
Boundless [BL]

Min-Li has been granted the opportunity of a Life time to switch Systems. With the start of the new system, Min-Li truly learns what it is like to be boundless.

rilamo · LGBT+
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5 Chs


Min-Li opened his eyes to an all to familiar white space. Sighing, Min-Li snapped his finger impatiently while rubbing small circles into his temple. A small, transparent blue screen appeared in front of his face. Opening his tired lilac eyes, Min-Li glanced at the words that filled the box.

[Cannon Fodder System]

[World Succession Rate: 100%]

[Rank difficulty: SS Rank]

Skipping through the Chunky report Min-Li could only be glad that this World was over and done with. Of Course, Min-Li had completed this mission with full marks due to his Perfectionist personality. But this World was truly too much for Min-Li to even want to think about.

The Cannon Fodder System is a System that Requires it's host to play the part of a Cannon Fodder and ensure the Protagonist's rise to success is guaranteed. Whether it is by being a stepping stone to the main character or even just doing a random event that triggers other more important events.

Min-Li has been stuck with this System for as long as he can remember. He was neither happy nor discontent with the current system he had due to the years he had been with this system. Plus it had its perks, with every world that was completed with 100% satisfaction, the system would reward him with a prize at the end of the report.

Finally reaching the end, Min-Li smiled when he saw the small Icon with a present located at the bottom of the long wall of text.

"Receive Prize" Min-Li held out his hand as a box wrapped in white lace popped out of the screen and gently landed in his outstretched palms.

Smiling in amusment, Min-Li gracefully unwrapped the box and a small pop of confetti showered Min-Li as a voice spoke out to him.

{Congratulations Host, you have received the rights to the Villain Saving System}

{Do You Accept?}


Blinking up as the bright text displayed in front of him, Min-Li could hardly believe what he was seeing. The Rewards from this Mission truly was SS Rank. It was very unheard of that that a Host was able to change systems and yet here he was being offered a chance at a new life.

Min-Li Scoffed, as if he would reject this handsome reward.

"I accept!"

As soon as Min-Li spoke the Yes text box blinked and the voice spoke once more before Min-Li felt his Consciousness being sucked into the dark void.

{Welcome New Host! Please Enjoy Your New Tutorial Mission.}

hello Thank you for Reading the very first chapter of My book. I have always loved system type tropes and wanted to write one my self. I hope you enjoy this! (I am also going to try and update this as often as I can but no promises)

rilamocreators' thoughts