
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urban
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80 Chs

A sudden change

Suddenly, a dazzling emerald light caught Ye Fei's eye. It was the first time he had seen jade in a piece of stone, and he never imagined that green jade could be so charming. It was simply too beautiful.

Ye Fei quickly closed his eyes and tried to stay calm. He needed to observe the size and quality of this jade carefully. He didn't understand aspects like water head and transparency, so he could only judge the material of this jade by its color.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the color of the jade in the original stone was not very intense, and it could only be considered ordinary quality. Moreover, there was only one fist-sized jade in such a large original stone. The color was not particularly intense, and the transparency was only average.

While Ye Fei was carefully examining the rough stone, he suddenly sensed a breath rushing towards his eyes from the jade. Although he couldn't see it, he clearly felt it. As this breath entered his body, he felt his eyes becoming more comfortable, and his body became soft, as if he was floating. This feeling lasted for a while until the breath disappeared and gradually faded away.

Ye Fei's mind was full of doubts, not knowing if the feeling just now was real or an illusion. Was he too exhausted recently and had hallucinations? He suddenly felt scared because his special ability eyes were the source of his confidence. Once he lost this power, he would lose everything.

He looked at the stone under his feet again, trying to confirm whether his special ability was still there. He found that his X-ray vision had become clearer, and the edges of the jade on the stone were clearly visible. However, he could no longer feel the breath that he had just sensed, as if it had disappeared.

Yes, it disappeared! Ye Fei had a vague idea that his eyes had absorbed that spiritual energy. Although this sounded a bit mystical, special abilities like his eyes could exist, so what was impossible?

After absorbing the spiritual energy, nothing seemed to have changed except that his vision had become clearer. Soon, he noticed something unusual about the time limit for using his special ability. According to his previous experience, this time limit should have disappeared by now, but it was still there.

Ye Fei looked at his watch and confirmed that fifteen minutes had passed, and he was already two minutes over time. Considering the current situation, his special ability seemed to be able to continue to be used. Could it be that the spiritual energy just now caused this effect?

Ye Fei was full of excitement. Although X-ray vision was great, being able to use it for only a short time each day had always been his pain point. Having a time limit was very inconvenient. For example, in betting on jade, if his special ability had no time limit, he would not have been so anxious, disappointed, and even given up just now.

If the spiritual energy in the jade rough stone could really be absorbed, then his special ability would never be restricted again in the future. He could use it whenever he wanted!

Ye Fei's hands trembled with excitement. In his view, compared to this special ability, the jade was not that important. He had to verify this point and needed to find another piece of jade for experimentation. If this spiritual energy really worked, he would be willing to pay any price to buy more jade.

Ye Fei closed his eyes and opened them again. His eyes had returned to normal.

Whether buying jade or betting on stones, funds were needed. His bank deposits were useless, and the best way was to make money with money. He examined the jade rough stone under his feet, determined its value, and planned his next move. He lifted the basketball-sized rough stone and walked towards the door.

Someone was checking out at the door and shook their head when they saw Ye Fei carrying the jade rough stone. It was too dark, without any scabies or loose flowers, and looked too ordinary on the surface. Ye Fei's slightly childish face made the person think he was another young man with a dream of getting rich overnight. Why do young people always want something for nothing?

Ye Fei didn't care about what others thought. When they finished paying, he walked up to the counter and put the jade rough stone on it, asking, "How much is this rough stone?"

The other party never expected that Ye Fei would choose this stone with no special features. When he saw Ye Fei's age, he had a rough idea. He thought Ye Fei was a young person trying his luck. So he quickly said, "Young man, you have a good eye. This stone is not bad!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Fei interrupted him directly, "Just give me a price. I don't understand those professional terms. I'm just trying my luck. If the price is right, I'll buy it. If not, forget it."

The other party had a lot of words stuck in his heart.

At this moment, a burst of laughter came over, "Old Huang, your silver tongue also experiences setbacks. This young man is smart. If you talk to him for a while longer, you can even turn a stone into an emperor green jade!"

The middle-aged man who just chatted with Ye Fei walked over.

"Oh, it's General Meng. What brings you here?" Old Yang said.

Meng smiled and said, "I heard you got a new batch of goods, so I came to take a look. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything I liked today. This young man here just started in this business, and we had a polite conversation in the lobby. You know, newcomers often have good luck. Maybe he can uncover some jade! And then the price of the stones here will increase! Don't scare him away, give him a reasonable price."

Old Huang chuckled and said, "Alright, if you, General Meng, speak up, I'll give you a favorable price! Young man, you can have this stone for 30,000 yuan!"

Ye Fei almost jumped up and cursed. 30,000 yuan, it was simply robbery. As for that so-called General Meng, they might be working together, trying to trap me. Ye Fei always maintained a cautious attitude towards help from strangers.

General Meng smiled and said to Ye Fei, "Young man, this price is already very good. Do you know that the market price of jade is skyrocketing? Lido Company imports its rough jade from Myanmar, and the quality is excellent, so the price is relatively high. The prices of rough jade from other gambling companies may be lower, but those stones are often leftovers that others have picked through, and the chance of finding jade is lower."

"Okay, 30,000 it is then. I've decided to buy it." Ye Fei knew that there was jade inside this stone, but he wasn't sure how much profit he could make. Besides, General Meng and Old Huang seemed to have a close relationship. If he negotiated further, he would offend both of them. For someone like himself who had just entered the business, it was better to play it safe.

Old Huang happily said, "Young man, you're decisive! Once you've paid, this stone is yours. We have a stone cutting machine here, you can go there to have it cut. Good luck, I hope you can uncover some jade."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Thank you for your wishes. If I really uncover jade, I will definitely come back to make a purchase! General Meng, thank you very much."

General Meng waved his hand and said, "No problem, I like helping young people. I won't disturb you anymore."

Ye Fei smiled on the surface but remained highly alert in his heart. This General Meng seemed amiable, but he had to be cautious in dealing with him. He was a person who hid knives behind his smile.

After completing the payment, Ye Fei bid farewell to the two men and walked towards the stone cutting area with the stone in his arms.

When Ye Fei walked far enough that he couldn't hear their conversation, Old Huang said, "How did General Meng become interested in this young man? He clearly sells antiques, but this young man doesn't seem interested in antiques at all!"

General Meng smiled and replied, "Potential customers are everywhere! This young man came here by car, dressed nicely, and he just started gambling on stones, so he should have some spare money. How could I miss such a good customer?"

Old Huang shook his head with a smile, feeling somewhat contemptuous of General Meng's actions, thinking that he was shameless.

Ye Fei was unaware of everything that happened afterward. He came to the middle of the courtyard with the stone in his arms, found a place to put it down, and sat down. Many people had gathered in front, obviously gambling on stones again.

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