
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urban
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80 Chs

Change from now on: the transformation of men

"Wang Yue, you keep the money. You won it!" Ye Fei said, looking at Wang Yue's sweet smile, suddenly feeling a sense of happiness.

Wang Yue shook her head and said, "How can I take it? You bought the ticket, and what's the difference between us?"

Ye Fei chuckled and said, "No, no, are we a couple?"

Wang Yue snorted, "Just because others say we are, doesn't mean we are. I haven't agreed to it."

Ye Fei's expression changed, "We were intimate last night!"

Wang Yue embarrassedly said, "Are you trying to embarrass me by saying this in public?"

Ye Fei laughed awkwardly, showing some cleverness.

Wang Yue said, "Even though you're in the trial period, if I find anything wrong with you, I'll dump you immediately!"

Ye Fei happily hummed, looking at Wang Yue's happy expression, Wang Yue murmured, "Silly boy!"

"Wang Jie, we've won! Let's go buy some nice clothes for you," Ye Fei said.

Wang Yue said, "What's wrong with the clothes I'm wearing?"

Ye Fei hesitantly said, "It's a bit revealing."

Yesterday, when he saw Wang Yue in that outfit, he still found her sexy and beautiful, but he was sure about their relationship. Suddenly, he felt that Wang Yue's outfit was a bit too revealing. Even though many girls wore similar clothes on the street, he felt uncomfortable. Especially the way other men looked at her made him particularly unhappy.

Ye Fei didn't know it was possessiveness. In fact, every man was like this. He hoped other girls wore nothing, but when he was with his girlfriend, he hoped she was covered up tightly.

Wang Yue gave Ye Fei a look, "You're quite conservative. Alright, I'll listen to you."

Ye Fei happily smiled and pulled Wang Yue into the women's clothing store. After a while, Wang Yue came out wearing a shawl, linking arms with Ye Fei.

Wang Yue said, "Silly boy, where do you want to go next?"

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "I don't know!"

Wang Yue grabbed Ye Fei's hand and said, "Stop scratching your head all the time, it makes you look silly."

Ye Fei awkwardly smiled, "I'm used to it."

Wang Yue said, "It's not good to get used to it. You need to change. I don't want my boyfriend to look like a silly boy!"

Ye Fei habitually reached to scratch his head again, but stopped when Wang Yue glared at him, "I'll change, I'll change!"

Wang Yue smiled, "I can't stand you! Ye Fei, you're in Jin Cheng now. This is a big city, not the small town you're used to. If you want to establish yourself here, you must adapt to this city, slowly turning yourself into a city person, otherwise you'll be rejected and never fit in. Do you understand?"

Ye Fei thought for a moment, "Um, I understand. Wang Jie, I'll listen to you."

Wang Yue smiled and leaned her head on Ye Fei's arm, "We both need to adapt to this city. Ye Fei, we both come from small towns. Wang Jie knows it's hard for you at first, but there's nothing we can do. We can't change this city, so try to adapt to it."

Ye Fei didn't understand how Wang Yue suddenly became so sentimental.

He didn't understand how much a woman from the countryside had to sacrifice to stay in this city. In the end, this was a patriarchal society. For a woman to succeed, besides her own excellent qualities, the most important thing was to find a man to rely on.

Wang Yue found such a man. However, this man only saw her as a plaything. When he was done playing, he kicked her aside. Ye Fei, this fool, became her lifeline. Looking at the equally innocent Ye Fei, she thought of herself and couldn't help but want to help him mature sooner.

Fortunately, Wang Yue's emotions came and went quickly. She soon said, "Let's go, Wang Jie will take you to have Western food. You need to learn more things, kid."

They took a taxi to the entrance of a western restaurant and saw rows of cars and tidy shops. Ye Fei felt a little guilty and stood up, saying, "Wang Jiejie, let's go somewhere else to eat. I'm a bit nervous!"

Wang Yue stared at him and said, "You're nervous. You think this is just an ordinary hotel. Remember, rich people are uncles, and the decoration in a good hotel, in an upscale place, as long as we have money, we can go in. Do you think this is an ordinary hotel?"

Ye Fei nervously replied, "But I've never been to an ordinary hotel. I've only been to hot pot restaurants and street food stalls."

Wang Yue was speechless, wondering how she ended up with such a man.

"Don't tell me you usually cook for yourself," Wang Yue said in disbelief.

Ye Fei didn't want to scratch his head. Wang Yue's eyes angrily watched his hand. Ye Fei quickly put it down and said, "I won't scratch, I won't scratch." Then he said, "I don't know how to cook. The places I go to most often are street food stalls and Lanzhou noodle shops."

Wang Yue was a little dumbfounded, only knowing that Ye Fei had won 400,000 yuan. She thought he would spend it recklessly, but she didn't expect him to have so much money yet still eat at stalls. In fact, this was the reason why Ye Fei couldn't accept this reality of unexpected money.

In fact, Ye Fei had already been making changes, like renting a house this time, something he wouldn't have dared to think about in the past. And buying clothes, if the bank didn't have so much cash, he wouldn't have bought them, saying, "God, Ye Fei wouldn't have bought them." But these were all small changes. Ye Fei hadn't adapted to his transformation from a silk worker to a wealthy and handsome man.

For Ye Fei, going to a western restaurant was not easy to accept. He was really scared, very scared, and felt very inferior.

Wang Yue also saw it and suggested, "Ye Fei, you're wealthy now. You have hundreds of thousands in your bank account, which is not much for the rich, but it's a large sum for ordinary people. You have nothing to be afraid of. Come on, follow me inside."

"Wang Jie, I'm a little scared. Otherwise, let's go to another hotel. I've never eaten western food and I don't know how to eat!" Ye Fei said.

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Because you've never eaten it, that's why you want to try. I'll teach you."

Afterward, unable to resist, Wang Yue linked arms with Ye Fei and walked into the western restaurant. Both of them were wearing bright clothes, especially after changing, they didn't look like laborers at all.

So they walked in with their heads held high, greeted by the smiling faces of the staff. There were many people in the restaurant, but it wasn't as noisy as the restaurants Ye Fei had been to before. The sound of the piano flowed through the hall.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, Ye Fei said, "Wang Jie, why is it so quiet here?"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "That's how it is in a western restaurant. You'll get used to it."

Knowing that Ye Fei had never eaten western food, Wang Yue didn't ask him. She simply ordered a bottle of red wine and two steaks.

"Ye Fei, have some red wine," Wang Yue said with a smile.

Ye Fei's expression changed and he quickly said, "I don't drink!"

"What are you afraid of?" Wang Yue didn't allow Ye Fei to refuse and poured a glass for herself.

Seeing Ye Fei's nervous look, Wang Yue couldn't help but recall her own first time in a western restaurant when she was at a loss. Someone had taught her to drink red wine and eat steak. Unexpectedly, just a few years later, the man across from her had changed. Now it was her turn to teach others. The world really changes so fast.

Facing the steak on the plate, Ye Fei didn't know where to start and looked at Wang Yue for help.

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Watch me carefully, and see how to cut it."

After that, she used a knife and fork to cut the steak on her plate into pieces. When she finished, she picked up the plate and placed it in front of Ye Fei, then brought his plate over to him.

"Ye Fei, this is something a man does for a woman. It's a kind of courtesy and love. I know you don't know how, so today let's enjoy the western meal. When we get home, you should learn." Wang Yue said.

Ye Fei lowered his head to eat the steak and said without looking up, "Why do I need to learn this? Wang Jie, you can do it."

"I can't always be with you," Wang Yue shook her head and said softly.

Ye Fei didn't hear clearly, "Wang Jie, what did you say?"

Wang Yue said, "I said you're a man, how can you always let a woman cut the steak for you?"

Helplessly, Ye Fei said, "Okay, I understand."

Ye Fei seemed tall, but in fact, he was just an ordinary person who had recently left his parents' care. He didn't know much about society and had been well taken care of by his parents at home. He was still like a child, unconsciously transferring the habit of being looked after to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue was his first woman, or a woman who knew a lot of things. Women have mothers, so it was natural for Ye Fei to act this way.

Watching Ye Fei happily eating the steak, Wang Yue showed a happy smile. She used to be so simple too. Ye Fei's good mood disappeared when the bill came.

The waiter said, "That will be 860 yuan in total!"

Ye Fei's face turned green. They had only eaten a little bit and it cost over 800 yuan.

Walking out of the western restaurant, Ye Fei still couldn't accept it, "It's too expensive, how could it be this pricey! Wang Jie, were we tricked?"

Wang Yue shook her head and said, "What are you saying, don't embarrass yourself here."

On the way back, Ye Fei was still a little unhappy. Although the red wine was good and the steak was delicious, he still couldn't accept this kind of spending. In the past, he couldn't spend this amount in a month. Even though he had money now, it still felt like a huge sum to him. Ye Fei still hadn't realized that he was a wealthy person.

If it weren't for Wang Yue, without this realistic woman, Ye Fei would soon enter a chaotic period. He wouldn't be able to adapt to this change, perhaps becoming a playboy, maybe turning into a parvenu, possibly going crazy, and then being discovered for his secret, ultimately falling into danger.

However, behind this power and reality, the woman who used to be the lover of a big shot changed. It was because of this woman that Ye Fei received the most important information at the crossroads of his life. It was because of this woman that the originally simple and kind boy turned into a man. During this period of change, inevitably, he was influenced by Wang Yue and became more realistic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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