
Boundless love.... Xander and Isabelle

"Jump Isabelle" The voice commanded in her head "Jump" Tears trickle down Isabelle cheek as she stood on top of the parapet of the building "Jump" one move, one step and she was flying... falling to her death. Isabelle never took a glance at the sunsets because she always believe there's a storm after twilight,her parents were gone... taken,waiting to catch a glimpse of her parents she'd stayed still listening to everything and everyone. "Go get them,get them" the children danced ,free in their own world. "Go get them,get them" The children all waiting for their loved ones sang joyfully as the airplane descend. "Go get the,get them" They screamed,the airplane blowed up,and her nightmares started then, the hope dashing away without a ray of light to save. "The death certificate was with you all along,why did you lie?" Isabelle mutter,staring straight into the eyes of the only man she'd ever trusted,the only man she'd ruined with her one single decision "why?" "I'll never let you go" "I'm in love with Ian not you" Isabelle move to the door "not you Xander" She'd dragged everyone into her own web of lies,the sister she'd vowed to died in front of her while the one she was link with By blood is slowly becoming an addict in front of her,a serial killer bent on destroying on her was slowly getting a way into her family,how will she conquer all the tribulations right in front of her?when will she open her curtains to look at the sunset. "Jump" Isabelle head hit the ground and everything vanished underneath her.

pam_B · Teen
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100 Chs

Witness to a murder

Meanwhile in the Mack securities protection building Xander is currently in a meeting with one of is client.

"Ma'am you'll be back home very soon, you just have to be patient, we've a strong case on hold this time"Mr badeni one of the Mack securities private lawyer said.

The short blonde hair woman nodded, sitting on one of the couch in the room.

"Isabelle right now you've to be strong,and the doctor will be here in thirty minutes, take the prescribe drugs and I don't want to hear any complaint"Xander said and she nodded again sighing.

"Your P. A band me from talking to my father I just.... "

" You know the rules Isabelle"Xander cut in " No contacts especially now"

"Okay... coffee for you?" She ask standing up.

" Am okay"Xander hummed,Mr badeni drank his coffee and stood up to leave.

"Dziekuje bardzo sir(Thank you very much)" Isabelle thanked him shaking his hand.

"Nie ma zac Ma'am (You're Welcome ma'am) do widzenia sir(goodbye sir)" He bid them goodbye walking out of the room.

"I'll just go through your papers and not down some rules i want you to start following"

" Okay"Isabelle answered dejectedly,still feeling unhappy about the rejected coffee,she stood up to go to the kitchen.

She covered her face to keep her tears from falling, remembering what brought her here.


"Take the documents and submit it to the coo" Her boss said to her,packing his bag to go home.

She works in a company based on oil and the COO secretary reported sick in the morning,so she as to work late to present the document they would be needing for the meeting that would be held in the morning.

She walked towards the office carrying the document,she opened the Coo door forgetting to knock and the files she was holding fell from her hands.

The COO in his late sixties was there on his armchair stabbed around his neck his eyes opened wide,she retracted her step swallowing her saliva,she trembled feeling the urge to scream.


Her heels break and in an instant she was surrounded by three gunmen,she tried to run but it was hard for her, they were all holding guns.

Something sounded in the other room mostly use as a resting room by the COO,the men got distracted and she took a run for it.

She took off her heels disposing it and running with her bare legs,she managed to get on the street, regretting the fact she didn't take her cellphone.

She didn't get deterred she ran till she lost her breath,she stood panting but hearing gunshot she took race.

Not able to properly see where she's going she slip falling downwards,she rolled and rolled and rolled her head spinning and when it all stop she threw up and fainted.

When she woke up she met herself in a room,doctors swarming around at first she was confused and scared but seeing her dad and brother she relaxed.

They told her she was been chased by an assassin and they won't rest till they kill her,her father told her a lawyer working in the Mack securities found her and brought her to the Mack securities.

Flashback ends.

it's been seven months since the accident and by now she as gotten used to staying at the Mack securities protection building,fifty-Five floor with a lot of people living in it,to her it looks like a community and she felt at home and safe,she loves the people here.

But sometimes she felt homesick,she want to talk to her mother,her boyfriend,her sister,her brother,her father but she can't her birthday is coming up soon and she bet she would celebrate it here.'Boring'She grimace.

She took some cookies from the kitchen and walk back to the room,she met Xander scribbling on a piece of paper and she wonder what he's doing.

Xander raise his head up and hand her the papers and files,an alarm suddenly buzz.

Isabelle frown and Xander quickly brought out the phone,he cursed running a hand in his hair,soon enough the alarm was buzzing all over and Isabelle heart skip a beat.

The alarm was known as the 'Danger A'and Isabelle prayed for whoever it is should be safe,Xander stood up swiftly almost running to the door he stopped to bid his goodbye and left.

"Whoever you're please be safe and sound"Isabelle prayed locking the door.


Xander hurried out of the secret passage leading to his company through the back gate and took his private elevator to his office floor.

On getting there he saw the security manager already pacing around, waiting for him earnestly.

Miko look up and breath in relief.

"Sir is here" He inform Marcin kaminski and he turn to look at his boss.

"Dzien dobry sir(Good morning sir)" Marcin bowed and greeted.

" Quit it Marcin,what happened?" Xander said flatly.

" Sir they've got a woman"

"I know, that's why I'm here,what did they think coming inside my company,have you check for any spy 'Cause am absolutely sure someone helped them him"

" Yes sir"Marcin nodded.

For those who doesn't know why Am using some languages, I want to inform you all that the story setting is Poland, warsaw

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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