
Boundless love.... Xander and Isabelle

"Jump Isabelle" The voice commanded in her head "Jump" Tears trickle down Isabelle cheek as she stood on top of the parapet of the building "Jump" one move, one step and she was flying... falling to her death. Isabelle never took a glance at the sunsets because she always believe there's a storm after twilight,her parents were gone... taken,waiting to catch a glimpse of her parents she'd stayed still listening to everything and everyone. "Go get them,get them" the children danced ,free in their own world. "Go get them,get them" The children all waiting for their loved ones sang joyfully as the airplane descend. "Go get the,get them" They screamed,the airplane blowed up,and her nightmares started then, the hope dashing away without a ray of light to save. "The death certificate was with you all along,why did you lie?" Isabelle mutter,staring straight into the eyes of the only man she'd ever trusted,the only man she'd ruined with her one single decision "why?" "I'll never let you go" "I'm in love with Ian not you" Isabelle move to the door "not you Xander" She'd dragged everyone into her own web of lies,the sister she'd vowed to died in front of her while the one she was link with By blood is slowly becoming an addict in front of her,a serial killer bent on destroying on her was slowly getting a way into her family,how will she conquer all the tribulations right in front of her?when will she open her curtains to look at the sunset. "Jump" Isabelle head hit the ground and everything vanished underneath her.

pam_B · Teen
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100 Chs

Let's get married(2)

Isabelle stared at him her face expressionless but she was thinking 'I wish you could smile like that always'He looked more handsome when he laughs his guards were beginning to look confused about what's going on.

"You're joking right?" he asked as he regains his compusure his mouth twitched in amusement.


"You're baby" He tried to stifle his laughter but he couldn't he laughed again.

"Am not" She replied not blinking an eye,His expression hardens turning sour.

"Don't tell me you're willing to marry your sister kidnapper?".

" I am"

" Don't tell me you're willing to leave your boyfriend to marry me?"He asked sardonically.

" I am"

He tugs his hair with his free hand,his last thread of control snapping.

"Listen and listen good Miss Isabelle Collin,Am not a toy you can just play and toss with,woman,GET OUT OF MY TERRITORY"

'This is humiliating'she sighed.

"Am not"

"WHAT!!!" Xander face fall.

"Let's get married" she said again this time looking deep into his eyes.

"You need a doctor,and I can't wait for one to come now, I'll book an appointment for you"Xander fished out his phone from his suit pocket,he really his thinking that she isn't alright, something is wrong, definitely wrong.

"I don't need one" She hissed.

He was baffled for a minute,he walked to her standing right in front of her,no space between them.

"IF AT ALL I WANNA GET MARRIED IT WONT BE TO YOU"He spelled out each word, satisfied she would leave after this.

His words hurt Isabelle a lot but she admitted it's her fault,she shouldn't have accused him without any evidence.

"I'm sorry" she whispered only for him to hear, relief surge into Xander's heart,'The problem is finally over'he thought but her next word was like a bomb to him.

"But you've to"

He opened his mouth to talk but he closed it back,the girl was frustrating him and ruining his peace of mind,he just kept looking at her and she returned the courtesy.

Katy hid by the car,she was worried a minute ago but now she smirked,'way to go girl,you deserve it,him and everything beautiful the world could offer',a while ago.

She was honestly thinking Isabelle would get intimidated and leave,she was the first girl looking at him while making an outrageous offer and insisting on it,she respected the girl more.

Tears started to flow freely from Isabelle eyes,Xander suddenly got concerned.

"Isabelle is everything alright?Is anyone threatening you?"he moved closer to comfort her but what the girl did next completely bewildered him.

She pushed him and ran back to the car,Xander stood in daze,his face filled with utter shock as the car drove away.

Katy came out if her hiding place, trying to hold back her laughter.

"What happened?" she asked guilelessly.

" Nothing"he snapped walking to his car,he glared at his guards and they all got into position,Katy hurried inside the car knowing he would leave her there if she isn't fast and moreover she wanted a free ride and a chance to probe further into Isabelle and Xander fight but he was tight-lipped.

All through the journey he kept thinking about Isabelle.

'What happened to her?,is she okay?'he kept asking himself,he was deeply worried and scared, remembering her teary eyes,he felt guilty he should've approached her nicely,he shouldn't have yelled at her,he kept blaming himself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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