
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urban
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80 Chs

Baby and temptation

After sitting down, Meng Fei proudly said, "Brother, don't underestimate my little shop. There are many treasures inside. Otherwise, why would my place be called Duobao Ge (Treasure Pavilion)?"

Ye Fei smiled and took a sip of tea, asking, "Meng, if you have good stuff, why not show me? Honestly, I've never seen a real antique before."

"Brother, that won't do. Nowadays, everyone's into collecting. If you haven't dabbled in antiques, strolled through Panjiayuan, or dug for treasure, it's hard to socialize. Let me tell you, in the capital, out of 20 million people, at least five million have bought something from Panjiayuan. You know what that represents? It's a market, the hottest market right now. If you're not investing in this, then what are you investing in? Just wait, I'll get some treasures for you to see," Meng Fei said.

Ye Fei listened happily, and when Meng Fei left, he walked into the exhibition hall outside.

Xiao Li, a young man in his twenties who worked at the shop, hurried over when he saw Ye Fei come out. "Boss, what are you interested in? Let me show you around."

"No need, you go ahead and do your work. I'll just take a look around by myself," Ye Fei said.

Not knowing if his eyes could discern anything, Ye Fei curiously tried to use his special ability.

To his surprise, his eyes didn't change in any special way. They could still see through things, but whether it was calligraphy and paintings on the wall, or antique vases in the display cabinets, everything remained quietly in place without any difference.

Disappointed, Ye Fei closed his eyes and, when he opened them again, everything had returned to normal.

Could he have been wrong? Perhaps his eyes only had the ability to see through things and couldn't determine the authenticity of antiques. If that were the case, there was no point in staying here.

"Brother, come in and take a look at this treasure," Meng Fei called from inside.

Ye Fei quietly walked in and saw a yellow seal placed on the table.

"Meng, what's this?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

Although Ye Fei was very disappointed that he couldn't see the authenticity of antiques through his eyes, when he truly saw the antique that Meng Fei brought out, he couldn't help but feel a bit excited.

He believed that whatever Meng Fei was up to, the items he brought out were authentic.

In other words, he had the chance to see real treasures, not just those seen on TV. Thinking about this, it wasn't surprising that Ye Fei felt a little excited.

"Brother, take a good look. This is the treasure of my shop. Many collectors want to buy it, but I haven't sold it," Meng Fei said proudly.

"Can I hold it and take a closer look?" Ye Fei asked.

"Of course, I brought it out for you to appreciate," Meng Fei said.

Ye Fei took the yellow seal in his hand. It was about six to seven centimeters high, with a length and width of about three centimeters. The surface of the stone had a very thin layer of skin, and it felt warm and delicate in his hand. The seal was carved with patterns on all four sides, including a plum blossom, branches, tree branches, plum blossoms, stones, bamboo, and two small birds.

"Meng, what kind of bird is this on top?" Ye Fei asked.

"Brother, you've got a good eye. These two birds are magpies, and they are what give this seal its value," Meng Fei said.

"Flowers, birds, bamboo, stones, it has everything! Meng, what exactly is this treasure?" Ye Fei asked.

Meng Fei smiled and said, "This is a seal made of field yellow stone, known as the 'Mei Que Zheng Yan Tian Huang Shi Yin Zhang' (A very famous and valuable stone)."

"What is Tianhuangshi?" Ye Fei asked.

Meng Fei laughed heartily and said to Ye Fei, "Brother, it seems that you know nothing about Tianhuangshi. It is the most precious variety of Shoushan stone in Fuzhou. Its texture is warm and solid, making it very suitable for making seals. Perhaps you are not quite clear about the origin of Tianhuangshi, let me explain it to you. In Shoushan Township of Fuzhou, there is a water field which is about one kilometer long and more than two hundred meters wide. It is the only place where Tianhuangshi is produced. In ancient times, people used to say that one or two Tianhuang was equivalent to three taels of gold, but now it is one tael of Tianhuang equals to three jin of gold."

After listening to Meng Fei's explanation, Ye Fei's face changed suddenly, and he asked incredulously, "Are you saying that this seal is worth more than ten catties of gold?"

Ye Fei happened to have several pieces of untreated gold in his hand, so he made a comparison. If ten gold bars were converted into cash, the value of this small seal would be over 10 million yuan.

"Haha, of course. Brother, you haven't had much contact with antiques, so you don't understand the value of these treasures. Do you know that the most expensive Tianhuangshi seal ever sold at an auction was more than 40 million yuan? Now you understand, right?" Meng Fei intentionally kept Ye Fei in suspense.

"So expensive?" Ye Fei asked.

"Yes, more than 40 million yuan! You should understand now." Meng Fei replied.

Ye Fei was shocked. His own wealth was also worth several tens of millions, but it was all from external sources, not accumulated through hard work. However, now a small seal could be sold for more than 40 million yuan.

Seeing Ye Fei's shocked expression, Meng Fei modestly said, "Of course, my seal is not worth that much money. But if the price is within 10 million yuan, I won't easily let it go."

Ye Fei could no longer resist his curiosity and used his special vision to see if there was anything special about this seal that could make it so expensive.

He closed his eyes, then opened them again. The seal in his hand emitted a white light, and faint yellow traces could be seen on the light. When Ye Fei shifted his gaze to the Tianhuangshi seal, he suddenly felt a long-forgotten dizziness.

Ye Fei quickly remembered the situation when his eyes were unevenly balanced before.

At the same time, the seal seemed to emit a spiritual energy, entering Ye Fei's eyes. Although the spiritual energy was weak, as it entered, Ye Fei's dizziness intensified, and he soon felt as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, with cold sweat all over his body.

Meng Fei also noticed that Ye Fei's face turned pale and asked anxiously, "Brother Zhang, are you okay?"

After taking a short rest with his eyes closed, Ye Fei opened them again and smiled reluctantly, "It's okay, I was just startled by your words. Such a small thing is worth more than 10 million yuan. It seems that my money can't buy anything valuable."

Meng Fei didn't think much of it, thinking that Ye Fei couldn't handle the huge shock for the time being.

"It's a pity that my piece is from the Republic of China period. Even if it is auctioned, it can only sell for that price. If it were a couple of hundred years earlier, the price would probably double." Meng Fei said regretfully.

Ye Fei suddenly realized something and asked, "Meng brother, are you saying that this item is less than a hundred years old?"

Ye Fei vaguely felt as if there was a layer of gauze, unable to touch it clearly.

"Yes, less than a hundred years old. Brother, think about it. Antiques less than a hundred years old can sell for such a high price. With our five thousand years of history, how many valuable treasures do we have? That's why I say this industry is worth investing in. From the current market perspective, this is just the beginning stage. With more and more wealthy people, the collection market will become hotter and hotter, and profits will also become higher and higher. Guess how much I paid for this seal?" Meng Fei asked.

After thinking for a while, Ye Fei said, "Probably several million yuan?"

Meng Fei opened his mouth and asked for 10 million yuan, but Ye Fei had already felt that this item was not cheap.

"Haha, brother, you guessed wrong. I only paid 500,000 yuan for this Tianhuangshi seal." Meng Fei said confidently.

Ye Fei's heartbeat accelerated. The purchase price of 500,000 yuan, compared with the current market value, was simply a huge profit. This was his chance! Even if he didn't consider revenge, the profit alone made Ye Fei feel excited.

Seeing that he had successfully attracted Ye Fei's attention, Meng Fei smiled triumphantly in his heart. In fact, although this Tianhuangshi seal was precious, it was not as exaggerated as he had said. To be worth millions, it had to be a national treasure, and this seal did not meet the standard. However, in order to attract Ye Fei's attention, he had to exaggerate, otherwise how could he arouse Ye Fei's interest?

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