... Mansion... Hou- Lai-... place yea that's sound better continuing on we see plasm creating something sinister evil cruel or even diabolical such as he is... she is... i don't know what they are-

"hey narrator forget about my gender and continue the story"

Wait you can hear me how

"well i am an immortal entity beyond your comprehension any way just call me plasm and continue the story"

what i ok ok not going to question it continuing on plasm create his dastardly creation.

"hehehe i finally done it my masterpiece Hahaha-"

as he was laughing one of his servant come into the room

"my Lord why are you laughing again what kind of stupid thing have you created again"

"well you see my dear, i have created a one of if not the greatest thing ever"

as plasm seems very pleased at what he created he was utterly struck down by his servant

"you mean like that time you debate on what is the better option between a loli or a milf"

"hey that was a very important question (and loli's are clearly the superior option)"

as they we're completely going off topic you can her in the distant

"Ha! you wish"

"Can it Sin you clearly don't understand pleasures you weeb"

"while i LoVeD to hear your rants about 'pleasures' i think were getting off topic right"

as they went completely off topic on they're cultured debate they forgot Plasm amazing thing.

"oh yeah haha, anyways i have created this!"

"a... Box"

"not just any box a box whitin a box and whitin it is another box and another-"

Before he can continue his servant cut him off

"so pretty much it's just a box inside a box inside a box ect... but how long does the box actually go exactly or is it just endless"

"5318008 exactly"

"Why 5318008 specifically?"

"Upside down"

" I see.... and what is inside the 8008135th Box?"

"it's a secret, though there is something thing in there that's probably worth it"

"but what's stopping anyone from just cutting straight thru it?"

"a special enchantment that's so advance and powerful that not even a primordial god or one above all can cut straight thru"

"oh ok so what do you want to do with it"

"i want you Spi to throw this to some random mortal or immortal or whatever"

"alrighty… then"

and just like she was order to she did just that.

as she was leaving the two entity began to argue again

"so you ready for another round {Kitty}"

"oh it's on you son of a {female dog}"

it has begun i don't know how i came with the idea of a box but yeah hope you enjoyed

Luckylawdcreators' thoughts